Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 243: Assassination

"Let's call it the Moon-Zhancing Sword."

Su Chen loved this long sword very much, not only because it was a first-class magic weapon, but also because there seemed to be a vague spiritual connection between it and Su Chen.

There is a spiritual connection between weapons and people. This is an extremely rare thing. It has nothing to do with the grade of the weapon. It is purely a matter of fate.

"Little friend Su, in addition to the first-grade magic weapons, there are also many alchemy materials and top-quality herbs here. Take a look at what you need. As long as there are some here, you can choose and take them."

Grandmaster Huang said again.

"No need, I have already chosen the Moon-Zhancing Sword, I don't need any other reward." Su Chen declined politely.

Grandmaster Huang insisted: "The reward written on the mission notice is the reward for refining the ten-star Silver Star Pill. And now, Su Xiaoyou helps the old man refine the ten-star Silver Star Pill, so more rewards should be added. "Xiaoyou Su, please don't be polite to me."

Seeing Grandmaster Huang's resolute attitude, Su Chen asked, "Do you know if Grandmaster Huang has any extra materials for refining Silver Star Pill?"

"Young Su, you want to refine the Silver Star Pill? Just in time, I have an extra one here."

Grandmaster Huang was very happy and immediately took a copy of the Silver Star Pill material and gave it to Su Chen.

In fact, even though this is just a piece of material, the price is extremely expensive. Even for Grandmaster Huang, it is definitely not a gift that can be given casually.

However, Grandmaster Huang was very decisive in giving this material to Su Chen.

This is enough to prove how much Grandmaster Huang values ​​Su Chen.

"By the way, Su Xiaoyou, why haven't I seen you in Tiandan Palace before?"

It wasn't until this moment that Grandmaster Huang thought of asking this question. The main reason was that Su Chen's alchemy attainments surprised him so much. It was impossible for such a young man to be unknown in the Tiandan Palace, but why had he never seen him in the Tiandan Palace before? I've never heard of Su Chen's name before?

"I am not an official member of Tiandan Palace yet."

Su Chen answered truthfully.

"You are not an official member of Tiandan Palace?"

Grandmaster Huang was extremely surprised when he heard this, "Then how did you end up in Tiandan Hall?"

Just as Su Chen was about to answer, a slightly nervous voice suddenly came from outside the alchemy room: "Is the Grandmaster here? Did a young man come to you?"

Then, I saw the old man in the reception room walking in quickly.

His eyes turned around, and when he saw Su Chen, he immediately frowned and scolded in a low voice: "I didn't expect you to come to Grandmaster Huang and disturb Grandmaster Huang's peace. Why don't you apologize! And, come with me." Go back for the membership review!”

"Membership review?"

Grandmaster Huang frowned and stopped the old man, "Please explain first, what is going on?"

"Master Huang, please forgive me."

The old man quickly bowed and said, "This young man came to join the Tiandan Palace. He had a recommendation letter from Grandmaster Gongliang. His subordinates suspected that his recommendation letter was fake, so they went to ask someone. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be from the receptionist. I ran out of the room and disturbed your peace. This is the negligence of my subordinates. Please forgive me."

As he said that, the old man scolded Su Chen: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you come back with me for the membership review?"

"A letter of recommendation from Mr. Gongliang?"

Grandmaster Huang was very surprised and asked, "So, is the recommendation letter true or false?"

"Replying to Grandmaster Huang, the letter of recommendation seems to be genuine. It is a letter written by Grandmaster Gongliang himself."

The old man replied, "It's just that I don't know where he got the recommendation letter from, so he still has to go through the membership review before he can join the Tiandan Palace."

"Su Xiaoyou, it turns out that Brother Gongliang recommended you to join the Tiandan Palace."

Grandmaster Huang finally understood and couldn't help but be filled with emotion for a moment, "Brother Gongliang is so discerning that he was able to discover a talent like you! After all, there is a huge gap between me and Brother Gongliang."

"Grandmaster Huang, this..."

The old man was stunned, his brain suddenly shut down, and he didn't understand what was going on.

Grandmaster Huang turned around and scolded him directly: "What kind of admission review? Didn't you see that Su Xiaoyou was recommended by Grandmaster Gongliang? Why do you need to review it?"

"Go, go, don't waste your time with me!"

The old man was scolded so badly that he left the alchemy room dejectedly.

However, the old man finally figured it out at this moment. It turned out that Su Chen was really the person invited by Grandmaster Gongliang to join the Tiandan Palace. Otherwise, why would Grandmaster Huang be so polite and considerate of Su Chen?

At this moment, the old man felt extremely regretful in his heart. If he had known earlier that Su Chen was such a valued and praised figure by the two masters, he would never have been so dismissive towards Su Chen before.

However, it is too late to regret it now, and I don't know if it will be too late if I start flattering Su Chen now.

Judging from Su Chen's attitude, the two masters valued him so much. It was only a matter of time before he became famous in Tiandan Palace. When, in time, he really becomes a famous figure in Tiandan Palace, it will be too late to curry favor with him.

With the materials for the Zhanyue Sword and the Silver Star Pill, Su Chen left the Tiandan Palace.

Su Chen had a good impression of Grandmaster Huang. It can be said that in his mind, Master Mo from Qinghe City, Grandmaster Gongliang and Grandmaster Huang from Tiandan Palace are all from the same path. They are all the kind of people who love the cause of alchemy and are willing to dedicate their lives to it. At the same time, they are also willing to Do your best to support the younger people.

With such a person around, Su Chen believed that the alchemy world in Anyang County would become more and more prosperous.

On his way back to Anyang College, he passed by a remote alley.

Suddenly, Su Chen felt his heart tremble, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart.

He practiced the "Great Wilderness Soul Refining Sutra", and his soul power was extremely powerful, and his ability to perceive crises was naturally much better than ordinary people.


A dazzling cold light came through the sky.

At the same time, Su Chen had already activated the Sixth Transformation of Wolf Shadow, and his figure left the position where he was standing before. However, because the cold light was too fast, it still rubbed along his shoulder, leaving a deep blood mark.

At this time, Su Chen's eyes had also seen the source of the cold light, which was a masked man in black standing on the side of the building, holding a bow and arrow.

It seemed that the archer in black had occupied the safest and most advantageous position.

However, will things really be as he expected?

A smile appeared at the corner of Su Chen's mouth, and his eyes suddenly turned red, and his pupils turned into two crescent moons. Two rays of light shot out from his eyes, piercing straight into the eyes of the black-clothed archer.

Great Wild Blood Moon!

As soon as the "Desolate Blood Moon" was activated, the black-clothed archer suddenly showed a look of confusion and fell into unconsciousness.

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