Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 666 Drinking poison to quench thirst

On Zhou Xu's side, after placing Kong Daqian there, he directly ordered the patrol team, including Zhuo Ge and others, to strengthen their offensive.

Within two days, they discovered the garrison camp on the opposite side, forcing the opposite side to retreat in embarrassment and escape back to Black Rock City.

At the same time, Yan Sheng's side...

Regarding the massive defeat of the frontline troops, Yan Sheng had already issued an order to completely block the news.

But paper can't cover up the fire after all. At that time, the frontline troops withdrew to Black Rock City in despair, and so many people were injured. How could they hide it?

Soon, the news spread like wildfire.

At the same time, Yan Sheng also issued a conscription order to recruit 7,000 troops.

The two pieces of news superimposed together are simply a nightmare for the people who have not yet recovered from the Great Patriotic War.

After the news spread, the common people with a little experience immediately took all the money at home and rushed to the nearest grain store.

When spring plowing was affected earlier, many people were discussing whether this year's grain harvest would be affected. Will food prices rise at the same time?

Now, as soon as this news comes out, rising food prices has almost become a certainty.

In fact, let alone the increase in food prices, if this trend continues, whether ordinary people can buy food will be a problem.

By the time they arrived at the grain store, the outside of the grain store was already crowded with people, even blocking the nearby road.

Seeing this scene, no matter how stupid a person is, he should react.

As a result, more and more people began to rush to buy food. In a short period of time, they bought all the food in the surrounding food stores.

This is not a good sign.

There is no food in the grain stores, and people who want to buy food later can't buy it. This will further breed panic, and make panic and panic collide further. Invisibly, this has formed a terrible vicious circle.

This news was quickly fed back to Yan Sheng, and Yan Sheng's face turned ugly after learning the news.

The conscription order has been issued, and it is impossible for him to withdraw the order at this time. This approach is equivalent to shaking his authority and slapping himself in the face.

“Where is the food harvested in the autumn?”

Yan Sheng's idea at this moment is very simple. It is the autumn harvest season. As long as the food is distributed and food stores are available for sale everywhere, the problem of food shortage in the market can be solved to a great extent. People's panic.

Faced with this question, an ordinary guard would definitely not be able to answer it, so he quickly went to find the corresponding official to confirm the situation, and the final result was...

"Your Majesty, this war has affected the autumn harvest. The first batch of grain has not been harvested yet."

The officer's voice became softer and softer as he continued to speak, and he was almost silent after that. Yan Sheng became even more annoyed when he heard that, and the teacup in his hand hit the other person directly.

"I'll give you one more week. If you can't collect it after one week, I'll take your head off! Get out!!"

With the sound of "get out", the frightened official immediately rolled and crawled and retreated as if running for his life.

When this trick didn't work for the time being, Yan Sheng, who couldn't think of any other way for a while, could only hold back one sentence...

"Notify officials from all over the country to stabilize the situation and appease the public. At this juncture, no mistakes are allowed!"

In a few words, it didn’t say exactly what to do.

In other words, you figure it out on your own, I only look at the results.

Officials from various places have received this order. Faced with this situation, what can they do?

Say something nice to the people?

To be honest, they have been fighting continuously over the years, and the people have long lost trust in the imperial government.

Even if it is temporarily soothed, the effect will only last for two or three days at most.

But will the food be available in these two or three days?

In the next week, it is a question whether it can be collected, let alone everything is in place.

In this way, the officials could not think of a good way at all, and their Majesty the First Emperor only wanted to see the results and did not care about anything else.

There was no choice. In order to produce results as quickly as possible, many officials faced heavy pressure and finally chose the simplest and crudest method.

That is to send city defense troops to start patrolling the streets and alleys.

Its purpose is to deter and disperse those disorderly people.

Just looking at it, the effect is indeed there, but if the time is extended, this action is basically the same as drinking poison to quench thirst.

Forcible suppression will only lead to greater outbreaks.

But why do the officials below care about this?

They couldn't guarantee whether these rioters would cause chaos again in the future, but if they didn't quickly control the situation, according to the temperament of their Majesty the First Emperor, their heads would definitely be moved.

Faced with such a situation, do they still have any choice?

Of course, save your head first, and let’s talk about the rest later!

Yan Sheng, who looked at the latest report and confirmed that the situation was under control, looked much better.

Unfortunately, before he could feel better for a while, news came from the city gate that General Xie Liancheng had withdrawn with his reconnaissance troops.

According to preliminary observations, the casualties of the reconnaissance team were not small.

"Pass an order to the general, Jie Liancheng, and the accompanying lieutenants to come and have an audience!"

Yan Sheng gave an order, and Jie Liancheng and his deputy, who had just returned to Black Rock City, were taken to the city lord's mansion.

"Tell me, what's going on?!"

Not in the mood to talk nonsense with them, Yan Sheng went straight to the point.

After hearing this, Xie Liancheng was unambiguous and immediately started reporting in a decent manner.

"Your Majesty, the Centaur mercenaries on the opposite side are too troublesome. After nightfall, they frequently come to attack and harass us. We are no match for them at all. The location of the garrison camp was also quickly exposed. We are unable to parry and can only retreat. , to preserve our troops.”

After listening to Xie Liancheng's report, Yan Sheng glanced at the deputy general standing beside him calmly.

Sensing the gaze coming from Yan Sheng, the deputy general nodded quickly.

After confirmation, although Yan Sheng was in a bad mood about the result, he was not in a bad mood.

He couldn't possibly not know how difficult the centaur mercenaries were.

According to his guess, part of the reconnaissance team was able to come back alive this time, thanks to Jie Liancheng who led the team.

If it had been any other general, he might have been wiped out there.

However, what Yan Sheng didn't know was that in order not to bear the blame, the deputy general he sent to monitor Xie Liancheng had already made excuses with Xie Liancheng before entering the city.

After all, if we really talk about this matter, he was the one who exposed his whereabouts while leading the team. If the responsibility is investigated, General Xie Liancheng will be fined a small salary at most. As for his little deputy general, he will most likely have to move his head. .

Update sent, thanks to book friend ‘Qingyun Tianxiao’ for the reward!

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