Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 614 Breaking the City

Accompanied by the screams of the patrolling soldiers here, the rapid sound of horns soon sounded on the border line, which also attracted the attention of Silk and Drogo.

They were a little confused as they rushed out of the energy channel.

You know, they were mentally prepared to face the enemy's siege at the exit, so they increased their speed in advance and were ready to charge immediately when they rushed out of the exit, breaking through the enemy's blockade and providing space for the follow-up troops. Open up the situation.

Who would have thought that nothing happened, but they themselves failed to stop the car and overran...

Gently pulling the reins in their hands, while controlling the horses under them, the sound of horns in the distance immediately attracted their attention.

Needless to say, the enemy discovered them.

This situation will not make them panic. After all, Silke and the others are mentally prepared to start fighting as soon as they come over. How can there be pressure now just because of a horn?

Even after hearing the horn sound and discovering the target, Silk glanced left and right.

"Lieutenant Drogo, you stay here and wait for the main force. I will go and deal with them."

As he spoke, Silk lightly kicked the horse in the belly and rushed towards it.

Upon noticing Silke's actions, the patrol team here suddenly changed their expressions and hurriedly turned their horses' heads in an attempt to escape.

This patrol team only has five cavalry troops, so there is no way it can afford to fight against them.

There was a distance between them from the beginning. When the other party escaped like this, Silk originally thought that it would not be easy to catch up, but it was a bit too much to activate his abilities for such five cavalry.

What he didn't expect was that during the chase and escape, the distance between them was quickly shortened.

The elf knights' riding and shooting skills have always been outstanding. The moment the five cavalrymen on the opposite side entered their shooting range, without any hesitation, Hilke and the others directly bent their bows and nocked arrows.

Several rounds of arrows flew out, and the patrols on the opposite side were unable to dodge and fell to the ground amidst screams.

Then the elf knights headed by Silk approached and made a simple confirmation.

[These war horses can only be regarded as inferior horses in our Zhou Dynasty and will not be put into military use at all. 】

Although Silk and the others do not raise or train horses, as cavalry, they have been with war horses all year round. Now they can easily tell whether a war horse is good or not.

Just as they were thinking this, there was a sound in the distance. It was the patrol team stationed in this area, which gathered after hearing the signal.

Looking at the scale, there are at least three hundred troops.

But Drogo and the others didn't panic at all.

Among the three hundred troops, there are only about fifty cavalry, and the rest are sword and shield soldiers. How can they be their opponents?

Before Silk and the others could turn back, the centaur clan headed by Drogo showed their brave fighting power.

Unlike the peace-loving prairie elves who do not like war, the centaurs who have not been on the battlefield for a long time are busy with racial reproduction. They are all holding back their energy. This wave finally allows them to find A place to vent!

The cavalry on the opposite side was simply vulnerable in front of them. After just one encounter, they were overwhelmed by the centaurs. Then the centaurs headed by Drogo continued to charge unabated, and rushed towards the opposite side with the momentum of the charge. Infantry units.

At this moment, they were already charging back and forth directly in the opposite position, which was called an unstoppable force.

During this period, as the commander-in-chief of the expedition, Shi Lei calmly commanded the infantry troops to set up defensive formations. If enemy soldiers approached, he would kill them appropriately. There was no need to do anything else. .

Seeing this, Silk had no intention of getting involved. He simply led his elf knights and turned around to search nearby.

Soon, a garrison camp came into Silk's sight.

This wave of troops stationed at the border camp was probably mobilized. There were only a few soldiers in the camp. Silke and the others easily removed them without any effort, and then turned back to join the large army.

In the process, the three hundred garrison troops on the opposite side had also been killed and fled in all directions.

Needless to say, Hilke directly led the team to join in the encirclement and interception of enemy soldiers.

According to what I learned before sending troops, it was almost two hours by horseback from the garrison camp to the first border city on the opposite side. This distance could not be said to be far or close.

After killing all the fleeing enemy soldiers, Shi Lei, who was in the center of the position, cast a questioning look at Zhou Xu.


That's right, for this expedition, Zhou Xu unsurprisingly chose to conduct the expedition himself.

After all, Zhou Xu was a very important combat unit in the Great Zhou Dynasty. He could form an army on his own, and his presence could largely make up for the lack of strength in their Great Zhou army.

Facing Shi Lei's inquiry, Zhou Xu calmly spoke...

"Soldiers need to be quick. Let's proceed according to the original plan we decided before. Let the logistics troops be temporarily stationed in the garrison camp here, and the large troops will directly start advancing!"

They do not have an advantage in terms of strength this time, and they are also the opponent's home field. If they want to gain the upper hand, they have to work harder in other aspects.

For example, a sudden attack that catches the opponent off guard!

After simply arranging the logistics troops with little combat capability, the large forces began to advance towards the opposite border city.

The cavalry troops took the first step to explore the road ahead, just in case, while the infantry troops and crossbow troops followed behind.

When a large force advances, the movement speed is not calculated based on the fastest unit, but the slowest unit, so the two-hour journey does not have much reference for them.

They passed through the energy channel and arrived here in the morning. By the time the large force advanced to the outside of the opposite city, judging from the position of the sun in the sky, it was estimated to be around three o'clock in the afternoon.

The defending troops on the opposite side had undoubtedly discovered them, but they did not choose to take the initiative to go out of the city to attack them, making it clear that they wanted to fight defensively.

On top of the wall, Long Zhantian, dressed in military uniform, hurried over after receiving the news.

Looking at the invading enemy troops in the distance, Long Zhantian checked the time and thought...

[A troop of this size dares to appear on our border with China? It's getting dark now, so I'll let you go for now, and I will personally lead a large force to destroy you early tomorrow morning! 】

Unexpectedly, before he could finish this thought, he saw the troops on the opposite side spreading out. He couldn't see clearly what they were doing. He could only vaguely hear a rapid whistling sound.

Immediately afterwards, there was just a loud "boom" sound, and the watchtower they set up on the wall seemed to have been hit by some terrible blow, and it was instantly shattered!

The scattered sawdust even hit Long Zhantian's face, making him shocked and angry.

"What happened?! What did they do?!"

Invisibly, there was already a hint of panic in the voice, shouting out the aspirations of all the soldiers on the wall.

At that moment, many soldiers were so frightened that their legs weakened and they fell to the ground.

As the general who defended the city, Long Zhantian was also frightened, and his legs trembled, which made him even more annoyed.

But what he didn't know was that this was just the beginning!

The crossbow troops in the distance had already spread out their formations. This wave of three-bow crossbows brought over by Zhou Xu included four, and they were all deployed now.

After destroying the watchtower on the opposite side with a giant crossbow bolt, the four three-bow crossbows adjusted their angles, loaded the enchanted crossbow bolts, and focused their fire to attack the opposite city gate.

Although the city gate covered with iron sheets is thick, how can it withstand the continuous blows of the enchanted crossbow arrows?

Amidst the roar, under the horrified gazes of the soldiers in the city, an entire city gate was completely blown to pieces in the blink of an eye.

Seizing the opportunity for the city gate to be breached, Drogo, who had been waiting for a long time, swung the crystal iron gun in his hand.

"Cavalry charge! Kill!!"


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