Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 662 Meeting (2)

Time was limited, so Zhou Xu also took the time to ask clearly what he wanted to ask.

"By the way, is the attack that can release thunder and lightning the truth? How much do you know?"

"It should be the truth."

Xie Liancheng nodded.

"That guy had been hiding that move before, so I didn't discover it until that battle. As far as I'm concerned, I blindly guessed that the cost should be quite large. After that blow, I tried to get the guy to use it again. , the guy found a reason to refuse."

At this point, Jie Liancheng quickly told Zhou Xu that Yan Sheng had a teleportation method.

"This is also the main reason why I haven't taken action. Now that guy has the attack method of Thunder Mantra, it will be even harder to kill him."

It's very annoying to have a life-saving means when you have fatal means for attacking.

At the same time, it is not difficult to see from Xie Liancheng's words just now that although Yan Sheng is very arrogant in military operations, he is extremely stubborn when his own life is endangered.

Previously, Xie Liancheng wanted to deceive the other party's mantra, but Yan Sheng simply didn't take the bait.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that Yan Sheng will always keep a hand of cards to save his life, instead of foolishly handing them all over.

"Let's not talk about the thunder and lightning. How much do you know about the other party's transmission mantra? Please describe the entire process to me."

Jie Liancheng didn't talk nonsense after hearing this and quickly started describing it.

"You said that when he was casting his mantra, he also spread out an animal skin scroll?"

"Yes, I saw something like a formation painted on the animal skin scroll."

Xie Liancheng nodded affirmatively.

"When he spoke the truth, the formation on the animal skin scroll unfolded, and then the others disappeared out of thin air."

[The animal skin scroll is undoubtedly a necessary prop, otherwise there is no need for the other party to use it. 】

[This is the first time I have heard of the mantra that needs to be used with props. Is it something similar to magic equipment? 】

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Zhou Xu asked about various details about this transmission method.

But what Xie Liancheng knew was limited.

He only knew that Yan Sheng had such a life-saving teleportation method, but the other party did not use it frequently.

"In other words, Yan Sheng did not use this teleportation method for military purposes?"

You know, the moment Zhou Xu heard about the teleportation method, the first thing that came to his mind was that it could be used to teleport troops and military equipment.

Imagine that there is a war on the border, and the troops on the capital side can fall directly from the sky by means of teleportation. What a huge advantage is this? !

Zhou Xu didn't think Yan Sheng could even figure out such a simple thing.

If the other party didn't do that, then there must be some huge limitations in this transmission method. Otherwise, it would be stupid to leave such a huge advantage unused.

If you want to collapse the opposing country's civil strife, directly killing Yan Sheng, who is the supreme ruler, is undoubtedly the most effective way, but it is not the only way.

After all, judging from the current situation, it is really difficult to kill Yan Sheng.

At the same time, he did not intend to let Xie Liancheng take this risk.

The thunder and lightning didn't kill Chitose, but that didn't mean he didn't know Liancheng's life. This approach was too dangerous.

Zhou Xu is not the kind of person who will get stuck on one road. If one road doesn't work, then find another one. He has always been like this.

"Do you think the next seven thousand troops can be recruited?"

While asking this question, Zhou Xu directly told Jie Liancheng his plan.

His plan was a typical conspiracy, and he was not afraid of anyone knowing about it.

Under this premise, Xie Liancheng must know better than him what the situation is in the country on the other side.

Instead of analyzing and pondering on his own at this moment, it would be better to directly ask Xie Liancheng to come.

After understanding Zhou Xu's plan, Xie Liancheng knew clearly that Zhou Xu was concerned about how much impact Yan Sheng's wave of conscription would have on the country, and whether it might even directly trigger unrest.

"In my opinion, a lot of people have died before the annexation of the Wei Kingdom. This year, because of the war here, the number of soldiers was recruited twice, and the number has exceeded 5,000. At the same time, the number of casualties is estimated to be up to After recruiting two or three thousand troops, the voice of dissatisfaction among the people is already loud. Under this situation, if we recruit another 7,000 troops, there will definitely be trouble internally."

At this point, Xie Liancheng changed the topic.

"But I can't guarantee whether it will cause unrest."

Regarding this answer, Zhou Xu nodded and then changed the question.

"How about your appeal in the military?"

As the general on the opposite side, Xie Liancheng would undoubtedly be able to achieve good results if he could rise up at the right time.

However, facing this problem, Xie Liancheng scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I can't say it's not possible at all, but you'd better not have high expectations."


Feeling Zhou Xu's gaze, Xie Liancheng couldn't help but feel a little melancholy.

"Don't look at me like that. I can be called a general just because I can fight. After coming to this world, I found that although I can fight, I can't lead troops. I'm really not a real person. The material of the general marshal of the world’s soldiers and horses.”

Regarding Xie Liancheng's statement that he could not lead troops, Zhou Xu still had some idea. After all, he had already taken the opportunity to look at Xie Liancheng's attribute panel on the wall of Huangsha City before.

Now, just in case, he took another look to confirm.

【Eye of Insight! 】

"What are you talking about?"

"A mantra that can confirm your attribute panel."

As Zhou Xu said this, he once again turned his attention to the attribute panel of Liancheng.

Name: Xie Liancheng

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Race: Human race

Status: None

Mantra: None

Talent: Unparalleled Warrior: He has unparalleled combat power and is a top warrior!

Brave: ★★★★☆

Intelligence: ★★

Spirit: ★★☆

Endurance: ★★★☆

Command: ★★

This five-dimensional attribute can be said to be very capable in terms of individual combat power. At the same time, this is the first time he has seen a fierce man whose bravery level has officially reached four stars. No wonder this guy can be so fierce outside Huangsha City before. That's it!

But as Xie Liancheng himself knew, although he was a top-notch general, he had no ability to lead troops at all. With a two-star command, he could only lead a small army at most.

Although Zhou Xu had known this for a long time, according to his thinking, Xie Liancheng was a general after all. He should have some reputation among the opposing army, right?

Now it seems that he has thought too much.

"How's it going? My properties panel?"

Zhou Xu listened and told him briefly, and Xie Liancheng nodded.

"It's the same as what's shown on my own panel."

As the God's Chosen One, although Jie Liancheng does not have an 'eye of insight' and cannot see other people's attribute panels, he can confirm his own attribute panels through the system interface.

This is also the core reason why he is so sure that he does not have the ability to lead troops.

However, after traveling so long, he has already passed the tangled stage and entered a state of ruin.

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