Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 222 Ice and Snow Chilling Cicada

Unlike the eldest prince, the third prince had a higher background. He was the son of the biological brother of Prince Anyang. In terms of bloodline, the Third Prince is closest to the Prince of Anyang. This is a great advantage for the Third Prince.

Unlike the eldest prince who showed his sharpness since childhood, the third prince was mediocre in all aspects since childhood and was not outstanding among the several princes. However, in recent years, the Third Prince's cultivation level has risen rapidly. He has suddenly risen strongly and gathered many forces under his command.

With the rise of the third prince, the status of the eldest prince has become precarious, which is why the eldest prince is so full of crisis.

The reason why the eldest prince came to the Mu family today was essentially to get closer to the Mu family and to get closer to Mr. Mu. With the status of the Mu family, if any of the several princes can get the full support of the Mu family, then the hope of ascending to the throne in the future will be much greater.

But it is a pity that the Mu family, under the control of Mr. Mu, has not moved closer to any of the princes, and has always been in a neutral state. Although Second Master Mu and the others have a good relationship with the eldest prince, it can only represent them personally, but it does not mean that the entire Mu family will support the eldest prince because of this.

Su Chen knew something about the trajectory of Anyang City's previous life. He knew that the final outcome of the previous life was that the third prince ascended to the throne of Anyang County King, while the eldest prince met a very miserable end.

Therefore, looking at the high-spirited eldest prince in front of him, Su Chen couldn't dislike him in his heart.

"Brother Su Chen, despite my glorious appearance, in fact, in recent times, I have suffered from the third brother's secret losses several times, and have been repeatedly reprimanded by the prince. If this is the prince's birthday party, I will give him another chance. If I present this fake painting to the prince as a birthday gift, I might really be doomed this time. So you see, on the surface I seem to be the most secure eldest son, but in fact I am in a very dangerous situation."

The eldest prince simply poured bitter water on Su Chen.

Su Chen listened calmly and didn't say anything.

"Brother Su Chen, I didn't stop Sun Yaozu from attacking you at the banquet. I hope you won't be offended."

The eldest prince changed the topic again and talked about Sun Yaozu.

"There is a deep hatred between Sun Yaozu's family and you. He is bound to attack you, and he also reported it to this prince before taking action. This prince really has no reason to stop him. What's more, he is dead now. No matter what sin, I can pay for it with death." The eldest prince said.

"I see."

Su Chen said calmly that he didn't need the eldest prince to help him at all, so he didn't care.

"So... ahem, I won't waste each other's time anymore, and I won't continue to go around in circles with Brother Su Chen."

"What does the eldest prince want to say?" Su Chen said with a faint smile.

"My prince would like to ask Brother Su Chen to help me ascend to the throne."

The eldest prince finally talked about his true purpose today. When he mentioned this, the eldest prince swept away his dejected look, his eyes glowed with a fascinating look, and his whole body also burst out with the aura of a king.

If it were anyone else here at this moment, they would probably be impressed by the kingly aura of the eldest prince.

Su Chen was unmoved and said calmly: "I am just a fifteen-year-old boy. How can I help the eldest prince ascend the throne?"

"Hahahaha, Brother Su Chen is so humble." The eldest prince laughed, "Your martial arts talents are even inferior to my own. My prince will not be wrong. In the future, you will definitely become a true dragon and soar through the nine heavens."

The eldest prince's eyes were filled with a hint of fanaticism. He knew that a genius who could leapfrog the fourth level and defeat his opponent was definitely a rare find in a century. The reason why he was not famous yet was because Su Chen had not grown up yet.

If Su Chen is given time to grow up, the eldest prince believes that it is only a matter of time before Su Chen becomes the top powerhouse in Anyang County.

The eldest prince believed that his vision was correct. What he had to do now was to get this potential stock into his own hands before other princes saw Su Chen's potential.

"If my prince ascends the throne in the future, brother Su Chen will be the great contributors. My prince can promise to share the supreme power of Anyang County with brother Su Chen." The eldest prince spoke again and said shocking words.

If other people heard this, they would definitely be shocked to the point of numbness. Whether it is the emperor of a country or the king of a county, from ancient times to the present, there has never been a person in power who dared to say that he would share power with others. To share the power of the king of a county with the prince of Anyang County, that would be What a supreme honor.

Therefore, after the eldest prince said this, he was very sure that Su Chen would agree to him immediately. His eyes were also full of expectation.

But soon, the eldest prince became disappointed.

Because after hearing the words of the eldest prince, Su Chen's expression did not change at all. His eyes were clear and deep, just like the starry sky, and there was no trace of any heartbeat or enthusiasm at all.

It felt like the power and honor that the world pursued were just passing clouds in his eyes.

"I have no interest in power."

Su Chen said, he was Alchemy Emperor in his previous life, and the power he held was not comparable to the power of secular princes. He had no interest in these secular powers at all.

He has only one goal to pursue in this life, which is to achieve the highest level of martial arts, shatter the void, and transform mortals into gods.

The eldest prince looked surprised. Even if he was beaten to death, he would never have expected that Su Chen would answer him like this.

Originally, he thought that what he promised to Su Chen was an honor that many people could not even imagine. It was equivalent to revealing all his trump cards to Su Chen, but Su Chen was unmoved.

This made the eldest prince not know what to say for a moment.

This is the best that I can do. Do I have to give up the throne to Su Chen? Stop joking.

"I wonder what conditions Brother Su Chen needs to help this prince ascend to the throne?" The eldest prince asked simply. Guessing is a waste of time anyway, so it is better to ask directly.

If you, Su Chen, are not interested in power, how can you still be uninterested in everything? That is impossible, wealth, resources, beauty, men will always be interested in one of them, but if they are not interested in them all, they are saints.

Su Chen thought for a while and asked, "Has the eldest prince ever heard of Ice and Snow Han Cicada?"

"Ice and Snow Chilling?"

The eldest prince looked surprised. He did know that this thing was a valuable treasure of the palace, and only every generation of Anyang princes was qualified to inherit it, but he didn't know what it was for.

Unexpectedly, Su Chen actually knew about this ice and snow cicada.

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