Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 667: Miserable Loss

After briefly completing the reporting work, Xie Liancheng was left to rest in the city lord's mansion by Yan Sheng.

The euphemistic name is that the conditions in the City Lord's Mansion are better, which is conducive to the general's recovery.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is convenient to monitor him.

After all, Yan Sheng is not stupid, and he also knows that his country is unstable at the moment.

At this time, if Xie Liancheng tries to trick him again, it will be even more serious. He must keep a close eye on him!

As everyone knows, the person responsible for the whole thing has already infiltrated into the people of Black Rock City.

At first, Kong Daqian thought his task would be very difficult.

When we got here, we found that the people's panic and dissatisfaction had already accumulated to a certain extent due to food problems and conscription issues.

Under this premise, the government also adopted the simplest and crudest form of force to deter these problems, but it also made the potential problems even bigger.

Kong Daqian is eloquent and a smart man. In addition, he is originally from here. He blends into the crowd here and feels familiar at all. With his sharp tongue, he becomes familiar with people as soon as he turns around. .

After a few words, I had an indispensable understanding of the situation here.

"But the government has said that after a few days, the food from the autumn harvest will be distributed. The domestic food is still enough for us to survive the winter, so we don't need to be too nervous."

Unknowingly, a lot of people had gathered in the alley where they were chatting. One of them, the old man, said this, which elicited a few cheers of agreement.

After hearing this, Kong Daqian rolled his eyes and looked like he was hesitating to speak.

The old man opposite saw him and immediately urged...

"Old Zhang, if you have something to say, just say it. Don't hesitate."

Lao Zhang was a pseudonym that Kong Daqian had set up for himself. He made this appearance originally because he wanted to attract people to give him a reason to speak. Now that he had the opportunity, after pretending to be confused and diluting for a while, he said heavily Sighed……

"For the sake of getting acquainted with each other, old man, I will remind everyone that if there is food in the grain store in the future, everyone should buy what they can."

After saying that, Kong Daqian stopped talking again, but everyone around him had already been intrigued by him, and now everyone was scratching their heads and ears anxiously.

"Lao Zhang, have you heard anything? Tell us quickly."

"Oh! This, this is hard to talk about! If word spreads about it, your head will be lost."

Kong Daqian said while wiping his neck.

However, when everyone around him saw it, not only were they not frightened, but they wanted to know more.

"Speak quickly, come on, there are no outsiders here, and we promise not to spread the word! Whoever hears this will spread the word, and it will strike like lightning! I will give birth to a son without a butt | eyes!"

Everyone around him responded. When Kong Daqian saw this, he immediately borrowed the donkey from the slope and started talking.

"Then let's make an agreement. I will talk about this here and no one is allowed to say it."

"Speak quickly! We must keep our mouths shut!"

"Okay, let me tell you the truth, I am a farmer. This year because of the war, the spring plowing and autumn harvest have been affected, and the grain output is less than the previous two years. You guys are counting the days, when has this been? The first batch of new grain should have arrived long ago, but it hasn’t arrived yet!”

Kong Daqian is indeed a farmer, which makes what he said about this matter very reasonable and well-founded, and the audience nodded frequently.

"Why do you think this is? Because the first batch of food has not even been received yet!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the crowd suddenly became commotion.

But at the same time, some people also raised objections.

"But the government has spoken out. After a while, new food will be available."

"Yes, the government has already spoken."

For this problem, Kong Daqian could be said to have been prepared for this problem, and he just sneered...

"Do you really believe it?"

"How do you say this?"

"If nothing unexpected happens then, there should be some food coming, but that's just a cover!"

Without waiting for them to ask questions, Kong Daqian directly revealed the answer himself.

"There isn't much food at all. Food stores everywhere will definitely limit their food supply. Each household can only buy two or three days' worth of food at most, and it will be sold out in no time. Most people will still buy it. No food.”

"At that time, they will say that this batch of food is sold out and they have to wait for the next batch. They ask everyone to be patient and wait."

Kong Daqian's words made everyone around him a little confused, but it didn't seem to be a problem.

Having noticed this, Kong Daqian didn't waste any time and quickly continued talking...

"That's the point! I'll leave it here. Most of this new batch of food will be taken away by the higher authorities and used as military rations. After all, everyone knows that that one has already issued a conscription order to assemble troops. Ten thousand troops set out to fight! This is just the beginning, who knows how long this battle will last?"

"Once a war breaks out, the food that can be supplied to ordinary people like us will become less and less, and everyone will have to wait longer and longer!"

"Besides that, there are those officials. They will definitely take away a lot of food. How much will be left for ordinary people like us in the end?"

The people here may not be smart, but they are certainly not stupid, especially since Kong Daqian has already spoken out for this reason, and everyone around him has also reacted.

The people know what happened before. Now, according to Kong Daqian, the above approach is to give them a little hope and something to look forward to, so that they can stick to their duties and not cause trouble.

But if there is really a problem with food, then what awaits them may be a famine.

"But, your Majesty has already summoned an army of 10,000. It shouldn't take long to win the battle, right? By then..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Kong Daqian's sneer.

"That's because you don't know. This time His Majesty kicked the iron wall. When he launched his troops in early spring, Huangsha City, which was stationed by General Long Zhantian, fell directly. He retreated all the way here. After that, he gathered troops to fight again, but lost again. He ran back in despair."

In the crowd, every time Kong Daqian said something, the air pressure around him dropped by one point, and invisible panic was slowly growing in everyone's hearts.

"Then for the third time, His Majesty ordered not only to assemble troops, but also to bring the general Jie Liancheng to conquer in person! What do you think the result will be?"


At this time, the low air pressure around them had made everyone lose their desire to respond.

But Kong Daqian ignored these and revealed the answer directly.

"General Long Zhantian is dead. General Jie Liancheng couldn't defeat the opponent! Your Majesty simply escaped back first. Thousands of people died. It was a miserable defeat!"

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