Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 221: Killing the Realm of Objects


This shocking slash landed on Sun Yaozu's head in the blink of an eye.

It was at this moment that Sun Yaozu reacted. Before he could understand what was going on, he saw that Su Chen's sword light had struck the top of his head.

How can it be?

He was obviously dealing with Su Chen, why did it suddenly become like this?

In such a short period of time, Sun Yaozu's body had no time to react.

Surprise, panic, despair... these emotions had just had time to appear in Sun Yaozu's mind.

His whole body had been split into two halves by this shocking strike.


Sun Yaozu's body split into two halves and fell to the ground in despair.


At this moment, the whole audience was in an uproar!

"How is it possible that Su Chen actually killed Sun Yaozu!"

"Beheading his opponent to the fourth level, this Su Chen is really a monster."

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. Su Chen, who was at the seventh level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, actually hacked Sun Yaozu, who was at the Transformation Object Realm, on the spot.

The majestic genius of the Material Transformation Realm was just chopped off by a sword at the seventh level of the Condensation Realm?

Such a ridiculous event happened right before their eyes, subverting their outlook and cognition.

"Oh my God, this Su Chen has such strong potential. He can kill the Transformation Realm at the seventh level of the Condensation Realm. If he grows to the Transformation Realm, what's the point?"

"Why do I feel that during the last move, Sun Yaozu stood still as if possessed by an evil spirit? It looked as if he was waiting for Su Chen's blow."

"I don't know, maybe it's just that Sun Yaozu underestimated the enemy. In any case, Su Chen can jump through four levels to kill powerful enemies, and it also includes a big realm. He has endless potential. No wonder the old man treats him so politely."

Everyone was talking about it. Su Chen's image in their minds had undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.

a long time.

The discussion in the hall gradually died down.

Everyone turned their attention to the eldest prince on the main seat.

Sun Yaozu was a follower of the eldest prince, and he was killed with a sword in public at this moment. According to common sense, the eldest prince would definitely pursue it to the end.

Even people like Mu Baye have begun to prepare to send people to invite Mr. Mu to come over.

The face of the eldest prince is indeed very ugly. Even if you look closely, you can see that the eldest prince's hands are shaking slightly, which shows the anger in the eldest prince's heart at this moment.

Although Sun Yaozu was not the most capable attendant around the eldest prince, he was still a very important person, and now he was killed with a sword at the Mu family's banquet.

The eldest prince will not turn his back on the Mu family, but he is bound to question Su Chen. Otherwise, where will the eldest prince's face be?

But, just when everyone thought Su Chen was dead.

"Ha ha ha ha"

The eldest prince suddenly relaxed and laughed loudly, "Okay, what a genius. I admire your potential very much."

The eldest prince looked at Su Chen with admiration in his eyes. Even if he looked carefully, it was not difficult to see a hint of heartache in his eyes. After all, he had lost a genius at the Transformation Realm. It was impossible not to feel heartache.

But the eldest prince knows that the dead are dead, and the most important thing is to grasp the living.

The fact that Su Chen was able to use his cultivation power at the seventh level of the Condensing Yuan Realm to destroy the Material Realm showed that he had a potential a hundred times higher than that of Sun Yaozu.

If such a supreme genius can be brought under his command, he will definitely be a great help for the eldest prince to ascend to the position of heir in the future.

At this moment, the eldest prince had already made a decision, that is, he must take Su Chen under his command.

"Second Master Mu, I would like to sit alone with Su Chen and have a cup of tea." The eldest prince said to Second Master Mu with a smile.

Second Master Mu coughed lightly, obviously he did not expect that the eldest prince would react like this, but since the eldest prince asked, Second Master Mu would not refuse.


Su Chen and the eldest prince entered a quiet tea room next to the banquet hall.

"I wonder where Brother Su Chen is from, but he can have such an amazing talent in martial arts." The eldest prince couldn't wait to ask Su Chen, with a hint of fire in his eyes.

Su Chen knew that asking about the origin was proof that the eldest prince was interested in wooing him.

"Qinghe City."

"It turns out he is from Qinghe City."

The eldest prince breathed a sigh of relief, but the burning color in his eyes became even stronger. Coming from Qinghe City, this proves that Su Chen has no ties to Anyang City and does not belong to any force in Anyang City. This makes it easier for him to be taken under his command.

"I haven't thanked you enough, Brother Su Chen. Just now you pointed out that the "Yunlong Guanhai Map" was fake, which saved me from a disaster."

The eldest prince smiled and said that he was sincerely grateful to Su Chen for this matter. Although he was slightly unhappy at first because he had lost face, after turning this corner, he quickly understood that Su Chen had helped him. A huge favor.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to be polite. It's just a matter of effort."

Su Chen smiled lightly.

"Brother Su Chen, please don't say that. You have done my prince a great favor. If my prince had given the fake painting to the prince without knowing anything, then my prince would have been doomed."

The eldest prince said seriously.

"The prince is serious, it's just a painting, it shouldn't be like this."

Su Chen smiled, but he was a little curious. Looking at the serious expression on the eldest prince's face, it doesn't look like he is joking, but after all, the eldest prince is the first prince in the line of succession, so how can he fall into a desperate situation just because of a fake painting.

"Brother Su Chen, my prince's words are absolutely not exaggerated. Do you know what kind of situation my prince is facing now?" the eldest prince said.

"The eldest prince is the first in line, so his situation is naturally the smoothest and his position is the most secure." Su Chen said with a faint smile.

Su Chen knew that the eldest prince was originally a child of a lowly branch of the Anyang County Prince's Palace. Because he had shown extraordinary talent since he was a child, he stood out among all the children of the royal family and was the first to be selected as the crown prince.

And because he is the eldest prince, older and more powerful, he has the largest number of forces that rely on him, and he can be said to be the most powerful contender for the throne.

However, when the eldest prince heard what Su Chen said, he shook his head: "Brother Su Chen, what you said is wrong. Although I am the eldest prince, I am only glamorous on the surface. In fact, my third brother is the hidden secret." Although Feng appears to be keeping a low profile, in fact, there are many people who secretly rely on him, and the power under his command is no worse than mine. "

Third brother!

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. He knew that the third brother mentioned by the eldest prince was referring to the third prince.

Although the several princes are not biological brothers, because they are all named princes of Anyang County Prince, they treat each other as brothers.

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