Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 664 Begin the layout

After a conversation, after further understanding each other's situation and determining some follow-up plans, Jie Liancheng hurriedly rode away, and then summoned his own reconnaissance forces who had fled due to the previous attack by the Centaur soldiers. soldiers and retreated directly to their own garrison camp in the middle of the night.

The movement in the camp woke up the lieutenant who had just fallen asleep shortly after dark. At the same time, the first reaction in his mind was...

[The general rebelled? ! 】

As this thought flashed through his mind, the lieutenant hurriedly called for the soldiers guarding outside his tent.

"What's going on? What happened outside?"

"Reporting back to the general, the general is back. They seem to have been ambushed by enemy troops. Many soldiers were injured."

The reconnaissance team has just returned, and many things are not very clear. The soldiers guarding outside can only give a rough idea at the moment.

Hearing this, the lieutenant's heart skipped a beat, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

In his opinion, as long as they don't come back to rebel, that's fine.

As his thoughts whirled, the lieutenant took a deep breath.

"Quick, come in and put on my armor for this general!"

The unexpected situation in the camp basically dispersed the deputy general's sleepiness. After putting on his armor as quickly as possible, he walked out of the camp quickly.

At this moment, the garrison camp under the night was completely busy.

Many of the soldiers who came back from Jie Liancheng were injured and were currently treating their wounds.

The deputy general's eyes swept over and finally fell on the general Xie Liancheng.

"General, I wonder what happened?"

The deputy general asked this question knowingly.

Jie Liancheng glanced at him sideways, and then said angrily...

"You exposed your whereabouts during the day. After nightfall, as soon as we took action, we were attacked by the Centaur mercenaries from the opposite side!"

As soon as he said these words, the expression of the deputy general who came over suddenly froze, and he was suddenly embarrassed.

This pot came at once and hit him directly on the head. However, he was unable to refute it and could only accept it obediently.

After standing like this for a while, the lieutenant, thinking that this was not an option, spoke cautiously...

"Then General, why don't we withdraw first?"

"Withdraw it? Withdraw it as soon as you come here?"

Jie Liancheng glared at him fiercely.

"Are you not aware of His Majesty's temper or something? If you want to die, don't drag me along with you."

Hearing this, the deputy general couldn't help laughing.

"That's what the general said. What the general said is that the lower official's brain is crazy!"

His identity means that he is their Majesty's confidant, and he is here to keep an eye on the General Xie Liancheng. However, the lieutenant general has some idea of ​​their Majesty's temper. He will fall out if he says so, which is not merciful at all. .

Recently, the front line has just suffered a big defeat, and their Majesty is in a bad mood. At this time, if he messes up the affairs here, there is a high probability that he will lose his head.

"Then, what should we do next, General? I will obey your orders!"

Xie Liancheng is a great general after all. He is not something that a little lieutenant like him can afford to offend. In addition, he did cause trouble during the day and tricked the other party in disguise. In order not to be offended, the lieutenant will also The posture is very low.

Jie Liancheng glanced at it, then expressed angrily...

"What else can we do? Continue to keep the distance and ensure the safety of the reconnaissance team as the first priority. Anyway, our task here is to keep an eye on the opposite side, so just keep an eye on it. There is no need to do other things. The more we do, the more we can do. , the more mistakes you make, you won’t make mistakes if you don’t do it, you understand what I mean, right?”

The deputy general was stunned when he heard Xie Liancheng's words.

You know, in his heart, Xie Liancheng has always been a bastard with no skills. He really didn't expect that the other party could actually say such things.

The deputy general nodded quickly after hearing this.

"The general is right!"

These words at this time were naturally not suppressed by Xie Liancheng himself, but Zhou Xu had prepared some rhetoric for Xie Liancheng in advance in order to increase his persuasiveness, so that Xie Liancheng could apply it according to the situation.

Now it seems that things are going very smoothly.

Early the next morning, the deputy general was woken up once in the night. The quality of his rest in the second half of the night was not good, which directly affected his condition the next day, but he still worked hard to carry out the reconnaissance mission.

Compared with the previous day, they kept the safe distance farther. Anyway, as long as they could catch a glimpse of the outline of Huangsha City from a distance.

The main task of their reconnaissance force is to keep an eye on any big moves by the enemy forces in Huangsha City.

For example, marching into the city or something.

Apart from that, they don't need to do too many extra things.

With this kind of mentality, I have corrected my position, and the pressure on me is actually reduced.

This also caused the teams on both sides responsible for reconnaissance and patrol missions to have no fighting in the following days except for the first day.

Four days passed quietly like this...

During the first day's operation, the prisoners captured from the opposite side were directly taken back to serve as hard labor. At the same time, in their territory of Dazhou, one person followed the support troops and came to Huangsha City again.

"Subordinate Kong Daqian, please see your Majesty!"

"No gift."

Now Kong Daqian is working as a minor official in the farming branch of the Ministry of Agriculture of Dazhou. His status is almost equivalent to the captain of the farming team. With such an identity, it doesn't matter that he calls himself a subordinate in front of Zhou Xu. Something wrong.

"It's been quite some time since you went to Dazhou. How are you doing?"

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. My subordinate is doing well."

"How does it compare to before?"

This question made Kong Daqian confused. For a moment, he didn't know what the purpose of their king was in asking him this question, and he really didn't dare to say it easily.

Seeing Kong Daqian's hesitation, Zhou Xu smiled.

"I just want to use you to briefly understand the thoughts of this group of immigrants. You just need to tell the truth."

After Zhou Xu had done a thorough job, Kong Daqian, who had some idea in his mind, slowly spoke.

"Compared with the past, our life today is in the sky and on the earth."


Zhou Xu said lightly.

From his current understanding, although the development levels of both sides in various fields are high and low, taken together, the development gap is not large.

However, when Zhou Xu had already said this, Kong Daqian shook his head.

"It's not an exaggeration, Your Majesty. Before joining the Zhou Dynasty, we had a simple diet every day. Sometimes we even had no food to eat. The officials bullied the people. In addition, there were frequent wars. When the war started, we would arrest young men from house to house. We were frightened every day and couldn't do anything. quiet."

"After the big week of taking effect, we have vegetables and meat every day, eat every meal, and live a stable and peaceful life. As long as we do our own things well, we don't need to worry about other things at all. Such days, for us, , It’s just like a dream, it’s no exaggeration to say that it’s like the sky and the earth.”

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