Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 615 Broken City (2)


Although there were not many troops, it did not affect their momentum at all. The centaur soldiers headed by Drogo were skillful and bold. They maintained a charging speed all the way and rushed towards the enemy's broken city gate. !

The moment the three-bow bed crossbow blew open their city gate, Long Zhantian, who was standing on top of the wall, felt the wall beneath his feet shake.

Until the frightened shouts came from below the city gate, he couldn't believe that their city gate was blown open in an instant.

"Quick! Move the horses and cooperate with the spearmen to block the city gate passage!"

Within the city, city defense equipment such as Juma were basically placed on the edge of the city gate passage for easy access.

Now that the order was received, the soldiers below quickly moved their horses to block the city gate passage. At the same time, the spearmen carried their spears and pushed up row by row.

Before they were completely close, Drogo and the others could already see the actions on the other side from a long distance away, but they didn't panic at all.

When Drogo and the others were still almost a hundred meters away from the city gate passage, another continuous muffled sound came.

The giant crossbow exploded with power again and sank directly into the city gate passage, shattering the Juma that blocked their way. Even the spearmen who blocked the Juma with their spears were mercilessly killed.

There was no time to even scream, and the blood all over the sky was scattered in all directions along with the flying pieces of flesh and blood and internal organs.

In the blink of an eye, the area near the city gate passage turned into a hell on earth due to the continuous bursts of three-bow crossbows!

Faced with this situation, the cavalry unit headed by Drogo did not have any surprises. This was their long-established plan.

Therefore, when the cavalry troops raided at the beginning, they did not lock the position of the city gate and advance in a straight line, in order to make room for the three-bow crossbow attack from behind!

Now, a scene like hell on earth appeared before the eyes of the soldiers guarding the city.

They had experienced brutal battles, but none of them had a greater impact than the enemy's attack just now.

At this moment, the city gate passage is wide open, but the subtle thing is that not even a single soldier dares to block it forward.

"Anyone who shrinks before the battle will be killed!!"

With an angry shout, Long Zhantian rushed down from the wall with an iron-ringed sword. When he saw a shrinking soldier in front of him, without saying a word, he killed him with a single blow!

Being so intimidated by Long Zhantian, the soldiers defending the city had no choice but to tighten their spears in their hands and rush towards the city gate passage.

At the same time, within the city gate passage, a rapid sound of horse hooves could be heard!

Between the electric light and flint, I could see a cold light bursting out from the shadows in the city gate passage. The crystal iron gun that was thrust out with the momentum of a cavalry charge burst out with terrifying power, instantly piercing an enemy soldier. body of!

Starting with this shot, the cavalry troops filed out of the city gate passage. With just one encounter, they smashed into pieces the enemy troops blocking the city gate passage.

At the very beginning, the morale of the garrison, which was directly hit by continuous attacks, was already in jeopardy. This attack by Drogo and the others directly became the last straw that crushed them.

The soldiers, who were deeply afraid of death, collapsed in an instant and immediately fled towards the city.

Long Zhantian, who had seen this scene in full view, was really shocked and angry. He never expected that in such a short time, how could his garrison troops be in such a situation?

At this time, the soldiers had lost their will to fight and were just running for their lives. Now even a fool could see that they were in doom.

As one of the four dragon generals personally conferred by His Majesty the First Emperor, Long Zhantian is not an idiot.

When he saw something was wrong, he simply ordered a retreat, giving priority to preserving his strength and waiting for a comeback in the future!

"The enemy will die!"

Just as he was thinking this, looking at Long Zhantian, whose armor was completely different from that of ordinary soldiers, Drogo raised his gun and shot him without saying a word.

Facing such a battle, Long Zhantian was shocked. He swung the iron-ringed sword in his hand and forcibly swept away the spear that was stabbing him. Then he refused to fight, got mixed up with the chaos, and quickly fled towards the rear.

Although they had intelligence information provided by Shang Xijun, the other party was still more familiar with this border city than they were.

Seeing Long Zhantian fleeing into the city among the rebellious army, Drogo really didn't know what to do with him for a while, and finally devoted all his energy to clearing out the remaining defeated soldiers around him.

"Surrender without killing!"

I don’t know since when, this slogan has been ringing from their mouths.

The enemy soldiers had been killed long ago and their courage was broken. Now that there were slogans to persuade them to surrender, many soldiers who knew that there was no hope of escape simply threw away their weapons and knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands.

Don't think there will be many soldiers at this side of the city gate.

A city often has four gates and four walls that require troops to be stationed. In addition, the 300 troops previously arranged in the garrison camp at the edge of the world are probably all drawn from this city.

So after such a division, the number of troops responsible for a city wall is actually not much at all.

Originally relying on the defensive advantage provided by the city wall, this amount of troops was actually sufficient under normal circumstances.

But as the general in charge here, Long Zhantian would never have imagined that their city gate would be blown open so suddenly.

This is also the main reason why Drogo and the others were able to take down this side of the city wall so easily.

Of course, the battle was not over yet. The task of detaining the prisoners was handed over to the infantry troops who arrived later. The cavalry from the two tribes, led by Drogo and Silk, rushed from the city and rushed to the other three city walls as quickly as possible to confirm the situation.

Along the way, the doors of every house were closed, so they didn't dare to show up, but it saved them a lot of trouble.

By the time they arrived, the soldiers stationed on the three city walls had disappeared. At that time, Long Zhantian directly ordered someone to blow the retreat signal.

The other party really didn't hesitate at all. He abandoned the people in this city and retreated quite simply.

This is a troublesome matter for them.

This wave of raids is very important to them. If they can hit the opposing forces hard, the subsequent battles will be much easier.

Now it seems that things are obviously not going as they expected.

But in any case, with the help of the power of the three-bow bed crossbow, they had achieved their first goal of capturing this border city in the shortest possible time.

This was determined by Zhou Xu and Shi Lei from the beginning.

They only have this small force, and it is indeed not enough if they are to fight face to face on someone else's territory.

But what if they have a city here that they can defend?

With the advantage of city defense, not to mention anything else, at least it won't be a problem for them to gain a foothold here.

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