Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 672 Genius’ Thoughts

Zhuang Mengdie has always lived in Black Moon City, and in order to facilitate subsequent expansion and construction, Black Moon City will not erect a city wall like this to restrict its own development.

This also makes Zhuang Mengdie basically never seen city wall facilities like this.

Now standing on the wall of Huangsha City, the novelty that he had never experienced before also aroused Zhuang Mengdie's interest.

Zhou Xu was not in a hurry to speak. When Zhuang Mengdie was interested in the wall, he first let her observe it by herself and waited until she had enough.

After all, Zhuang Mengdie is a smart person with an intelligence potential of up to four stars. Smart people often have their own thinking, and even from time to time, genius-like ideas will flash through their minds.

If this is interrupted casually, and the inspiration that the other party has finally caught slips away from the fingertips by mistake, it will be a big loss.

With this mentality, Zhou Xu quietly waited for Zhuang Mengdie to finish observing the wall. After looking at him, he spoke out his thoughts.

"The space at the top of the wall is limited. If we need to deploy troops, the three-bow bed crossbow is a bit too big and cannot be placed here at all."

Leading Zhuang Mengdie, Zhou Xu walked on the wall, making gestures and talking.

"And there is also the issue of recoil. On this masonry wall, unless a special fixing platform is made, there is no way to fix it."

"But the aiming range of the three-bow bed crossbow is already limited. If a fixed platform is installed, it will probably completely freeze the three-bow bed crossbow and lose the ability to adjust the attack angle and even the orientation."

As the person who personally developed and manufactured the three-gong bed crossbow, Zhuang Mengdie can be said to be the person who knows the three-gong bed crossbow best throughout the entire Zhou Dynasty. She can understand every part of the three-gong bed crossbow. Be familiar with everything, and at the same time know the functions of those parts and the effects that those parts need to achieve.

The three-bow bed crossbow could adjust its attack direction significantly before because it was not fixed on the ground. But once it is moved to the wall and needs to be fixed, it cannot adjust its direction like it can on the ground.

As for the angle, there isn't much that can be adjusted on the ground. Basically it can only be shot horizontally, not to mention once it's fixed to the wall.

"If a rotating structure similar to an axle is added between the fixed platform and the bed crossbow, will it be able to rotate left and right, or even 360 degrees laterally?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Zhuang Mengdie shook his head as he reacted.

"No, considering the recoil of the bed crossbow, the structure itself is not strong enough at all while ensuring flexibility. There is a risk of breaking after being used a few times."

Zhou Xu had been thinking about a series of related issues for a long time, so he had already made a conclusion in his mind, but Zhuang Mengdie had just learned about it.

Under this premise, she could immediately think of using the bearing structure to improve it, but her own experience soon made her realize that this was not strong enough. The idea was beautiful, but it could not be realized concretely. .

"By the way! Maybe it can be made of metal! Copper has very good ductility. We can use copper or fuse it with other metals and try to develop an alloy."

Thinking of this, Zhuang Mengdie couldn't help but frown and got entangled.

She had never made such an attempt before. Although she was sure that the wooden structure would not be able to withstand it, she was a little unsure once it was replaced with metal.

From Zhuang Mengdie's perspective, the answer to this question can only be obtained through actual testing.

At this moment, Zhou Xu spoke...

"There's a high probability that it won't work."

Although it has not been tested, Zhou Xu, as a time traveler, knows more about the principles.

For the sake of convenience, he brought the design drawing, and now he unfolded it directly on the wall, then picked up the charcoal pen wrapped inside and started drawing on the edge.

"Once a design with this structure is selected, the bearing structure will become the core connection point between the crossbow and the fixed table, and will also bear all the burdens. According to the current technology, the bearing structure will most likely be Can not bear."

"As a piece of city defense equipment with great influence, it is related to the life and death of an entire city, so its most important thing is stability!"

Having said this, Zhou Xu pointed to the drawings he had drawn long ago.

"And it was precisely with this in mind that I made a choice and decided to reduce the range power of the three-bow bed crossbow in exchange for its flexible and stable firepower on the wall."

"As for the idea of ​​metal bearings, there is no problem, but according to my idea, not only the bearing part, but also the entire core structure is best replaced with metal to further improve its stability. sex!"

Previously, Zhuang Mengdie wanted to try to maintain the core design of the three-bow bed crossbow and solve the problem of moving the three-bow bed crossbow onto the wall while ensuring its power and range.

But after personally checking the wall of Huangsha City and understanding the entire situation, Zhuang Mengdie, as a developer and manufacturer, had a deeper understanding of why the three-bow bed crossbow could not be installed on the wall normally.

Under this premise, the improved design proposed by Zhou Xu suddenly became reasonable.

Of course, during this process, Zhou Xu only proposed ideas, and the specific design and development, as well as the subsequent manufacturing work, basically fell on Zhuang Mengdie.

After absorbing the various improvement ideas provided by Zhou Xu, Zhuang Mengdie lowered his head to look at the design drawing in his hand, and then looked up at the wall of Huangsha City.

Then Zhuang Mengdie, who seemed to have an idea, reached out and touched the protruding walls on the city wall that could be used as shelters. She came up with a bolder idea.

"Your Majesty, you think we should simply make the bed crossbow smaller."

Zhuang Mengdie started gesticulating as he spoke.

"Then add a backward bracket under the bed crossbow. In this way, when using it, the crossbow soldier can place the bed crossbow directly on the wall, with half of the main body frame outside the wall and extending backward. The bracket can be pressed against the wall from the outside to withstand the recoil force..."

Listening to Zhuang Mengdie's description, Zhou Xu, who quickly did some brainstorming, was startled at first, and then felt an uncontrollable ecstasy.

"Damn it! Mengdie, you are such a genius!"

He had previously been preoccupied with modifying the bed crossbow, but instead he went over the top.

To put it simply, the bed crossbow is equivalent to the cannon in the cold weapon era. Whether it is a single-bow bed crossbow or a three-bow bed crossbow, they are still "cannons" and their essence will not change.

Zhou Xu had previously only thought about how to transform this 'cannon' into a city defense cannon.

But Zhuang Mengdie's idea jumped directly from the frame of "cannon". She was planning to set up a row of "anti-material sniper rifles" on the wall!

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