Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter Thirteen A Big Change of Attitude

"Who is making trouble?" Shopkeeper Qin asked the waiter on the way to the herringbone private room.

"Report to the shopkeeper that it is Miss Wang Bingyan of the Wang family who is hosting a banquet for Young Master Ye Xuan, and has also invited some other young masters and ladies from other families to accompany her. The cause of the matter seems to be that an unknown person present here did not know what to do and annoyed them."

As soon as he heard that the troublemaker was an unknown person, Shopkeeper Qin knew something. Ye Xuan is the most valued direct descendant of the Ye family, but he is facing an unknown person. Even a fool knows whose side to side with.

Soon, shopkeeper Qin entered the herringbone private room.

Glancing at the messy scene in the private room, shopkeeper Qin couldn't help but frown secretly, and then returned to normal.

Zhou Rong, who was next to Ye Xuan, saw shopkeeper Qin coming in, and pointed at Su Chen in the private room and said: "Shopkeeper, you came just in time. This man injured Wang Teng in the private room. You, Zuixianju, won't sit idly by and watch, right? "

Shopkeeper Qin glanced at Ye Xuan, then turned to look at Su Chen's ordinary clothes, then he chuckled, put his hands in his sleeves, and smoothed things over with a smile: "It's easy to say, it's easy to say, please be patient." ”

To be honest, with the relationship between shopkeeper Qin and the Prince of Anyang County, there is no need to lower his profile to please Ye Xuan.

But he is a businessman after all, so naturally he will not refute the Ye family's face easily.

What's more, someone hurt someone in Zuixianju. Zuixianju couldn't ignore this kind of thing in the first place, not to mention that the person who hurt someone was just a guy who looked ordinary and had no background.

At that moment, shopkeeper Qin winked at the tall and powerful military guards behind him.

Those military guards exuded an overwhelming sense of oppression and walked towards Su Chen.

Jiang Tingyi stood up in a hurry, stood in front of Su Chen, and said, "Wang Teng was clearly the instigator of the incident. Is this how you, Zuixianju, act indiscriminately?"

Zhou Rong said fiercely: "Stop talking nonsense! Su Chen broke Wang Teng's leg. We all saw it with our own eyes. He must pay back this debt!"

"Su Chen?"

Shopkeeper Qin, who had sharp ears, suddenly caught the name in the young man's words, and couldn't help but feel moved in his heart.

In the private room of Tianzi just now, wasn't the benefactor Princess Xiling mentioned a young man named Su Chen?

Seeing that several military guards were about to walk in front of Su Chen, shopkeeper Qin quickly said to stop them: "Wait a moment!"

His eyes stayed on Su Chen, hesitating in his heart. Is it really such a coincidence? Or is it just the same name?

"Young man, your name is Su Chen?" Shopkeeper Qin asked tentatively.

Su Chen nodded.

"Did you diagnose and treat an old man in Wubao Hall this morning?" When shopkeeper Qin asked this question, he thought it was impossible. The benefactor mentioned by the princess happened to be eating at Zuixianju, so how could it be possible? Such a coincidence must be just a coincidence that they have the same name and surname.

However, what surprised Shopkeeper Qin was that Su Chenyun replied calmly: "You said the old man bitten by the Cold Heart Python? I diagnosed and treated him."

It's him!

It's really him!

Shopkeeper Qin did not doubt that Su Chen was impersonating, because it was impossible for a pretender to know that the old man's injuries were caused by the bite of the Hanxin Python.

"Shopkeeper, what are you doing with this guy? Give me a good beating!" Zhou Rong couldn't help but become impatient when he saw that shopkeeper Qin didn't take action and instead started talking to Su Chen.

However, what Zhou Rong didn't expect was that shopkeeper Qin, who was usually gentle and amiable, suddenly changed his mind, looked at him coldly, and said in a deep voice: "I'm talking to your distinguished guest, please shut up!"

Distinguished guest?


