Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 240 Silver Star Pill

The headquarters of Tiandan Palace is located on a bustling street in Anyang City. It is a quaint main hall, surrounded by a yard covering dozens of acres and filled with towering trees. The environment is very quiet and peaceful, amidst the bustle.

From time to time, pedestrians would come to the door of Tiandan Palace, and they would all raise their heads and look at the gate of Tiandan Palace with awe. This simple building could be said to have gathered all the top alchemists in the entire Anyang County.

Su Chen walked to the gate of Tiandan Palace and was stopped by the guard at the door.


"If you are not a member of the Heavenly Pill Palace, you are prohibited from entering the Heavenly Pill Palace."

The Tiandan Palace is not an elixir shop or an auction house. Its nature is similar to that of the Alchemy Guild, but it is more high-end than the Alchemy Guild. Therefore, only internal members are allowed to enter and leave the Tiandan Palace.

Su Chen took out the letter of introduction from his arms and shook it: "I have a letter of introduction. Come and join Tiandan Palace."

"Please come in."

The guards immediately changed their attitude. They could see that Su Chen's letter of introduction was clearly stamped with the seal of Tiandan Palace, which was difficult to fake.

Su Chen was brought into the Tiandan Palace and came to a place similar to a reception room. An old man with tall cheekbones received him.

"Who recommended you to join Tiandan Palace?"

The old man asked lazily. All members of Tiandan Palace have the right to recommend new members to join Tiandan Palace. Of course, Tiandan Palace will not accept them if they recommend them. Tiandan Palace will review the recommended objects and only those who meet the requirements will be accepted. Only if you meet the requirements of Tiandan Palace can you join Tiandan Palace.

For a boy of fifteen or sixteen like Su Chen, I don’t know who would recommend him to join the Tiandan Palace. However, the old man can 100% guarantee that it is absolutely impossible for such a young boy to pass the Tiandan Palace. The admission to the temple is subject to review.

This is because the Tiandan Palace’s requirement for members is to be at least a second-grade alchemist, and unless a boy of this age starts learning alchemy right from his mother’s womb, it is absolutely impossible for him to become a second-grade alchemist.

Therefore, the old man's attitude towards Su Chen seemed a bit cold and perfunctory.

"It's the recommendation letter given to me by Grandmaster Gongliang."

Su Chen said, placing the recommendation letter on the table in front of the old man.

"A letter of recommendation from Grandmaster Gongliang?"

At this moment, the old man's expression changed and he looked extremely surprised.

He immediately changed his lazy attitude, quickly picked up the letter of recommendation, opened it, and read it.

The old man looked at it very carefully, and even brought his eyes to the letter paper, carefully distinguishing the handwriting on the letter paper.

Finally, the old man frowned and said, "I can't tell whether this recommendation letter of yours is the handwriting of Grandmaster Gongliang himself. So, you wait here, and I'll find someone to take a look."

With that said, the old man hurried out of the reception room with the letter of recommendation.

Su Chen shook his head. After thinking about it for a long time, the other party thought that his letter of recommendation from Master Gongliang was fake.

At the moment, Su Chen could only wait in the reception room. However, after a full two-quarters of an hour, the old man still did not come back.

"This is too slow."

Su Chen simply walked out of the reception room.

He found that outside the reception room was a hall. In the lobby, there are several large signboards with many handwritten notices posted on them.

Su Chen looked carefully and found that these notices turned out to be some tasks released. It seemed that this should be the task hall of Tiandan Palace or something like that.

This hall is quite popular, and from time to time people come to post or receive tasks.

Of course, these people are at least second-grade alchemists, which are rare in the outside world, but here they are like cabbage for free, and they can be seen everywhere.

Su Chen looked at a few tasks at random, and they were all not very interesting to him. Although these tasks were difficult problems for ordinary alchemists, to Su Chen, they seemed too childish. Not even bothering to solve it.

After looking at it for a while, Su Chen suddenly focused his eyes on one of the mission notices.

"Mission content: Silver Star Pill."

"Mission location: East Hall of Tiandan Palace."

"Task description: Assist in refining Silver Star Pills with ten stars or above."

"Mission reward: a first-grade divine weapon."

When Su Chen saw the mission reward, he was immediately moved.

The Canghai Sword he is using now is not even a first-grade divine weapon. Only weapons that have been specially refined by a weapon refiner and engraved with magic patterns can be called a divine weapon.

This kind of weapon is much more powerful than ordinary weapons. Even a first-grade divine weapon is very rare. At least, Su Chen has yet to see any young student in Anyang College who has it. Even among high-level officials, there should be very few people with a first-grade magic weapon.

A first-grade divine weapon greatly improves a warrior. Take Su Chen for example, if he had a first-grade divine weapon sword on hand, his previous fight with Lu Can would not have been a draw, but he would have been able to suppress the opponent.

"Haha, no way, don't tell me you want to take on this mission?"

Suddenly, a young second-grade alchemist came over and saw Su Chen looking at the mission notice. He couldn't help but sneered, "This mission has been hanging in the mission hall for how many days, and no one has dared to touch it. You actually want to touch it? That's really commendable. Maybe you don't know what Grandmaster Huang is like. If he messes up the mission, it would be a minor blow for him to beat you up."

"What's more, do you think you can solve difficult problems that even Grandmaster Huang can't solve?"

As the second-grade alchemist said, he glanced at Su Chen contemptuously, then walked to other task notice boards to pick up the task.

Su Chen turned a deaf ear, tore down the mission notice, and then walked out of the mission hall.

"No way, he really wants to take on this mission?"

The second-grade alchemist couldn't help but be speechless. At this moment, he actually admired Su Chen in his heart.

But soon, he shook his head - this guy's fate will definitely be as miserable as those who tried to get involved in this mission before.

Su Chen took the mission notice and followed the instructions on the notice all the way to the east hall of Tiandan Palace.

The reason why he wanted to take on this task was mainly due to two reasons.

The first reason is naturally the first-grade magic weapon rewarded by the mission.

The second reason is that the "Silver Star Pill" specified in this mission is the pill that Su Chen plans to refine to break through the realm of transformation.

This surprised Su Chen, and at the same time he also became a little interested to see who refined the Silver Star Pill.

Silver Star Pill is a third-grade elixir that can greatly increase the chance of a tenth-level Condensing Yuan Realm warrior breaking through to the Transformation Realm.

If it is a ten-star Silver Star Pill, it can increase the chance of success of a tenth level warrior in the Condensation Realm to break through the Transformation Realm by 30%.

Don't underestimate the 30% chance. It is very difficult for a warrior to break through the realm of transformation. It is unlikely that even one out of ten will be able to break through successfully. If the probability can be increased by 30%, it undoubtedly means that the probability has been increased by one-third.

If this one-third chance appeared on the market, it would be enough to make many tenth level warriors of the Condensing Yuan Realm break their heads in frantic snatching.

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