Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 616 Settling in the City

Following the large army into the border city, Zhou Xu glanced at the surrounding walls and could easily see that the other party already had brick-burning technology and had also developed cement.

This can undoubtedly greatly improve the solidity and stability of the wall. Without the three-bow bed crossbow, it would definitely not be that easy for them to break the city this time with the few troops on hand.

"Go, send a soldier on horseback to the garrison camp, bring the logistics troops over, and let the accompanying craftsmen repair the city gate. Before that, spread out the horses outside the city just in case. "

The way they used the three-bow bed crossbow to directly blow up the city gate and capture this border city allowed them to eliminate the opponent's city defense advantage to a great extent, and severely suppressed the opponent's morale, which finally made them The city was captured with astonishing efficiency.

But on the contrary, subsequent troubles also arise.

For them, whose status has changed from attacker to defender, the lack of a gate in this city is undoubtedly a very troublesome thing.

If the troops on the opposite side are aggressive and turn around after integrating their troops, then the blown city gate will definitely become the weak point of the city and must be repaired as soon as possible.

Shi Lei, who had been in charge of the mountain area all year round, really didn't know much about the city, so after entering the city, Zhou Xu took over the main work and started making overall arrangements.

At this time, Drogo and Silk, who went to check the other three city walls, just came back.

After confirming the news and learning that the garrisons on the other three city walls had all evacuated, Zhou Xu was much calmer compared to the loss of Drogo and the others.

"This saves trouble."

As he spoke, Zhou Xu mobilized his soldiers to take over the city defense work.

Since all of the opponent's garrison has evacuated, it can be said to be a piece of cake for them to take over at this time.

"In addition, arrange several patrol teams to patrol the streets of the city day and night to prevent the citizens in the city from causing any trouble."

Having said this, Zhou Xu's voice paused, as if he had a new idea.

"When patrolling, you can shout something, saying that we, the Zhou Dynasty, are an army of benevolence and righteousness. As long as they keep their peace, we have no intention of harming any civilians. In addition, harboring defeated soldiers is a serious crime. Once discovered, they will be severely punished. On the contrary, those who discover defeated soldiers and report them in time will be heavily rewarded!"

"At the same time, target those defeated soldiers and ask them to come out and surrender. But they will be punished lightly and save their lives. If they resist stubbornly, they will die!"

At that time, the defenders in the city were scattered and fled. Zhou Xu was almost 100% sure that there must be some defeated enemy soldiers hiding in the city.

If these enemy soldiers are not dealt with, they may bring disaster to him at some point.

He doesn't guarantee that these shoutings will have any effect, but it's better than not shouting at all, and they won't lose anything if they shout, right?

According to Zhou Xu's strength, a patrol team was quickly formed and shouted on every street in the city.

At this point in time, the soldiers responsible for taking prisoners of war had already counted their numbers.

"Reporting to your Majesty, the number of prisoners of war taken into custody this time has been counted. There are ninety-seven in total."

The number of soldiers garrisoned on this side of the city gate was estimated to be only two to three hundred. Many of them fled after losing their fighting spirit and being defeated. Ninety-seven prisoners of war were captured, which is not bad.

"There should be facilities similar to prison cells in this city. They can be temporarily locked up there. When the next energy channel is opened, they will be taken back to serve as hard labor."

Since Shi Lei completed their exploration of the mountainous area, no primitive tribes have allowed them to recruit people. In addition to the hard labor in the past two years, many of them have become official citizens because of their good performance. Within the Zhou Dynasty, they This cheap labor force is becoming less and less day by day.

It’s not bad to catch a batch now.

"Of course, before that, let the interrogation office conduct an interrogation first to see if they can get any information."

Almost at the same time as they made these arrangements, they also discovered the arsenal used by the enemy to store military equipment.

At that time, they rushed into the city with cavalry as the lead. From launching the offensive to blowing up the city gate and then cavalry charging in, before, the other party probably couldn't imagine that their city would be destroyed in such a short period of time even if they tried hard. Fall within.

This also resulted in the retreating garrison having no time to deal with the arsenal.

In other words, they were only focused on escaping at that time and had already forgotten all other things.

A shield smashed the copper lock on it, pushed open the thick door of the arsenal, and Zhou Xu took the lead and walked in, then frowned unconsciously.

The guy who was usually responsible for managing the arsenal here must have been lazy. Now, at a glance, he felt that the things inside were all piled up and looked disorganized.

He casually picked up a piece of armor piled beside him. It was not heavy, so he didn't need to think too much about it. It was the kind of wooden armor that soldiers wore before.

In addition, wherever Zhou Xu glanced, he could see many bows, arrows, shields, swords, and spears and other weapons.

"Your Majesty, we have finished counting. There are 730 sets of wooden armor, 471 shields, and 397 swords..."

After listening to the report, Zhou Xu nodded secretly.

[Although wooden armor is not strong enough, its manufacturing cost is low, so the opponent stockpiles a large amount of wooden armor so that the soldiers' wooden armor can be replaced in time after it is damaged. In comparison, the number of other weapons and equipment is not that large. . 】

To be honest, Zhou Xu didn't particularly care about these equipment.

After all, their equipment specifications are obviously higher than these.

If it fell into his hands, it would most likely be sent back for melting and extraction of materials, but no matter what, it was still a resource income.

It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon when they launched the offensive, and it was getting dark now. After the opponent evacuated, it seemed that they did not want to take action immediately.

During this period, Zhou Xu did not forget to ask about the situation in the city. The citizens were still with their doors and windows closed and could not leave their homes.

Zhou Xu didn't care about this. After all, they were new here. As long as these citizens didn't cause trouble, he didn't bother to care.

After arranging the night patrol, Zhou Xu took a rest early.

At the same time, in a certain house in the city, a wooden sliding window was gently pushed open. Then, a hand came from deep inside the window and released a dove.

The dove flapped its wings and quickly disappeared into the night.

And no one noticed this small movement.

In other words, even if they noticed it, no one would be suspicious...

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