Zhou Rong was stunned on the spot, not knowing why.

Shopkeeper Qin took a deep breath and walked quickly towards Su Chen!

Under everyone's surprised gazes, shopkeeper Qin first bowed to Su Chen in public, and then said respectfully: "I didn't recognize Taishan just now, so I didn't recognize that it was Mr. Su!"

"Why did the young master come to the Herringbone Private Room? Did you go to the wrong private room? The guests in the Tianzi Private Room have a banquet waiting for you. Please come with me."

Shopkeeper Qin really didn't expect that Su Chen would leave the princess's invitation in the Tianzi private room and come to the herringbone private room. The only explanation is that Su Chen went to the wrong room.

As soon as Shopkeeper Qin said these words, the entire herringbone private room suddenly fell into silence.

Ye Xuan, Zhou Rong, Wang Teng, Wang Bingyan, Jiang Tingyi...

Everyone thought they heard wrong!

The guests in the Tianzi Private Room had a special banquet waiting for Su Chen?

How can it be?

You know, Zuixianju’s Tianzi private rooms have extremely high requirements for guests, not only based on financial resources, but also based on status!

Only people above the level of heads of the three major families in Qinghe City are eligible to book Tianzi private rooms in Zuixianju!

As far as they knew, the heads of the three major families had no plans to entertain guests today, so the guests in the Tianzi private room could only be big shots with a higher rank than the heads of the three major families.

Such a big shot actually entertained Su Chen?

Wang Bingyan couldn't accept it the most. Isn't Su Chen just Jiang Tingyi's cousin? At best, he has the status of an abandoned disciple of the Zhengyi Sect, and his cultivation level is only the eighth level of the Qi Entrainment Realm. How could he be specially invited to a banquet by such a big shot?

What made Wang Bingyan most ashamed was that before Su Chen said he wanted to go upstairs, she also laughed at Su Chen for bragging about not drafting, and actually wanted to go to the Dizi private room and Tianzi private room.

As a result, the facts before her were like a hot slap on Wang Bingyan's face.

Zhou Rong and Wang Teng also looked away, looking at Su Chen with less ferocity than before, but with deep fear.

The one with the most complicated emotions was Jiang Tingyi. She had already regretted letting Su Chen enter the banquet. The insults given to Su Chen by everyone during the banquet made her feel uncomfortable, but she also deeply hated Su Chen for failing to live up to his expectations.

But in the end, things developed beyond her expectation.

This cousin, whom she looked down on everywhere, was actually invited by the nobleman in Tianzi private room.

"Mr. Su, shall we move to the Tianzi private room?" Shopkeeper Qin said.

Su Chen nodded calmly, stood up and left with Shopkeeper Qin.

After the two people left, the private room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

"Humph!" Ye Xuan, who had said nothing from the beginning to the end, shook the wine cup in his hand heavily at this moment, his face turned ashen!

Ye Xuan, as one of the top geniuses among the young generation in Qinghe City, has he ever appeared without being surrounded by stars?

But this time, shopkeeper Qin didn't even ask for his opinion, so he refuted his face in public and took Su Chen away!

But Ye Xuan couldn't argue with Shopkeeper Qin yet, because he knew very well that Shopkeeper Qin had a backing, otherwise Zuixianju would not have been able to thrive for so many years!

"Su Chen!"

Ye Xuan spat out these two words coldly. He felt all the depression and unhappiness he felt today was on Su Chen.

"I'm lucky to let you off today. It won't be that easy next time!"

But Ye Xuan didn't know that Su Chen was more depressed than him at the moment!

Originally, if shopkeeper Qin didn't come to the rescue, Su Chen had already prepared a way to deal with Ye Xuan. Even if he couldn't kill Ye Xuan, he could still make Ye Xuan peel off his skin on the spot!

But the appearance of shopkeeper Qin forced Su Chen to interrupt the plan and let Ye Xuan go for the time being.

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