Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 670: Public resentment boils over

At the same time, various internal problems have occurred frequently in the Lord's Mansion of Black Rock City recently, which has also made Yan Sheng feel anxious.

But more than anything, I’m still going crazy!

"Damn it, these damn gangsters!!"

After learning the latest situation, Yan Sheng couldn't hold his breath and swept everything on the table to the ground on the spot.

At this moment, Yan Sheng seemed to be very angry at the troublemakers.

"Let's just kill all these ungrateful people!"

In recent times, all kinds of rumors have been flying in his country, and the people are making trouble, which has disturbed him.

During this period, many people even shouted the slogan "Stop the war, open warehouses and release grain", which made Yan Sheng just want to curse.

After so many troops have been invested and so many losses have been incurred this year, can we say that this battle will not be fought if it is not fought?

As for opening warehouses to store grain, that’s even more of a joke!

After this period of time, Yan Sheng already knew that their spring plowing and autumn harvest this year were affected, and the grain harvest was not even as good as the previous two years.

Under this premise, he must give priority to ensuring the food supply for his soldiers.

Except for this part of the food and the spare food stored in the granary just in case, he had already put down all the other food.

Are you still asking him to open a warehouse to store grain? That was just a joke on him.

In his opinion, this group of unreasonable people is simply unreasonable.

However, what Yan Sheng didn't know was that he had decentralized food, but the officials under him, and even the high-ranking families in his country, also knew that there was going to be another war.

As long as there is a war, there will be a shortage of food supplies, not to mention that this year's food income is not good, and the limited food becomes even more precious.

Under this premise, compared to the common people at the bottom of this era, they have more money and channels to obtain food for themselves to fill their own private granaries, and they even want to swallow all the food they can.

In this way, after sifting through layer by layer, how much food is left that can really fall into the hands of the people?

As the plate gets bigger, the internal structure becomes more complicated. If you want to completely eliminate this situation, it is basically impossible.

Even Yan Sheng might not have noticed this situation at all, or it could be said that he could do nothing about it even if he did.

When things have developed to this point, the situation in his country can basically be said to be out of control, and Yan Sheng himself is also being held up high by this situation and unable to get down.

This situation has made his mood extremely violent recently, and it has also made his state even more paranoid.

"Assemble an army of 10,000, retake Huangsha City, and kill all the invaders! That's right! As long as we retake Huangsha City and kill all the invaders, everything will be saved in time!"

Yan Sheng, who had firmed up his thoughts but had nowhere to vent his anger, glanced at the servant kneeling below.

"Go! Call that eunuch here!"

After that, the conscription order issued by Yan Sheng continued to be implemented.

However, some people have already refused to join the army, which has completely transformed this conscription order into going from house to house to capture strong men and recruit them into the army!

This move itself was enough to make the people complain.

Unexpectedly, it was during this period that Yan Sheng's remarks in the city lord's palace came out from nowhere and spread completely in a short period of time.

The spread of this news was tantamount to a bombshell for the people who were already panicking and complaining, completely exploding public opinion in the country.

Yan Sheng was furious after learning the news!

A direct order was given to arrest all the people in the city lord's mansion who could be arrested.

He said this in the City Lord's Mansion, so it must have been spread by people in the City Lord's Mansion.

"Your Majesty, are these people going to be detained for interrogation, or..."

"Trial? What a trial! They were all dragged out by the labor and management and beheaded in public! The labor and management want to see who gave their bullshit the courage to cause trouble!!"

At this moment, Yan Sheng looked like a crazy ferocious beast, and he even lost the mood to be a loner.

When the officials below saw this, how could they dare to raise objections? He was immediately taken into custody.

When the servants of the City Lord's Mansion learned that they were going to be beheaded, they all cried bitterly and kept kowtowing to beg for mercy, but it had no effect.

More than 20 servants, both men and women, were all taken to the vegetable market to be executed.

Just waiting for noon, the executioner wielded his sword, and with the falling heads one by one, the servants finally collapsed in despair, and broke out in the collapse of despair!

"Yan Sheng! You stupid king!! You can't die well, you can't die well!!!"

The hoarse curses, accompanied by the falling heads, constantly stimulated every onlooker.

Invisibly, public dissatisfaction is already boiling!

Seeing this situation, Liu De, who had been impatient for a long time in Xishan City, was the first to take action.

"The tyrant Yan Sheng is ignorant and unethical! He is scornful of human life and harms the people! I, Liu De, the Queen of Xishan Jing, will rise up here today to restore our great cause of Jing!"

This Xishan City was originally the territory of Jingguo. Now Liu De revolted in the name of "Prince Jing of Xishan". Coupled with the tyrant Yan Sheng's background, the people of Jingguo originally responded one after another, holding hoes, sickles, and straw. The crosses came together.

Although the weapons were all kinds of farm tools and there was no armor, they couldn't hold up their numbers. In a blink of an eye, there were thousands of people gathered, and the number was still increasing.

Xishan City is not a border city. How many city defense troops are there to maintain law and order in the city on a daily basis?

Relying on their absolute numerical superiority, the rebel army led by Liu De quickly captured the city lord's palace and the city defense army barracks. Finally, they wiped out the defenders at the four city gates and completely occupied Xishan City.

Standing at the door of the city lord's palace, Liu De, dressed in military uniform, looked high-spirited at this moment. Facing the people of Xishan City and the rebels who had defected to him, who crowded the entire street, Liu De pulled out the sword from his waist and stood straight. Point to the sky!

"I, Liu De, hereby announce that from now on, I will restore our country's title of Jingguo! Rebuild Jingguo!"

In a short period of time, the rebels who defeated the city defense army and occupied the city lord's palace were already in high spirits. In addition, most of them were originally from the Yasukuni.

Now after hearing Liu De's words, everyone suddenly shouted with excitement...

"Restore the country's name and rebuild the country! Restore the country's name and rebuild the country!!"

The simple eight-character slogan spread throughout Xishan City in a short period of time.

During this period, Liu De directly occupied the city and proclaimed himself king, giving his identity a complete upgrade, from the original 'Queen of Xishan King Jing' to 'Xishan King Jing'!

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