Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 671 Call someone here

According to the situation in Yan Sheng's country, there will only be zero or countless uprisings.

With the civil strife, Yan Sheng's country is undoubtedly lively.

After the news was sent back, while Yan Sheng was so angry that his blood pressure soared, he almost roared and ordered that the remaining three of the Four Dragon Generals lead the border garrisons stationed on the other three sides to put down the rebellion.

During this period, regardless of whether the border garrisons on three sides could successfully suppress the rebellion, Yan Sheng's order to recruit seven thousand troops was basically guaranteed to be useless and would end in failure.

Although Blackstone City was relatively stable at the moment, no one really dared to revolt under his nose.

But it is impossible for all of his 7,000 troops to be recruited from Black Rock City.

Not to mention that Black Rock City has already recruited two rounds of troops before, let’s just say that the total population of Black Rock City is more than 7,000 people, including a lot of old, weak, women and children, so it is impossible to recruit them at all. Seven thousand strong men came out.

According to the original plan, these 7,000 troops had to be recruited from various cities across the country. Each city would recruit one or two thousand troops. To a certain extent, it could be regarded as the strength of the whole country.

But now that the country was in chaos, Xishan City directly announced the restoration of the country's title of Jingguo and became independent again. That night, Yan Sheng was so angry that he didn't sleep all night and couldn't sleep at all.

In addition, there were uprisings in other cities, so how could he recruit troops?

This situation almost drove Yan Sheng completely mad.

You know, he had been pent up for so long. He originally wanted to vent his anger by killing all the enemy troops in Huangsha City after gathering an army of 10,000.

But what's good now is that the 10,000-strong army can't be assembled at all. The anger is being held there with nowhere to vent, and it's really about to cause internal injuries.

"Go and call that eunuch from the labor force!"

After the order was given, Li Wenjian went in with a livid face. Not long after, bursts of shrill screams came from the lobby of the city lord's mansion.

At the same time, Zhou Xu, who was the secret promoter, was staring at the iron plate in front of him that was constantly rising with heat and making a sizzling sound.

"It's now!"

While talking, Zhou Xu flipped over the small wooden shovels in his hands, and with a 'pop', the originally intact omelette broke into pieces.

"Tch, it's not interesting. I haven't cooked for a long time. I'm really rusty at this skill."

Looking at the broken omelette, Zhou Xu broke the jar, flipped it over a few times, sprinkled a few salt on it, and put it in his mouth.

Since sending Kong Daqian away two days ago, he has been completely idle.

No matter how lively and lively the country opposite is, Huangsha City is undoubtedly peaceful, and even peaceful is a bit boring.

And Zhou Xu now has no idea about the situation on the other side.

There is no way, it is not convenient for them to transmit information at this stage, let alone transmit information from two positions of the enemy and ourselves.

But even so, he can only stay in Huangsha City honestly now, because he can control the skeleton troops on a large scale and is an important part of the frontline combat force.

Although Shi Lei was also given the ability to control skeleton soldiers, at this stage, his mantra power is stronger than Shi Lei's, which means that he can pull up a larger skeleton army and keep them fighting for a longer time.

In addition, there is a very crucial point, which is that Shi Lei is the commander-in-chief of the frontline troops.

In the previous defensive battle, Shi Lei was responsible for commanding the battle, and he was responsible for controlling the skeleton troops. This was a division of labor.

Once these two tasks are concentrated on one person, that person will have to perform dual-purpose operations in a complex battlefield environment. This pressure is very high. If you are not careful, you can easily mess up both tasks.

In this way, considering all factors, and now that the situation is unclear, Zhou Xu really does not dare to leave easily.

He was afraid that as soon as he stepped forward, something would happen to his back foot, ruining his good situation.

But if he stayed here all the time, it would really be a delay. Thinking of this, Zhou Xu couldn't help but have a new idea.

If he can't go back, why not just call someone over?

Although it is a long journey and it will probably take about a month to get here, judging from the current situation, he will only stay here longer than that.

As for the risks that may exist in Huangsha City as a frontline city...

It can't be said that there is no chance at all, but considering the current situation, coupled with the skeleton troops in his hands and the city defense troops commanded by Shi Lei, Zhou Xu doesn't think that the other party can take back the Yellow Sand City.

Besides, he, the king, is here and doesn’t think about any risks. Does a subordinate think about this because he wants to die?

After the order was issued here, it was quickly spread back to Dazhou.

Almost a month later, as the energy channel was opened again, the logistics troops not only brought supplies, they also brought the people their king wanted.

"Subordinates, please see your Majesty!"

"No gift!"

In the city lord's palace in Huangsha City, Zhou Xu suddenly beamed with joy when he saw Zhuang Mengdie, and then waved to him.

"Come here and take a look at this blueprint!"

After hearing this, Zhuang Mengdie didn't stick to the etiquette. He immediately stepped forward and laid his eyes on the design drawings on the table.

"Does the king want to improve the bed crossbow?"

At first glance, the thing on the design drawing is a bed crossbow.

But the difference from the three-bow bed crossbow is that the bed crossbow on the design has become a single-bow style.

This also made Zhuang Mengdie a little curious.

In this regard, Zhou Xu did not show off and immediately explained...

"It's like this. I want the bed crossbow to be effective in city defense warfare, but the three-bow bed crossbow we made in the past cannot go up the wall at all."

Speaking of this, Zhou Xu's voice paused.

"If I just say this, your feelings may not be clear enough. Let's go directly to the wall."

Zhou Xu was also a master of resolute actions when doing things. While talking, he ordered people to prepare the carriage and left as soon as he said it.

Leaving aside the frontline troops who had been stationed in Huangsha City for almost a year, it was a completely new field for them to occupy the city and engage in city defense warfare.

Take Zhuang Mengdie for example. As one of the deputy ministers of the Ordnance and Equipment Department, her main job is to develop and manufacture various ordnance and equipment.

But under this premise, she does not know what city defense warfare is, or does not know the form of city defense warfare, so when she develops and manufactures ordnance equipment, she will not take into account the problems that may be encountered in city defense warfare. .

In response to this situation, Zhou Xu also took Zhuang Mengdie directly to the wall of Huangsha City in the simplest and crudest way!

An update is sent, and I would like to thank my book friends for their "lazy and understanding" tips!

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