Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 14 Jiang Family Meeting

"Master Su, please come this way!" Shopkeeper Qin took Su Chen to the door of Tianzi Private Room in a respectful manner.

Su Chen glanced at Shopkeeper Qin thoughtfully, and then walked into the Tianzi private room.

The sky-shaped private room is much larger than the herringbone private room. The decoration is luxurious and elegant. The gauze curtain is swaying in the breeze, making it indescribably comfortable.

The table is filled with a dazzling array of dishes that look like works of art, a hundred times more exquisite than the dishes in the previous herringbone private room.

Seeing Su Chen come in, the girl in the private room stood up gracefully and said in a sweet voice: "Mr. Su, thank you for the morning service."

"It's a small effort, but it doesn't matter." Su Chen was telling the truth. Treating the bite of a chilling python was really not a big deal for him.

The girl looked at Su Chen curiously. When she was at Wubao Hall in the morning, she didn't look at Su Chen carefully because she was worried about Mr. Jiang's injury. Now when she looked at him, she felt that this young man had an indescribable mysterious temperament. There is also an air of being in a position of superiority in his movements.

She had only seen this kind of temperament in her father, Prince Anyang. It's incredible that a young man from a small town can have such a temperament.

With her mind spinning a thousand times, the girl slowly said, "I heard that Mr. Su wants to find ice and snow cicadas?"

Su Chen nodded.

"A Miao, give the envelope to Mr. Su." the girl ordered.

The maid behind him immediately stepped forward and handed an envelope to Su Chen with both hands.

"Mr. Su, this envelope contains clues to Bingxuehancicada. Just think of it as your reward for saving my Grandpa Jiang. I hope you won't dislike it."

The girl said, and called out again, "Shopkeeper Qin, please entertain Mr. Su well for me."

After saying that, the girl's figure also disappeared into the Tianzi private room.

After looking at her leaving figure, Su Chen smiled faintly and played with the envelope carelessly.

This little girl is really interesting. She said she was hosting a banquet for her, but she just said a few words and disappeared...

Shopkeeper Qin stepped forward and said with a smile: "Master Su, congratulations, you have met an extraordinary noble person!"

Su Chen raised his head and glanced at Shopkeeper Qin: "Noble sir? Are you talking about that little girl?"

Shopkeeper Qin's expression changed: "Mr. Su, don't dare to talk nonsense. Do you know who she is?"

Shopkeeper Qin was sure that if Su Chen knew that the little girl he was talking about was a dignified princess, wouldn't he be scared to death?

Su Chen smiled lightly: "She is Princess Xiling."

"You... how do you know?" Shopkeeper Qin's mouth opened wide in surprise, with a look on his face as if he had seen a ghost.

It is 100% impossible for the boy in front of me to have seen Princess Xi Ling!

In fact, Su Chen had never met Princess Xi Ling, not even in his previous life.

However, he knew that the Prince of Anyang County had an only daughter named Princess Xiling, who was about the same age as himself, with beautiful face and top talent.

When they first met at Wubao Hall in the morning, Su Chen had some suspicions about the girl's graceful and luxurious demeanor. However, at that time it was just speculation and not certain.

It wasn't until he saw that the girl and Shopkeeper Qin looked familiar to each other just now that Su Chen was sure that the girl was 100% Princess Xiling.

Because Su Chen knew from his previous life that the backstage of Shopkeeper Qin's Zuixianju was the Prince's Mansion of Anyang County.

As for Shopkeeper Qin, he stared at Su Chen up and down for a long time, wondering how Su Chen recognized Princess Xiling.

However, Shopkeeper Qin could feel that Princess Xiling looked at Su Chen differently.

Could the person Princess Xiling looked at differently be an ordinary person?

Shopkeeper Qin decided without hesitation that he would make friends with Su Chen in the future.

"Mr. Su, try this dish. It's colorful fish stewed with snow grass..." Shopkeeper Qin enthusiastically picked up the dish for Su Chen.

After a delicious meal, Su Chen left Zuixianju.

Returning to his aunt's yard, Su Chen accidentally glanced at Jiang Tingyi's room and found that Jiang Tingyi had returned and was sitting at the door in a daze.

Seeing Su Chen, Jiang Tingyi jumped up as if her butt was on fire, ran back into the house and closed the door.

"Avoiding me?"

Su Chen muttered to himself, didn't care, and returned to his room.

He took out the envelope given to him by Princess Xiling and opened it. Inside was a letter handwritten by Princess Xiling.

"Huh? This letter says that there are ice and snow cicadas in Anyang County Prince's Palace?" Su Chen quickly read the contents of the letter and was quite surprised.

He didn't expect that Bingxue Hanchan, who he thought he had been searching for for a long time, would find a clue so quickly, and it was in Anyang County Prince's Mansion.

However, as he continued to read, Su Chen frowned.

It turned out that Princess Xiling also wrote in her letter that Bingxuehancicada is a treasure of the royal family, and only the prince of the royal family can inherit it.

However, the crown prince of this generation has not yet been selected, and the competition among the several crown prince candidates is very fierce.

After reading the letter, Su Chen was thoughtful.

Only the prince of the royal family can inherit Bingxuehancicada, which means that if nothing unexpected happens, Su Chen will have no chance of getting it.

But Princess Xiling knew this, but still gave this clue to Su Chen...

Su Chen smiled lightly, this Princess Xiling is really interesting!

"Forget it, there's no rush for Bing Xue Han Chan." Su Chen collected Princess Xi Ling's letter.

Then, he took out the jade box containing the century-old Sun Herb.

"The Centennial Sun Grass has been purchased. Now I just need to find a chance to get a good pill furnace, and I can refine the pill to treat my aunt's cold poison!"

Su Chen's eyes were bright, he was reborn, and everything was moving in a good direction.

In this life, he must reverse all the regrets of his previous life and protect everyone he wants to protect!

Putting away his thoughts, Su Chen was about to practice when he saw his aunt Xu Yin walking in from the door: "Xiao Chen, are you back?"

With a smile on her face, she looked Su Chen up and down, and nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, I feel more energetic after putting on new clothes."

"Auntie, why did you come to see me?" Su Chen said with a smile.

"You kid, couldn't my aunt come and see you if she has nothing to do?" Xu Yin glared at Su Chen, "But something really happened this time."

Saying that, Xu Yin sat down, picked up the tea cup on the table, took a sip, and said, "In three days, the Jiang family meeting will be held. The main members of the Jiang family will be present. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the Jiang family. I know people, what do you think?”

Jiang family meeting?

Su Chen narrowed his eyes.

In my memory, after I came to Qinghe City in my previous life, I also participated in such a Jiang family meeting.

Because Su Chen had his Dantian destroyed in his previous life and became a useless person, he was often humiliated at clan meetings.

Many unpleasant incidents happened later, all because of this clan meeting. It can be said that this clan meeting was a turning point in the fate of Su Chen, Xu Yin and Jiang Tingyi in their previous lives.

"Auntie, I will go." Su Chen's eyes flashed coldly, everything in this life will be different from the previous life.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, were he going to meet those familiar faces from his previous life again?

I’m really looking forward to it!

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