Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 669 Sir is truly a god!

It can be said that Liu De's words completely exceeded Kong Daqian's expectations, and he was stunned for a while.

From Liu De's perspective, seeing that Kong Daqian could still remain calm after hearing such news, he became even more convinced that the other party was an expert, and then spoke out again...

"I would like to worship you as my national advisor and ask you to come out and work together for a great cause!!"

Faced with this situation, everyone in Kong Da was dumbfounded. On the surface, they looked calm, but in fact, they were panicking in their hearts.

But after all, this is an outstanding talent with three-star intellectual potential, and he still has some quick wits.

At this moment, looking at Liu De with an eager face, Kong Daqian was quick to think and put on a plain face...

"I'm just an old farmer, how can I understand this? Your Excellency is joking."

However, after listening to this, Liu De became more and more convinced that Kong Daqian was extraordinary.

Then various evidences were stated one after another.

What he said was nothing more than Kong Daqian's previous remarks that there would be internal food problems, and even the subsequent response of the government.

So far, every word has come true, which shocked Liu De.

However, Liu De didn't know that among these words, although there were some of Kong Daqian's own words in them, most of them were the words Zhou Xu taught Kong Daqian before taking action. At most, Kong Daqian could only use this set of words. Just got it all figured out.

After all, Kong Daqian was just a farmer before. Even though he had good intellectual potential, it was impossible for him to change so much all of a sudden.

But in the current situation, faced with such an unexpected situation, it is undoubtedly up to him to perform on his own.

In the process, Kong Daqian finally understood.

[Good guy, this kid is going to rebel! 】

Kong Daqian was shocked at first when he reacted, but then he reacted again.

[He wants to rebel, and my mission is to cause chaos here. Isn’t it just right? ! 】

Thinking of this, Kong Daqian brewed his emotions, and then quickly raised his hand to help Liu De up...

"My lord, this is really embarrassing for the old man."

"Sir, would you like to help me?"

"The old man is willing to work with you to achieve great things!"

Kong Daqian turned his head and said the new words he had just learned from Liu De.

When things have reached this point, he finally understands that if he doesn't agree, he can't leave. Even if he agrees, he probably won't be able to leave.

Then just take a step and see what happens.

Liu De didn't know what he was thinking, and was overjoyed when he heard this. He quickly invited Kong Daqian to sit aside, served tea, and asked Kong Daqian for advice.

Kong Daqian is just a farmer, and he has never done anything like making suggestions. However, after he figured out that the other party wanted to rebel, things became simple.

Because from Kong Daqian's perspective, what the other party wants to do is highly consistent with his own mission.

In other words, just leave your tasks to the other party and things will be done.

Thinking of this, after Kong Daqian pondered for a while, he copied the words used by their king when he explained the plan to him.

To put it bluntly, it is to incite people's emotions and rally people to cause chaos.

After saying one thing, Liu De was stunned in place, silent for a long time.

When Kong Daqian saw this, his heart suddenly rose to his throat.

[Good guy, did I say something wrong? 】

At this thought, Kong Daqian even began to sweat a little on his forehead.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Liu De, who was sitting next to him, suddenly slapped his thigh, and then held Kong Daqian's hand with excitement.

"Sir is truly a god!"

Zhou Xu's strategy of disrupting the country was to pinch Yan Sheng's vitals. It was a superior strategy and there was no problem in it.

Now that Kong Daqian has told Liu De, Liu De should regard him as a god.

"Sir, go to the side room to rest first. I will order people to implement the plan right now!"

After saying that, Liu De looked excited and couldn't wait to take action.

Kong Daqian also lost his freedom without any surprise. Needless to say, Liu De had no intention of letting him leave.

After all, from Liu De's perspective, Kong Daqian already knew that he was going to rebel.

From that moment on, there were only two roads left in front of Kong Daqian, either to rebel with him or to die!

Because of Liu De's act of worshiping him as a national advisor, the people under him now respect him quite a bit.

After entering the room, Kong Daqian turned around and closed the door. After confirming that there was no one else in the room except himself, he let out a long breath and sat down on the chair.

At that moment, Kong Daqian felt as if all his strength had been taken away from him in an instant, and his whole body was completely turned into a pile of mud.

[Damn, I was so shocked! 】

After waiting for a while, he finally sat upright with his hands on his hands.

He never expected that such a thing would happen.

What Kong Daqian didn't know was that Liu De's people had noticed him a few days ago, and his remarks had also reached Liu De's ears.

Liu De didn't pay attention at first, but he didn't expect that the subsequent development would be revealed by him frequently. This made Liu De astonished by him, and he quickly ordered his subordinates to invite him over.

Now after some questioning, he has become completely convinced of Kong Daqian.

But precisely because of this, Liu De would not let Kong Daqian leave easily.

In Liu De's view, those things can be left to the people under his command, while Kong Daqian only needs to stay by his side and make suggestions for him.

The next few days passed, and Kong Daqian's life here was actually quite satisfying.

Those who can gather a certain amount of manpower to prepare for rebellion must have some money on hand. This also allows Kong Daqian to basically not have to worry about daily food issues.

Except that I can't leave the house, everything else is fine.

But after thinking about it, Kong Daqian didn't care anymore.

Someone took the initiative to help him do this, so what else was he busy with?

Isn’t staying here safer than running a mission outside?

After such a period of time, Kong Daqian also slowly adapted to his new identity. With every move he made, he really looked more and more like the national master.

During this period, because their actions to fuel the flames went extremely smoothly, this also made Liu De extremely excited.

He began to consult Kong Daqian frequently as to when they would take further action.

In response, Kong Daqian rolled his eyes and looked at Liu De, who wanted to jump out to rebel immediately, and was speechless in his heart.

Even a farmer like him can see that this Liu De can't accomplish anything big.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he can complete the tasks assigned by the king.

"Don't be anxious. The time has not yet come. If you want to achieve something big, how can you be so impetuous?"

Liu De wasn't angry after hearing this, but looked teachable.

"What sir said is that I am impetuous."

Kong Daqian saw this, nodded with satisfaction, and then spoke again...

"My lord, you can gather people in secret first and wait for the opportunity."

"Okay! I'll do it right away!"

After Liu De left the house and walked away, Kong Daqian withdrew his gaze, and slowly took out the already-bitten fruit from under his sleeve robe and took another bite.

[Well, this fruit is indeed not as sweet as our Dazhou...]

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