He and Liancheng had grown up together, and their relationship was so good that they were like little brothers wearing a pair of pants.

This can be seen from the fact that Xie Liancheng still habitually calls him by his original name, Zhou Hongxu.

From kindergarten to elementary school, to junior high school, high school, and even university, they all went to the same school and were even assigned to the same class.

The only difference is that Zhou Xu's academic performance has always been quite good, while Xie Liancheng high school and university were specially recruited as athletes.

And while on a graduation trip, there was a car accident in the same bus, and they died together...

Good guy, from this point of view, the two of them simply live and die together.

There is only so much that can be written on this small piece of paper. The content in it can be summarized in one sentence as asking him to have a talk outside the city tonight, with a rough location attached.

"Your Majesty, is this too dangerous?"

As the captain of the soldiers, he had to be responsible for Zhou Xu's life safety. After roughly understanding the situation, Silk couldn't help but raise his concerns.

"Don't worry, he and I are old friends."

Although he hadn't seen each other for several years since the time of the car accident, Zhou Xu still had great trust in his little brother.

Xie Liancheng was a gold medalist in the World Wushu Championships, a national Wushu elite level martial arts athlete, and a serious member of the national team even before time travel.

Later, he switched to mixed martial arts. Before graduating from college, he won the UFC world championship and was called the most capable college student in China.

To put it bluntly, he was outside Huangsha City at that time. If Xie Liancheng wanted to kill him, he would have died long ago. There was no need to play tricks with him.

"Silk, you don't have night vision, so you don't need to come with me this time. With Drogo and the others, nothing will happen."

As Zhou Xu's personal guard captain, Silk's first reaction when he heard this was to refuse, but he found that he was unable to refute at all.

Night vision is really important.

It is no exaggeration to say that due to vision problems, in a dark environment, elf knights of the same specifications are basically unlikely to be opponents of centaurs.

Without any delay, Zhou Xu quickly followed Joseph out of the city. At this moment, Drogo had also rushed back with a group of centaur soldiers and was waiting at the door.

Although he didn't understand what was written on the note, he guessed that something might be going on.

So he handed over the patrol and reconnaissance mission to his subordinates, and ordered a group of centaurs to come back and stand by.

Looking at Drogo who was on standby outside the city, Zhou Xu's eyes lit up. He was a little surprised that Drogo could make such a judgment on his own without giving any orders.

Compared to Diak, who prefers functionality, Drogo's commanding intelligence has three-star potential, and his bravery and endurance potential has reached four stars. This five-dimensional panel can be said to be very comprehensive, which makes Zhou Xu place high hopes on it. High hopes.

And now Drogo has completely lived up to his expectations, gradually showing his ability to stand alone.

"Joseph, you go notify the team that is performing patrol and reconnaissance missions, let them increase their intensity, take the initiative, and disperse the reconnaissance team on the opposite side. It is best to capture them all alive. If necessary, it doesn't matter if you shoot a few. Go quickly. !”


After watching Joseph fly away like the wind, Zhou Xu turned to look at Drogo.

"Let's go east, to another place."

Obviously, this was Xie Liancheng's idea. After all, he could only come out to meet Zhou Xu when the reconnaissance team had nothing to worry about.

Zhou Xu didn't let Zhou Xu wait for too long. Hearing the noise coming from the distance, Drogo tensed up slightly.

At this night, even if Zhou Xu activated the 'Eye of Insight', his eyes were not as good as Drogo's. After the distance was close to a certain point, Drogo saw the other party's appearance clearly and quickly reported.

"It's him right."

Before, outside Huangsha City, Drogo fought a battle with Liancheng. After overturning the opponent's mount with his 'war charge', he relied on his stronger mobility to barely deal with the opponent, but he could not change his attitude in ten years. After a few rounds, he began to realize that he was at a disadvantage.

The situation at that time, if the fight continued, I was afraid that I would definitely lose.

This made Drogo quite afraid of him. It was hard for him to imagine that a human could be so strong.

Seeing Drogo's tension, Zhou Xu patted him, signaling to relax and not to be too nervous.

At the same time, Jie Liancheng's voice came from a distance.


"Lao Jie, this way!"

They had already distanced themselves in advance. From this position, they were not afraid that the other party would find them.

Hearing each other's voices, the two of them were completely relieved.

After getting closer, I saw that they almost dismounted from their horses at the same time, walked quickly, hugged each other fiercely, and patted each other's backs hard, venting the joy of the two brothers being reunited.

After they separated, looking at Zhou Xu in front of him, Xie Liancheng couldn't help but feel his nose sore again, and then hugged him tightly again.

"sorry Sorry……"

Listening to the other party's apologies, Zhou Xu was stunned for a moment, and then sighed.

"Do you know how much I regretted it at that time? If I had known that such a car accident would happen, I wouldn't have forced you to go on that bullshit graduation trip!"

According to Zhou Xu's temperament, he didn't really want to participate in such group activities at that time. Later, he couldn't resist Xie Liancheng and was forced to go.

And there is no need to say more about what happened next.

Xie Liancheng really thought that Zhou Xu was dead. In his opinion, he was the one who killed his brother. This regret and pain had been suppressed in his heart until this moment, and it finally broke out.

"Okay, am I still alive? Now that I have become a great king, I can be considered as having survived the catastrophe, and I will be blessed in the future."

Hearing this, Xie Liancheng, who was crying with snot and tears, finally laughed out loud.

"It seems so."

He touched the snot and tears on his face vigorously.

"Damn it, I'm really embarrassed by this."

Taking a deep breath, Xie Liancheng adjusted his emotions, and then spoke again...

"Okay, let's get down to business."

While talking, Jie Liancheng told Zhou Xu about Yan Sheng's future plans.

After listening, Zhou Xu laughed.

"It seems like this guy really has a red eye."

[If it were me, I would definitely wait for the autumn harvest to end, start recruiting troops after winter, and then wait for the next spring to mobilize troops. But this guy is obviously losing his sight, losing his mind, and starting to do things a little carelessly. 】

Thinking of this, out of caution, Zhou Xu still asked...

"Lao Jie, do you think what the other party is doing is normal?"

"I don't think it's strange. When that guy provoked wars and annexed neighboring countries before, he also relied on weapons, equipment and troops to attack. After winning consecutive battles, he fought more and more crazily, and his people became inflated and became more and more wanton."

After hearing this, Zhou Xu had a rough idea.

Yan Sheng's state, to put it bluntly, is like that of some nouveau riche. Suddenly rich, they become bloated, cannot listen to good words, don't take others seriously, and think they are invincible.

As a result, Zhou Xu suddenly jumped out and slapped him twice, causing his face to become swollen.

At this time, Yan Sheng, who has already become swollen, will he still reflect on himself?

He will only become angry and try to regain his face at all costs!

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