Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 224 Qi Yuntian

Gu Qianyin's pretty face was cold. She hated being talked about like this. If she hadn't been afraid of causing trouble to Su Chen, she would have turned her back on the spot.

"Look, Situ Ming is here!"

Everyone's attention was attracted by this sentence, and they all looked away from Gu Qianyin and looked towards the door.

Sure enough, I saw Situ Ming, dressed in gorgeous clothes, walking into the classroom surrounded by several followers.

"Hello, Mr. Ming."

"Hello, Mr. Ming!"

Immediately, many new students rushed forward, rushing to greet Situ Ming.

And if you look carefully, you can still see that there are many veteran students mixed in among these people.

"Who is this Situ Ming?"

"You don't know? He is a direct descendant of the Situ family. The Situ family is one of the top ten wealthy families in Qinghe City. Few of their direct descendants deign to condescend to study at Anyang College."

"Hi!~ That's a real rich young man. No wonder even the veteran students flatter him."


A meddler suddenly shouted, "I heard that Situ Ming had a conflict with another new student on the day of registration!"

"I know, the new student's name is Su Chen, and he beat up Situ Ming."

"That's not bad. With Situ Ming's background and status, he will definitely not give up. There must be a good show today."

Everyone was talking a lot, thinking that Su Chen and Situ Ming would have a conflict on the first day of school.

However, no one noticed that when Situ Ming, who was under the stars and the moon, saw Su Chen in the corner, his legs suddenly went weak, and there was a deep fear in his eyes.

"Oh, what a pretty girl."

A fat follower next to Situ Ming suddenly brightened up when he saw Gu Qianyin in the corner.

Although these followers are called followers, they are actually the children of major wealthy families in Anyang City. However, their backgrounds are much worse than that of Situ Ming, so they follow Situ Ming. Of course, they all passed the entrance test and are also new students in Class D.

At this moment, the fat man's eyes were bright and he couldn't help but walked towards Gu Qianyin and said, "Pretty girl, come and touch me."

They were obviously playboys who were used to it. At this moment, without thinking, they reached out and touched Gu Qianyin's face, trying to lift Gu Qianyin's veil.

However, just when the fat palm came within three feet of Gu Qianyin, another hand as fast as the wind suddenly came out and grabbed the fat man's wrist.

"Let go!"

The fat man rolled his eyes and looked contemptuously at the owner of the palm, Su Chen.

These followers were not the ones who signed up with Situ Ming in the first place, so they didn't know that Su Chen was the one who had the conflict with Situ Ming in the first place. In their eyes, Su Chen, who was dressed in civilian clothes, was obviously a kid from a poor family who was easy to bully.

"Hey, let go, are you deaf?"

Another follower of Situ Ming also stepped forward and shouted, "This is the eldest son of the Zhao family. Who do you think you are? How dare you touch the eldest son of the Zhao family?"

"Get lost." Su Chen said directly without even looking at the follower.

"Damn, boy, I think you are really alive..."

This time, before the follower could finish speaking, he was punched out by Su Chen and hit the wall of the classroom.

Seeing that Su Chen was so arrogant, the fat man wanted to use his hands to release his true energy, but Su Chen punched his fat face with a backhand. His whole body was thrown away like a big sandbag and hit the other wall with a loud bang. Loud noise.

"Be bold!"

"Boy, how dare you hit Mr. Ming's people? You are so cowardly!"

Situ Ming's other followers immediately scolded him.

The fat man struggled to get up from the ground, covered his bruised face and immediately ran to Situ Ming and cried: "Young Master Ming, that kid dared to hit both of us. He obviously doesn't take you seriously, Young Master Ming. You must avenge us!"

"Shut up!"

What Fatty didn't expect was that instead of taking action to avenge him, Situ Ming scolded him.

"Mr. Ming, that guy beat us up. He obviously didn't take you seriously." The fat man said in disbelief. What happened to Situ Ming today? If this kind of thing happened in the past, Situ Ming would never be able to swallow his anger. Yes, why is it so unusual today?


Situ Ming raised his hand and slapped the fat man loudly, "Shut up if I tell you to. What are you talking about?"

Afterwards, Situ Ming hurriedly walked up to Su Chen and said with an apologetic smile: "Young Master Chen, don't worry about these few of my followers being ignorant. I will definitely teach them a lesson when I get back."


At this moment, everyone in the classroom couldn't help but gasp. What is going on?

Situ Ming was so respectful to Su Chen and still called him Young Master Chen?

Is this world falling apart?

What is the origin of this Su Chen?

"never mind."

Su Chen waved his hand casually. He knew that what Situ Ming was afraid of was his relationship with Dean Guo Tong of the Alchemy Academy. Dean Guo Tong could probably destroy half of the Situ family by simply stamping his feet. Naturally, Situ Ming did not dare to do so easily. Offend yourself.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen."

Situ Ming breathed a sigh of relief and took several of his followers to sit down in another corner. Not long after, Situ Ming's voice could be heard faintly scolding the fat man in a low voice.

As for the other people present, they felt that their world view had been overturned at this moment. A direct descendant of the Situ family would actually bow to an ordinary young man from a poor family.

After a long time, the buzzing discussion in the classroom gradually calmed down.

Just then.

From outside the classroom, six or seven more people walked in.

Among them, surrounded by the stars and the moon, is an imposing young man with a handsome face, a sense of arrogance in his eyebrows, a straight nose, and a unique curvature at the corner of his mouth, which makes the entire His temperament is extremely outstanding.

Behind this young man, there is a blue sword on his back. His long hair is tied behind his back, but two strands of it hang elegantly on his chest. He looks like a handsome young man.

"This is……"

"A direct descendant of the Qi family, Qi Yuntian!"

Many people present immediately shouted in surprise!

"It's true, a direct descendant of the Qi family will actually come to Anyang College to study!"

"The Qi family is one of the top three families in Anyang City, and Qi Yuntian is one of the most outstanding children of the Qi family's generation. He is only eighteen years old and has already reached the realm of transformation."

"An eighteen-year-old genius in the material transformation realm is definitely a rare existence among the freshmen. I am afraid that Qi Yuntian should be the number one genius among the freshmen of this year!"

Everyone was talking a lot, and for a while, Qi Yuntian's arrival set off a wave of discussion in the classroom.

But Qi Yuntian ignored all the discussions, as if he didn't hear them, and always had that arrogant and cold look on his face, as if he didn't bother to be with everyone present.

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