Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 15 Overlapping Waves

After Xu Yin left, Su Chen began to practice.

There are still three days before the Jiang family meeting, and Su Chen plans to use these three days to practice a martial arts.

When he was in Zhengyi Sect, he also practiced several martial arts. However, those martial arts skills now seem to be too low in intensity and have limited development potential. Su Chen does not intend to continue practicing.

Therefore, he needs a better martial arts.

Needless to say, the importance of martial arts to warriors. Take Wang Teng who is in Zuixianju today as an example. The reason why Su Chen was able to break his leg with one punch was because Su Chen’s cultivation level is at the eighth level of the Qi-entraining realm, crushing the Qi-entrainment realm. Wang Teng, who is at the seventh level. With strength alone, Wang Teng can be completely defeated.

However, if Wang Teng was replaced by a warrior at the eighth level of the Qi-inducing realm, if Su Chen still wanted to win, he would have to rely on martial arts.

Good martial arts can allow a warrior's cultivation to be brought into full play. Therefore, in a fight between two warriors with the same cultivation level, the one with better martial arts skills will usually win.

Even superior martial arts can allow a warrior to perform beyond his level and even defeat opponents with a higher level of cultivation than himself.

Su Chen was the Alchemy Emperor in his previous life, so he had a vast array of martial arts skills in his memory. Taking out any of them at random would arouse everyone in Qinghe City to follow him crazily.

However, how to choose the first martial skill to practice after rebirth put Su Chen into a difficult choice.

Those god-level martial arts that destroyed heaven and earth that he mastered in his previous life cannot be practiced, because Su Chen's current cultivation level is far from meeting the standards for practicing those martial arts.

The cultivation of martial arts is based on cultivation. Cultivation is like the foundation, while martial arts is the building on the foundation.

The higher the martial artist's cultivation level, the higher level of martial arts he can practice.

From high to low, martial arts levels are divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang. Each level is further divided into three levels: high, middle, and low.

Warriors in the Qi-Entraining Realm can only practice yellow-level intermediate martial arts at most. Only after breaking through to the Condensing Yuan Realm can they practice high-level yellow-level martial arts.

Therefore, now Su Chen can only choose between yellow-level and mid-level martial arts at most.

Although Su Chen had mastered many low-level martial arts skills, he was never satisfied after picking and choosing them.

Suddenly, Su Chen's eyes lit up: "You can try that martial skill!"

He suddenly remembered a special martial skill in his memory, called "Large Wave Slash", which was a sword technique.

The special thing about this martial art is that it is not within the four major levels of heaven, earth, Xuan, and Huang.

In other words, this martial skill has no clear level and is a special secret skill.

What's magical about it is that when it is slashed out with one sword, its sword power stacks up in layers like ocean waves, each one stronger than the next. As long as the true energy in the Dantian is not exhausted, the sword power can theoretically be stacked dozens or even hundreds of times.

In Su Chen's previous life, he had witnessed a Martial Emperor who had practiced this martial art to the extreme, reaching the terrifying power of seven hundred and thirty-six waves with one sword!

However, when practicing, this martial art must be practiced from the first wave!

This is the reason why this martial art has no levels. Its power will increase infinitely as the number of points mastered increases, so it cannot be classified into a certain level.

At that moment, Su Chen began to practice "Large Waves Slash".

The room was small and it was inconvenient to practice martial arts. Su Chen got up and went to the backyard.

The backyard is not big, but very quiet. It is the exclusive backyard of his room. The ground is paved with flat bluestone slabs, and there are several weapons on the shelves in the corner.

Su Chen took an iron sword from the shelf, recalled the key points of "Large Wave Slash", and began to practice this martial skill.

Holding the long sword in his hand, the true energy in his Dantian surged like a tide, and the blood in his heart also continued to surge.

Even though the Chen Dan Emperor's state of mind has been stable for thousands of years, he can't help but feel young and heroic at this moment!


A sword slashes out, a heavy wave!

"Go again!"

The sword's power turned around, causing a second wave!

"Go again!"

The footsteps move, the sword moves again, three waves!

Su Chen was surprised to find that in just a few breaths, he had already mastered the three waves of a sword!

Su Chen had a vague feeling that after his rebirth, his martial arts talent was higher than before. Whether it was practicing martial arts or exercises, his progress was much faster than expected.

"Could it be that the benefits brought by rebirth, the blending of two souls, have improved my understanding?"

Su Chen murmured to himself, holding the long sword in his hand, feeling that his mind was more concentrated than ever before, and the spiritual platform was even clearer.

Between heaven and earth, it seems that only the three-foot green edge in the palm is left.

When it comes to overlapping waves, the further you get to the back, the harder it will be to master the next overlapping wave.

The difficulty of mastering the fourth wave is the sum of the first three waves combined.

However, in Su Chen's eyes at this moment, it was not difficult.

Su Chen opened his stance and continued practicing!

Time flies.

Three days later.

Su Chen held the iron sword in his hand, pointed it at the wall in front of him, and slashed out with a chop in an instant.

Boom boom boom...

The bright sword light carried the faint sound of the tide, and hit the wall hard, making explosions one after another.

When the sword light dissipated, sword marks more than half an inch deep were clearly visible on the hard bluestone wall.

one two three four five six seven……

There are seven sword marks in total!

One sword and seven waves!

What is this concept?

The power of one sword is equivalent to seven swords from others!

If others saw that a fifteen-year-old boy could master such exquisite martial arts, they would probably be extremely surprised.

Su Chen exhaled a thick breath. After three days of intense practice, his wrists were sore and sweaty, but his eyes were extremely bright.

"Limited by my current cultivation level, my true energy is limited, and I can only reach the seventh wave of one sword at most."

Each level of "Wave Slash" is stronger than the last level. The further to the back, the stronger the superimposed power is, and the more infuriating energy is required. By the seventh wave, the energy required for the seventh wave alone is equivalent to the sum of the first six waves combined.

And as long as the true energy is enough, theoretically, the Overlapping Waves can be stacked infinitely.

Of course, that's just theory. In reality, how many times the Wave Slash can be stacked depends on various factors such as one's own understanding, control over the true energy, and the time to accumulate momentum.

"I have mastered the seventh-level sword wave. Now, even if I face the ninth-level Qi-entraining realm, I still have the strength to fight."

Su Chen was very satisfied with the training results, put away his sword, and went back to the house to rest.

Tomorrow is the day of the Jiang family meeting, so tonight, he has to make some preparations.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Xu Yin came over and asked Su Chen to go to the Jiang family meeting.

Jiang Tingyi is also here. Today she is wearing a bright yellow dress. The hem of the skirt is made of translucent gauze. Her beautiful jade-like legs are looming inside, which made Su Chen take a few more glances.

However, Jiang Tingyi still felt a little uncomfortable when she saw Su Chen, and her eyes were evasive, trying to avoid contact with Su Chen.

But compared to the unabashed disdain at the beginning, Jiang Tingyi's current attitude towards Su Chen can be said to have undergone a 180-degree change.

The three of them left the yard and walked all the way to the Jiang family meeting hall.

People I met on the way pointed at Su Chen when they saw him.

"Is this the second lady's nephew? He looks ordinary, not much..."

"It is said that he was kicked out by the Zhengyi Sect and had no choice but to come to the Jiang family to seek refuge. However, trash is always trash wherever he goes. He will be kicked out in the Zhengyi Sect. How can he become a great person in our Jiang family? Impossible …”

"You still go to the tribe meeting and don't urinate to show yourself how qualified you are..."

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