Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 660 Find a way (2)

[Good guy, is it so smooth? 】

Xie Liancheng was a little surprised. Considering some unexpected situations, he also thought of some coping methods, but now they can't use them.

Regardless, that's always a good thing.

Thinking of this, Jie Liancheng spoke up again...

"Do you want to be in charge of the day or the night?"

Xie Liancheng directly left the choice to the deputy general. After all, he knew his situation in his heart, and he did this to avoid being suspected.

At the same time, he was confident that the other party would give the answer he wanted.

As expected, the lieutenant-general spoke cautiously after hesitating for a moment...

"Then the officer will be responsible for the daytime?"

This answer can be said to be within Xie Liancheng's expectations.

When he spoke before, he mentioned many times that there were centaur mercenaries on the opposite side who were good at operating at night.

As long as the lieutenant is not stupid, he should be able to think that if he chooses to do so at night, there is a chance that he will encounter the centaur mercenaries on the opposite side, which is much more dangerous than encountering ordinary human troops.

Even to avoid this risk, he would choose daytime, which is relatively safer.

In this way, when faced with this answer, Xie Liancheng naturally would not refuse and nodded directly in agreement.

"Okay, then I'll be in charge of the night. You can go directly to lead the investigation now. I'll get some sleep first."

Xie Liancheng said he wanted to take a nap, so the lieutenant naturally did not dare to stay longer and left quickly.

Walking outside, the deputy general groaned secretly in his heart.

I just arrived on this journey, and before I could rest for a while, I had to go on patrol.

But compared to the risks of patrolling at night, he would rather be tired for a while now.

During this period, Huangsha City undoubtedly also dispatched patrol teams to perform daily patrol tasks outside the city.

Not long after the reconnaissance team headed by the deputy general arrived, their whereabouts were exposed.

Fortunately, the distance was still far at that time, and after being exposed, the deputy general was frightened and did not dare to fight with them at all. He immediately led the team to retreat, but there was no fight with the patrol team in Huangsha City, so it was a close call.

On this side, the news that the enemy reconnaissance team was discovered quickly reached Zhou Xu's ears.

Although Zhou Xu would not ignore the appearance of this reconnaissance team, he would not pay too much attention to it.

Under the premise that they have occupied Huangsha City and repelled the siege troops from the opposite side many times, no matter what the other side is going to do next, sending a reconnaissance team to keep an eye on their movements is an inevitable method. There is nothing surprising. .

Of course, Zhou Xu would not do nothing.

"Let Drogo and the others form a reconnaissance team. After nightfall, they can explore the location of the opposing reconnaissance team's camp. If possible, they can take over the opponent's camp."

Anyway, idle time is idle. Compared with human troops, centaur soldiers with night vision have obvious advantages after dark. Zhou Xu doesn't mind causing more trouble to the opponent.

During this period, before the sky completely darkened, the lieutenants successfully returned to their garrison camp on the front line and reported to Jie Liancheng, who had just woken up and was having dinner, that the other party had discovered their existence.

The deputy general who said this had obvious anxiety on his face.

However, Xie Liancheng just said "Oh" calmly and had no reaction. After a simple dinner, he led the team to leave the camp. In fact, he felt happy in his heart.

From the very beginning, he went with the mentality of exposing the deputy general.

After the deputy general was exposed, Zhou Xu would most likely send a reconnaissance force to Huangsha City to investigate the situation, so that he could have a chance to contact the other side.

Sure enough, as the sky darkened, traces of centaur soldiers appeared on the outskirts of Huangsha City.

The two sides were the first to face each other. Without saying a word, Jie Liancheng bent his bow and nocked an arrow, shot an arrow towards the opposite side, and then pulled the reins.

"The Centaur mercenaries have too much advantage this night, let's retreat!"

The soldiers under his command were already wary of the existence of the centaur mercenaries, but now that they heard Jie Liancheng's order, every one of them did not doubt that he was there and hurriedly retreated.

As for the arrow shot by Xie Liancheng just now, they just thought that the other side was shooting an arrow to contain the other side, and didn't think much about it at all.

At the same time, Drogo's side...

Looking at the arrow that fell from the sky and landed diagonally opposite him, Drogo felt strange in his heart.

Normally, there are roughly two methods of archery in their troops, one is flat shooting, and the other is hanging shooting.

To put it bluntly, horizontal shooting is to aim directly at the target and carry out a straight-line archery attack. Within the range, horizontal shooting is the fastest, but in the process of large-scale battles, it is used relatively rarely.

The lob shot is to shoot the arrow forward and upward. The arrow will draw a long parabola in the air, and then fall like falling from the sky.

Compared with flat shooting, although lob shooting is not as fast, the attack range is longer and the applicability is also higher.

For example, in the previous city defense battles, the archers on the defending side used lob shots. They used long parabolas to send the arrows over the wall and attack the enemy troops outside the city. This was very common in large-scale battles. .

But in this small-scale team testing each other, it doesn't make much sense to use this hanging shooting method, not to mention that there is only one arrow shot.

And this is what Drogo finds strange.


With this doubt, Drogo's eyes fell on the arrow, and then he quickly discovered that the arrow seemed a little different.

After a slight hesitation, he took the initiative to pick up the arrow stuck on the ground, and saw that there was a small bamboo tube tied to the arrow.

They also had similar things in Da Zhou. After pulling out the stopper on the bamboo tube and pouring it out, a rolled up note fell into Drogo's hand.

He unfolded the note and took a look. There were symbols written on it that looked like text, but unfortunately, he couldn't understand a single word.

Thinking of this, Drogo rolled up the note and stuffed it back into the bamboo tube.

"Joseph, please return this bamboo tube to the city as quickly as possible and hand it over to the king."


After taking the bamboo tube, without saying a word, Joseph burst out as fast as possible and rushed towards Huangsha City.

At this time, Zhou Xu had already fallen asleep, but due to the special situation, Hilke, who was guarding outside, decided to wake up their king after a little hesitation and presented the bamboo tube to Zhou Xu. in front of emotions.

"Joseph, tell me about the situation."

As Zhou Xu spoke, he spread out the note in the bamboo tube.

The situation at that time was nothing special. Zhou Xu just wanted to confirm it just in case. In comparison, the note in the bamboo tube surprised him.

Of course Joseph and the others couldn't understand the words on it, because the words written on it were the words of their original world.

Moreover, probably to increase confidentiality, the content on this note was basically written in the dialect of their hometown.

From this point of view, Zhou Xu was sure that this note was definitely sent by Jie Liancheng.

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