Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 11 A pot of drunkenness for a hundred days

However, to Su Chen, it didn't matter how good Ye Xuan was. What was important was that the other party was the direct young master of the Ye family in Qinghe City.

In the previous life, there was an old score that had not yet been settled between the Ye family and Su Chen.

Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and there seemed to be a flash of light, but it was only for a moment. The next moment, it returned to its previous Gujing Wubo appearance.

After Ye Xuan spoke, everyone present no longer focused on Su Chen.

It just so happened that at this time, the food and wine were also served.

There is a dazzling array of exquisite dishes, each of which is a top-notch dish that cannot be eaten outside. Each of them is valuable, full of color, fragrance and taste, just like a work of art, which makes people eat.

By the time the dishes were served, everyone present could not wait any longer. They picked up the dishes with their chopsticks and ate them. After eating, everyone praised the dish.

Wang Bingyan smiled all over her face. She had been begging the head of the Wang family for a long time before he agreed to grant her the banquet in Zuixianju's herringbone private room.

You must know that they are only children of sixteen or seventeen years old. Only the Wang family, a family with one of the largest financial resources in Qinghe City, can have such a big deal.

Turning her charming eyes, Wang Bingyan saw Su Chen sitting aside, but was surprised to find that Su Chen just sat there with a calm expression from beginning to end, never touching the chopsticks at all, let alone taking a bite of the food on the table.

"Hey, Jiang Tingyi, why doesn't your cousin eat it?" Wang Bingyan sneered. She naturally didn't think that Su Chen didn't like these foods. She just thought that Su Chen had probably never seen such exquisite food. Dare you take off your chopsticks?

Jiang Tingyi felt embarrassed and couldn't help but put her little hands on the table."

In fact, it wasn't that Su Chen didn't want to eat, but that he had no appetite. Once he was the Alchemy Emperor of the Alchemy Realm, and his daily food was rare delicacies such as East China Sea Dragon Meat and Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain Fruit, which had to be carefully cooked in ninety-nine and eighty-one ways before he could serve them. The dining table, so how could the food and wine of this small town restaurant be so appealing to him?

When he heard that Jiang Tingyi wanted him to eat, Su Chen slowly picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of the dish closest to him.

"How's it going, Brother Su? Are the food and drinks in Zuixianju to your liking?" This time it was a fair-skinned boy with slender eyes who spoke this time. After finishing speaking, he smiled sarcastically, "Oh, by the way, I forgot. Introducing myself, this is Wang Teng, the son of the Wang family."

Wang Teng, how could Su Chen not know him?

Wang Bingyan's loyal pursuer, although he and Wang Bingyan are of the same race, their blood relationship is far apart.

Speaking of which, this person's talent is quite good. He has cultivated to the seventh level of the Qi Entrainment Realm at a young age. Even if he is placed in the Zhengyi Sect, he can be considered a leader among the new generation.

Although Wang Bingyan ignored her love and only focused on Ye Xuan, Wang Teng never tired of Wang Bingyan.

Speaking of which, the reason why Su Chen was so unsatisfied in Qinghe City in his previous life was largely due to Wang Teng. Because Su Chen is Jiang Tingyi's cousin, Wang Bingyan always compares Su Chen with Wang Teng, comparing Su Chen to nothing in her previous life. Wang Teng was also willing to show off in front of his sweetheart. He would step on Su Chen a few times if nothing happened, and he would not stop until he stepped on Su Chen in the mud.

So in the previous life, Su Chen's most direct opponent was Wang Teng.

"Let's make do!" Su Chen said lightly. For this kind of meal that seemed to him to be extremely poor, the reason why he said "make do" was entirely to give Jiang Tingyi some face.

However, what he heard in Wang Teng's ears made him laugh on the spot: "It seems that Brother Su is a man who has seen the world? But I don't understand how someone like you could be accused of stealing from the sect." Pill, but was kicked out by the sect? "

As soon as these words were said, most people present laughed secretly.

Jiang Tingyi said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense about things without evidence."

She was beautiful, but when she was angry, she was like a female leopard. Several people who were close to her who were laughing couldn't help but shrink their necks when they saw her like this.


Wang Teng did not hide his sarcasm, put a wine bottle in front of Su Chen, and said: "Brother Su, you are a guest. You may not know that we have a rule in Qinghe City. Anyone who is new to our local area must be treated as a guest." Everyone wants to invite him to drink. This bottle of wine is our intention for you, so drink it quickly!"

Another young man echoed: "Yes, you have to drink every drop left to live up to our wishes!"

Su Chen glanced at the wine pot and saw the words "Hundred Days of Drunkness" engraved on the side of the wine pot, his eyes became cold.

He naturally knows about this "Hundred Days of Drunkness", which is a specialty wine of Qinghe City. A person in the Qi-entraining realm will be drunk to the point of unconsciousness if he drinks a small cup. Anyone who can't bear it will definitely make a fool of himself on the spot.

He was currently at the eighth level of the Qi Entrainment Realm. If he really drank the whole pot, he would be embarrassed and might die on the spot.

"What? Brother Su, are you not going to give me this face?" Wang Teng half-smiled.

Su Chen said calmly: "What does your face mean? If it weren't for my cousin's sake, I wouldn't come at all."

"Hahaha..." Wang Teng seemed to have heard the funniest joke, laughing so hard, "You? Who do you think you are? Are we still begging you to come?"

"This is Brother Su." At this time, the host Ye Xuan also said politely, "You are a guest from afar. Wang Teng has good intentions. It would be bad if you don't drink."

Is it? Good intentions?

If you don't know how powerful this drunkenness is, there is nothing wrong with saying this. But everyone here, including Ye Xuan, all grew up in Qinghe City. How could they not know that drinking this pot for a hundred days will kill someone?

Jiang Tingyi couldn't listen anymore. She looked at Ye Xuan with a sense of disappointment. It turned out that Ye Xuan was not as perfect a person as she imagined.

Jiang Tingyi stood up with a "swish": "I don't want to eat this meal, let's go home."

"Don't go." Wang Teng smiled half-heartedly, "I don't mean to embarrass Brother Su on purpose. Let's do it this way. If you can't drink a pot, just drink a cup. If you push back, you may not be able to drink a toast and you will be fined. "

Judging from his tone, it seemed that just letting Su Chen have a drink was a great gift to Su Chen.

But Su Chen knew that ordinary Qi-entraining warriors would immediately become drunk and unconscious even if they had just one drink. This was a big fool.

Su Chen's eyes were slightly cold. When he saw Wang Teng walking towards him with a wine bottle, he picked up a wooden chopstick on the table and threw it towards the wine bottle in Wang Teng's hand.


The next moment, an incredible scene happened.

The chopsticks in Su Chen's hand were like sharp arrows, penetrating the wine bottle in Wang Teng's hand!

Immediately afterwards, the wine pot crackled and the nectar-like wine flowed all over the floor.

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