In the next few days, various rumors suddenly spread throughout Black Rock City, and even spread to surrounding cities.

By the time Yan Sheng received the news and completely blocked Black Rock City, prohibiting everyone from entering or exiting, it was already too late.

"Did you hear that we lost miserably in the previous battle? Thousands of people died. Even General Jie Liancheng didn't win, and General Long Zhantian died!"

"Did you hear that General Jie Liancheng died in the previous battle? His Majesty was so frightened that he immediately fled back. We lost miserably!"

"Hey, hey, have you heard that he lost so miserably in the previous battle? Your Majesty was so scared that he peed!"

"Hey, have you heard that His Majesty was so frightened that he peed while running! He peed all the way!!"


Now Kong Daqian has followed a team from Black Rock City to another city behind, Xishan City.

During this period, the rumor was running faster than them. It was one step ahead of them and had already spread in Xishan City.

And every time I turn around, it's the same thing, the more it's spread, the more exaggerated it gets, the more outrageous it gets, the more it's spread, the more it gets passed on, and it's all kinds of weird and weird stuff.

Kong Daqian, who heard the initial rumors, was stunned for a moment.

"Outrageous, so damn outrageous!"

But for him, it was a good thing.

It doesn't matter whether the rumor is true or not, as long as the effect is achieved.

Of course, his work doesn't end there.

It's not enough to let rumors spread and cause internal panic. What they need is turmoil, even riot!

With this mentality, in the next few days, Kong Daqian used the activity funds obtained from Jie Liancheng in advance to launch activities in Xishan City.

His figure frequently appeared in tea shops, taverns, streets and alleys all over the city. In short, wherever there were people talking about this matter, he would go there, pretending to be joining in the fun the whole time.

After chatting for a few words and getting started, he gradually showed his eloquent side.

Most people in this world are two-star characters. Who can be Kong Daqian's opponent? After making some remarks, Kong Daqian was soon stunned by what he said, and many people were even fooled into lameness.

In fact, to a certain extent, Kong Daqian's words cannot be said to be deceptive. What he said is basically the truth, and at most it is a bit exaggerated, but it is precisely because of this that it can be convincing.

As for those rumors that are getting more and more outrageous, they are just spreading rumors.

On this day, Kong Daqian appeared in the streets and alleys as always. When he saw the crowd, he immediately ran over.

Real war activities often unfold in such a simple way.

After a while, Kong Daqian felt that he had gained a lot.

After another day of activities, Kong Daqian turned around and got into an alley, preparing to go back and rest after going around all the way.

Unexpectedly, before walking out of the small alley, the way ahead was blocked by two men wearing linen clothes.

Faced with this situation, Kong Daqian was shocked, subconsciously stepped back, and then prepared to turn around and run away.

Without thinking about turning around, he suddenly found that his escape route had been blocked.

【what happened? Am I exposed? Judging from their clothes, they look like ordinary people, not like officers and soldiers. Where do these people come from? It couldn't be a robbery, right? 】

Thoughts flashed through his mind, but on the surface, Kong Daqian pretended to be panicked.

"A few strong men want to..."

However, before he could finish his words, the man walking towards him hugged him directly.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Zhang?"

【Mr. Zhang? 】

His pseudonym was Old Man, and his surname was Zhang. The specific name was not disclosed. Naturally, no one would ask questions when chatting on the roadside.

[Wait a minute, that person seemed to be among the people chatting just now...]

Kong Daqian's eyes were constantly observing the people surrounding him, and he soon discovered a familiar face among them.

Even after taking a closer look, he felt that the other people looked a little familiar. He might have seen them somewhere a few days ago.

As his thoughts whirled, although he didn't know what the other party wanted to do when he stopped him, Kong Daqian calmed down a little.

"It's the old man. What do you want to do with the old man?"

"Our lord would like to speak to you, sir. Please move aside."

The leader said as he made a 'please' gesture.

Of course, they said it was "please", but in fact they had no intention of letting Kong Daqian leave at all. They had to be willing even if they were not happy.

Kong Daqian undoubtedly saw this and simply gave up resistance.

"Then please."

As soon as he came out of the alley, he was invited into a donkey cart and even blindfolded when he got on the cart.

This operation made Kong Daqian feel nervous. At the same time, more thoughts inevitably appeared in his heart.

After that, he sat in the car blindfolded and idle. He made a lot of guesses in his mind, and even made some guesses about the origin of this group of people.


The blindfold could not be taken off when he got off the car. Following the instructions of the entourage, Kong Daqian only remembered that he had crossed a threshold, and then he was led around again, and then the blindfold was taken off.

Immediately, he saw a middle-aged man wearing a cloth robe standing in front of him with a smile on his face.

After meeting his own eyes, he directly clasped his hands and introduced himself...

"I am Liu De, Queen Jing of Xishan, Jingguo. I have met Mr. and heard about Mr. for a long time. When I meet him today, it is really extraordinary!"

Hearing this, Kong Daqian curled his lips secretly.

[Old man, I farm and plow the land every day, exposed to wind and sun, how can I be extraordinary? 】

Judging from the appearance, Kong Daqian is indeed an old farming man with a tanned skin and rough skin. When he heard the compliment, he just felt that the man in front of him was not honest, full of nonsense, and not a good person.

However, on the surface, he still pretended to be surprised, and also made a gesture of cupping his fists.

"It turns out to be Queen Jing of Xishan, whom I have admired for a long time!"

Liu De and Kong Daqian didn't know this, but he still knew the name of King Jing of Xishan. He was one of the countries that was annexed by Yan Sheng. Jingguo was located at the foot of Xishan, so the king was also called King Jing of Xishan. This Xishan City was the original territory of Jingguo.

"I wonder why Prince Jing wants to find an old man like me?"

Kong Daqian imitated the accent and chatted with Liu De, but he also imitated it in a decent manner.

Upon seeing this, Liu De suddenly bowed and saluted Kong Daqian.

"I have recently heard of your great opinions, and I am deeply impressed by your talent. I would like to invite you to come out and work together to achieve great things!"


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