Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 223 Boat Banquet

"Brother Su Chen wants Bingxuehancicada?"

The eldest prince's eyes sparkled, no matter what Su Chen wanted Bingxue Hanchan for, as long as Su Chen was interested in Bingxue Hanchan, he had the capital to negotiate terms with Su Chen.

"Brother Su Chen, as long as you are willing to help me, when I ascend the throne in the future, I will definitely give Bingxuehancicada my hands."

Unknowingly, the eldest prince has put away his arrogance of being a high-ranking prince, and no longer calls himself "this prince", but has changed everything to "I".

Originally, he only regarded Su Chen as a useful person. Although Su Chen's potential really amazed him, whether he valued him seriously or whether he respected him in his heart was another matter.

But after talking to Su Chen just now, he heard that Su Chen was not interested in the power that the world was eager to pursue. This made the eldest prince in his heart no longer dare to underestimate this young man who was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

Su Chen smiled and said: "I just accidentally heard that there are ice and snow cicadas in the palace, but I can't be sure. If the eldest prince is sure that there are ice and snow cicadas in the palace, you might as well show them to me so that I can make a decision."

The eldest prince looked troubled and said: "Brother Su Chen, this is a bit difficult. The ice and snow cicada is stored in the secret vault of the palace. Even I am not qualified to enter. How can I bring it to you?"

Su Chen then said: "Then, when will the eldest prince bring Bingxuehancicada to me for a look, then we will talk about cooperation. As for now, let's just be friends first, okay?"

The eldest prince couldn't help but look slightly disappointed, but he knew that since Su Chen said so, it could only be like this.

Fortunately, I have made friends with Su Chen, and I can take things slowly in the future.

"Brother Su Chen, next month I will hold a boat banquet at Yanbo Pavilion outside the city. The invitations are all dignitaries from Anyang City. I would like to invite Brother Su Chen to the banquet as a distinguished guest. Please be sure to show your appreciation to Brother Su Chen. ." The eldest prince invited him eagerly and took out a black and gilded invitation from his arms.

Su Chen originally wanted to refuse, but when he heard that the eldest prince was talking about Yanbo Pavilion, he couldn't help but become a little interested: "Yanbo Pavilion?"

"Yes, since Brother Su Chen is from Qinghe City, he may have never heard of Yanbo Pavilion. It is a very special place. It is said that the owner of Yanbo Pavilion has a very special origin and his whereabouts are elusive. Even the prince wants to see him. It took a lot of effort." The eldest prince smiled.

"Is it the Yanbo Pavilion who is inquiring about information for others?" Su Chen asked.

"That's right." The eldest prince looked a little surprised, "So Brother Su Chen knows about Yanbo Pavilion?"

Su Chen didn't say anything else. He took the invitation from the eldest prince and said with a faint smile: "Thank you for the invitation, eldest prince. I will go."

"Haha, then I will be waiting for brother Su Chen to come."

The eldest prince was very happy, thought about it, and said, "By the way, Brother Su Chen, I will send someone to the Sun family to tell them to cancel all their grievances with you and not to cause any trouble to you in the future. Let’s not have any trouble with you because of Sun Yaozu’s death.”

"The eldest prince doesn't have to be like this."

"Brother Su Chen, why are you so polite? It's a trivial matter." The eldest prince waved his hand. This was indeed a trivial matter to him. The Sun family was originally dependent on his power, so how could they dare to disobey his orders.

When Su Chen heard this, he did not refuse.

Originally, there was no grudge or grudge between Su Chen and other members of the Sun family, but if the Sun family continued to live and die recklessly, Su Chen would probably be forced to destroy them all in the end.

So if the eldest prince can stop the Sun family from committing suicide in time, that would be great.

The eldest prince chatted with Su Chen for a while before leaving.

After the eldest prince left, Su Chen also returned to the small courtyard where he lived and continued to practice.

Seven days flew by.

Su Chen consumed a quarter of the spiritual stone, and his cultivation level increased to half of the seventh level of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

If he continues to practice at this pace, he will be able to try to reach the eighth level of the Condensing Realm in seven days.

However, Su Chen had to stop practicing because he had to report to Anyang College today.

After walking out of the room and calling the sisters Gu Qianyin and Gu Qianxue, Su Chen went to say goodbye to Mr. Mu first.

Because Anyang College has a dormitory specially prepared for students, Su Chen plans to live in Anyang College from today on and will no longer live in Mu's house. Before leaving, it was naturally necessary to say goodbye to the old man.

Mr. Mu naturally tried every means to persuade him to stay, but seeing that Su Chen had decided to leave, he had no choice but to give up.

Later, Su Chen indirectly reminded Mr. Mu, asking him to be careful not to get involved in the prince's struggle for power.

Although Su Chen did not directly name Mu Erye and Mu Sanniang, he believed that the old man should understand.

Afterwards, Su Chen left the Mu family with the two daughters of the Gu family and walked to Anyang College.

It was already noon when they arrived at Anyang Academy. The three of them each took their student ID badges and went to their respective branches. Su Chen and Gu Qianyin went to the martial arts branch, and Gu Qianxue went to the alchemy branch.

The upper court of the martial arts branch is divided into four classes: A, B, C and D. Su Chen and Gu Qianyin were assigned to class D. This is also the class that all new students will be assigned to. Only colleges that perform well in the end-of-month assessment can be promoted to a better class.

When Su Chen and Gu Qianyin came to Class D, a bunch of students had already gathered in the class.

Among these students are old students and new students.

However, Su Chen noticed that these students were clearly divided into two groups.

A bunch of them were dressed in gorgeous clothes and chatting and laughing happily. They were obviously the children of various wealthy families in Anyang City.

The other group of people were dressed simply, and they looked like geniuses from poor families.

A child from a rich family and a genius from a poor family, these two groups are distinct and they all gather together with their own kind.

And it is obvious that the cultivation of the children of rich families is generally stronger. Compared with them, the geniuses of poor families are like foils.

Su Chen didn't bother to pay attention and went directly to the last row with Gu Qianyin to sit down.

"Hey, have you seen what a beautiful woman?"

"I saw it, I saw it, who is she? Why haven't I seen such a number one person in Anyang City before?"

Even though Gu Qianyin wore a veil, her perfect temperament and figure were still noticed by many students and started to discuss her heatedly.

"I know her. She is the daughter of the head of the Xingluan Clan, her name is Gu Qianyin." A rich and luxuriously dressed young man said.

"Xingluan Sect is a small sect. I never thought that the daughter of the sect leader is beautiful."

The children of these wealthy families were talking to each other. Their families were all powerful in Anyang City, and the Xingluan Clan was nothing in their eyes, so they had no scruples in speaking.

They discussed Gu Qianyin unscrupulously, but Su Chen beside Gu Qianyin was completely ignored by them.

Anyway, they didn't know Su Chen at all, which meant that Su Chen didn't come from a well-known wealthy family. He was a child of a poor family and there was no need to be afraid.

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