Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 665 Begin the layout (2)

Regardless of whether Kong Daqian's words contained elements of flattering him, at least they sounded pleasant to the ear.

At the same time, I have to say that what Kong Daqian said was indeed on point.

The comprehensive development levels of their two forces are indeed similar, but in comparison, Da Zhou has a stability that the other party does not have at all.

Although the war is going on at the front, the people living in the rear are basically not affected much.

The reasons for this can be roughly divided into three aspects, excluding some trivial factors.

The first aspect is the conscription model.

They, the Zhou Dynasty, followed the line of elite troops and did not win by quantity.

The daily consumption of a hundred Dazhou soldiers, as well as a series of configurations such as weapons and equipment, are enough for other forces to arm a force of 500 people.

At the same time, the training period is also longer. After conscription, they serve for a long time and become professional soldiers.

During wartime, this force was basically used instead of going from house to house to capture strong men to make up the numbers. The entire investment was completely different.

The benefit of doing this is not only to make the soldiers of the Dazhou Army higher quality, but also to greatly reduce the requisition and mobilization of internal labor.

These extra labor forces can be used for the internal development of the Great Zhou Dynasty, which can help internal stability in a disguised manner.

The second aspect after that is grain production.

To put it simply, their internal grain production is very high. Among them, Zhao Geng, as the Minister of Agriculture, is outstanding and takes the greatest credit. The existence of Pingyuan Farm provides a suitable growing environment for a large number of crops and increases production, which is also a core factor.

This makes it possible that even during wartime, their internal food is affected by the war, and food prices also fluctuate slightly, but it can still ensure that everyone has something to eat, which can stabilize the people's hearts to a large extent, and will not There will be chaos.

As for this last aspect, it is because their war has the support of the people.

If you think about it carefully, although wars broke out relatively frequently in the Great Zhou Dynasty, in these wars, their Great Zhou Dynasty was basically the one that was invaded at the beginning.

Afterwards, they turned from defense to offense. They were just trying to defend their homeland and ensure the safety of the people.

Such a war will undoubtedly gain the support of the people and make them unanimously declare it to the outside world.

On the other hand, Yan Sheng used to rely on his stronger military strength to forcefully provoke wars, invade other countries, and plunder other countries' territorial resources without caring about the livelihood and development of other countries. This is an unjust war.

The people of the invaded country hate him, and the people on his own side don't want to fight at all, but he fights hard. How can the people's lives be better? Dissatisfaction will also accumulate in the heart.

Kong Daqian is a smart man, with three-star potential intelligence and the gift of 'eloquence'. It would be a waste for such a talent to be the captain of the farming team.

Therefore, Zhou Xu had already made arrangements for Kong Daqian from the beginning.

Under this premise, the reason why the other party is still allowed to immigrate with them and live a farming life in their territory is to let the other party experience it for themselves.

Some things, no matter how much you brag about them, can't be as real as your own personal experience.

Only when you have experienced it can you feel the huge gap between the lives of the two sides.

There is no doubt that the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty are happier and deserve the words "live and work in peace and contentment".

This kind of life allowed the immigrants, including Kong Daqian, to completely forget about their original country in less than a year, and they felt a strong sense of belonging. At the same time, no one planned to return. go back.

At this point, Zhou Xu's original goal has basically been achieved.

"I have a task for you here."

"Your Majesty, just ask!"

After arriving in Dazhou, although Kong Daqian and Zhou Xu no longer had any contact with each other, they would often talk to each other when they chatted with each other.

No one in the surrounding Zhou people said anything bad about their king.

If you chat with them and say something bad about Zhou Xu, the local patrol team may not even come over yet, and the people around you who are chatting with you will probably knock you down first.

It is not difficult to see the people’s will from this.

In this atmosphere, over time, Kong Daqian gradually became convinced of their great king, and now he spoke with a firmness that he had never seen before.

Kong Daqian's reaction satisfied Zhou Xu, and then he didn't intend to hide it. He directly told the other party that Yan Sheng wanted to recruit 7,000 troops and gather 10,000 troops to attack Huangsha City.

After Kong Daqian heard this, his expression changed instantly.

Kong Daqian was no stranger to this situation. When Yan Sheng provoked the war and annexed the surrounding countries, overwhelming the enemy with force was the opponent's usual method.

And his original motherland collapsed and was defeated under the constant pressure of this kind of military strength, and was eventually annexed by it.

Now that he heard these words from Zhou Xu, Kong Daqian couldn't help but recall the scene when his motherland was defeated and swallowed up.

For a moment, while feeling panic, there was also a burst of righteous indignation!

"What does the king want his subordinates to do?"

As mentioned before, Kong Daqian is a smart man. He knows that since Zhou Xu came to him, he must have a plan.

When Zhou Xu saw this, he was not ambiguous and quickly stated his plan.

After listening to the plan, Kong Daqian's eyes were filled with brilliance and he called out, 'Your Majesty is wise'.

"But Your Majesty, how can my subordinates sneak into the enemy's territory?"

With the word "enemy country", Kong Daqian clearly drew a clear line with the opposite side.

"Don't worry about this, I will arrange for someone to send you there."

Kong Daqian's move was planned by Zhou Xu a long time ago. No matter whether there was Jie Liancheng on the other side or whether he met Jie Liancheng later, his plan would not change.

Moreover, he had already ordered people to bring the news of summoning Kong Daqian back when the energy channel was opened.

It's just that the mountains in their territory are high and the roads are far away, and this end is connected to the mountains. It takes a lot of time and effort to deliver the news and travel, so they haven't arrived until now.

Now that the people are in place, Zhou Xu has no intention of nagging and quickly looks for an opportunity to meet Jie Liancheng again.

At that moment, Kong Daqian's expression looked as if he had seen a ghost.

[Good guy, the king’s internal correspondent in the enemy country is actually the general Xie Liancheng? ! 】

If he hadn't seen this kind of thing with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it before.

After the brief shock, what followed was a wave of ecstasy.

[The tyrant Yan Sheng is really doomed! 】

If he was still a little unsure before, now he is really full of confidence.

After briefly arranging Kong Daqian there, Xie Liancheng took Zhou Xu aside and chatted for a few words.

"Can you trust this person?"

"You can trust me, don't worry."

Zhou Xu couldn't confirm how loyal Kong Daqian was to him, but he knew that it was human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Good birds choose trees to roost in. Kong Daqian was a smart man and he would not be unable to understand this matter.

Not to mention that his son Kong Tiezhan is still in Dazhou at the moment.

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