Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 16 Public Humiliation

Listening to their words, Xu Yin's face couldn't help but change again and again. If she hadn't rushed to the council hall to attend the clan meeting, she would have ordered these guys to be tied up and beaten on the spot.

Su Chen, on the other hand, said softly: "Auntie, why bother with the ignorant villain? Don't make yourself angry."

In the world of martial arts, ignorant fools who follow what others say can only have one fate in the end - self-destruction.

So Su Chen didn't care about them, and he didn't have the time to care about them.

Soon, the three people came to the meeting hall.

The Jiang family meeting hall is a spacious and bright rectangular hall.

When the three people arrived, four tables had been set up in the hall, with a total of fifty or sixty seats around the tables.

The seats were basically full of people, and it was a lively place.

"Second sister-in-law came very late today!"

The speaker was a man in rich clothes sitting at the middle table. He had a big beard and looked rough.

He also spoke with a surprisingly loud voice, and this shout immediately attracted the attention of the entire audience.

Xu Yin's expression remained unchanged and she said calmly: "Thank you, third brother, for your concern. It's just that it's still a quarter of an hour before the clan meeting starts. I'm not late anyway, so third brother doesn't have to shout so loudly, right?"

"Haha, the second sister-in-law is really too worried! If the second sister is not here, why don't I take care of you for him?" The rough man shrugged, still smiling on his face, but his eyes were full of sarcasm. .

Su Chen stood aside and looked at the rough man, his face slowly matching the one in his memory.

Jiang He, the third master of the Jiang family.

One of the current leaders of the Jiang family.

"We don't need your fake good intentions." Jiang Tingyi said bluntly and couldn't help but retorted.

"Tingyi, this is your fault."

At this moment, a slow voice suddenly came from the side, "When the elders are talking, it is already disrespectful for a junior to interrupt. You still talk back to the elders, which really chills the hearts of uncles and uncles like us."

Su Chen looked sideways.

The man who spoke was dressed as a middle-aged scribe, waving his fan, and had a beard. He looked elegant.

The seat is also the middle table, and it is also the top position.

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, this face was also very familiar to him.

Jiang Shan, the uncle of the Jiang family.

He is also one of the current leaders of the Jiang family.

The late head of the Jiang family had four sons, namely the eldest Jiang Shan, the second Jiang Hai, the third Jiang He, and the fourth Jiang Feng.

Among them, the second master, Jiang Hai, was Xu Yin's husband. He was talented and upright, and was deeply loved by everyone in the Jiang family.

But something unexpected happened, and Jiang Hai accidentally disappeared during a family mission ten years ago.

After Jiang Hai disappeared, the power that originally belonged to him was divided between the eldest son Jiang Shan and the third master Jiang Hai, creating the current situation in which the Jiang family is in dire straits.

As for Fourth Master Jiang Feng, because he accidentally lost an arm when he was a child, he is not considered a healthy warrior, so he has always been relatively taciturn and is considered a marginal figure.

Since the death of the old family leader Jiang, the Jiang family has not elected a family leader. In the past, Jiang Shan, Jiang Hai, and Jiang He were in power together. After Jiang Hai's accident, Jiang Shan and Jiang He were in power together.

"Bah, who cares whether you are cold or not, I can't stand your hypocritical faces..." Jiang Tingyi was about to continue, when suddenly Xu Yin grabbed her arm and shook her head.

The meaning was obvious, let her stop talking.

"Mom, you are like this every time..." Jiang Tingyi was very depressed. This uncle and third uncle were not good birds. They talked sweetly and used their swords. They exploited them in every possible way because they were orphans and widowed mothers. The purpose is nothing more than to squeeze them out of the Jiang family.

She had seen through them a long time ago, but her mother would not let her contradict them face to face every time.

"Tingyi, this is none of your business." Xu Yin shook her head. The grudges between adults should not be borne by these teenage children.

The third master, Jiang He, laughed: "Second sister-in-law, your daughter needs a good education. How can she get married in the future if she talks so freely and is neither old nor young?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yin suddenly raised his head, a sharp light flashing in his eyes.

However, it was just a fleeting moment. Xu Yin quickly looked at her daughter calmly and said, "Okay, the clan meeting is about to begin. Tingyi will sit down, and Xiaochen will sit down as well."

Su Chen responded and sat at the middle table with Xu Yin and Jiang Tingyi.

Only direct members of the Jiang family can sit at this table. In addition to Xu Yin and her daughter, there are also the eldest father Jiang Shan and his family, the third master Jiang He and his family, and the fourth master Jiang Feng.

Xu Yin explained everyone's identity to Su Chen in a low voice.

Sitting beside Jiang Shan were his son and daughter, Jiang Mingxuan and Jiang Yuewu.

Sitting next to Jiang He is his only son Jiang Minghao.

Jiang Feng, on the other hand, was not married and had no children, so he was alone.

"Second sister-in-law." At this time, Third Master Jiang He's thunderous voice rang out again, "Whose kid is sitting next to you? Why is he so strange? Our Jiang family meeting does not allow outsiders to participate!"

Xu Yin said calmly: "I was about to say this. Su Chen is my maternal nephew, just like my biological son. He will live in the Jiang family from now on, so I brought him to introduce him to everyone."


After Jiang He heard Xu Yin's words, he just snorted in displeasure, but couldn't say anything.

After all, although Jiang Hai has been missing for many years, Xu Yin is still the second wife of the Jiang family, so she does not have the right to take in a nephew from her natal family.

At this moment, the uncle Jiang Shan answered the words slowly: "It turns out that he is the nephew of the second brother and sister, and we will naturally welcome him. However, second brother and sister, your nephew is not a direct member of the Jiang family. It is against the rules to sit at this table, so let him. Let him get off this table."

Xu Yin was stunned. She had not thought of this before coming.

Su Chen was indeed not a direct descendant of the Jiang family, so it was not too much for Jiang Shan to ask Su Chen to leave the table.

Xu Yin could not refute this.

She frowned, looked at the other three tables where the side clan members were sitting, and said, "But there are no empty seats at the other tables."

"Isn't there another table there?" Third Master Jiang He pointed to a small single table in the corner.

When Xu Yin heard the news, she saw that the small table was covered with dust and had some debris piled on it. It was obvious that it was just a table for storing debris and was not for people to sit at all.

At that moment, no matter how good-tempered Xu Yin was, she couldn't help but burst into anger: "Are you kidding? Is that table for people to sit on?"

Jiang He snorted coldly: "I just asked you not to break the Jiang family's rules!"

"Whoever wants to sit at that table can sit at that table. Xiaochen won't sit at it anyway!" Xu Yin also said coldly.

Does she think she is stupid? Jiang He is obviously humiliating Su Chen. How could she agree?

The two were in a stalemate, and the atmosphere in the meeting room gradually became weird.

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