Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 613 Keep up the good work and give birth to more children

When Zhou Xu and the others arrived at the border of the mountains, winter was almost over.

Now that the arrangements have been made, along with the internal war preparations and the rapid deployment of troops, the seasons are also quietly changing during this period.

It's still very cold deep in the mountains in early spring, and it's very humid and rainy here. It can be said to be the time when you're most likely to catch a cold.

In order to reduce the risk of getting sick, the stove is still lit in Zhou Xu's tent, and he is discussing with Shi Lei some tactical ideas and staged target arrangements for the future.

Although they obtained a lot of intelligence information from the captured prisoners, it was their first time to go there, so there were still uncertainties that could not be ignored, and they still had to be fully prepared.

While Zhou Xu and Shi Lei were discussing like this, a guard soldier walked in quickly and whispered to him.

After listening, Zhou Xu showed a smile on his face.

"Let him in."

Soon, with the sound of footsteps, a prairie elf wearing a military uniform and a handsome face walked in from outside.

When he was about five meters away from Zhou Xu, the other party stopped and knelt down on one knee.

"Subordinate Silk, please see the king!"

"Get up, how are the kids? Boy or girl?"

While gesturing to Hilke to waive the courtesy, Zhou Xu asked this question with great interest.

The tips of Hilke's ears turned red when he heard this.

"Thanks to your Majesty's concern, it's a boy."

"Not bad, keep up the good work and give birth to more children."

Zhou Xu's encouragement made the tips of Hilke's ears turn redder, and he didn't know how to respond for a while.

Seeing Silke's appearance, Zhou Xu couldn't help but sigh.

When he transferred the elven knights to serve as his own bodyguard earlier, it was with the purpose of allowing them to quickly multiply the population in their free time.

Although the elves are a long-lived race with a natural lifespan of 1,600 years, the pregnancy period is basically the same as that of humans, which is only ten months.

But think about it, if this pregnancy lasts for several years or even decades, who can survive it?

In the past two years, many prairie elves have become pregnant and given birth to newborns, including Silk's wife of course.

Six months ago, Hilke's wife was about to give birth, so Zhou Xu directly gave Hilke a half-year leave, asking him to go back and take care of his wife, while waiting for the child to be born and stabilize before returning to work.

After all, I know everything about the work of the Guards, and it's very leisurely.

In addition, during that time, Zhou Xu often stayed in one place for half a year, so there really wasn't much difference between Silk's presence and absence.

Now Hilke is back from vacation.

For Zhou Xu, it was undoubtedly a good time.

In the battle that may happen next, they will definitely have no advantage in terms of quantity of troops, so according to Zhou Xu's thinking, their side will win with quality.

The Elf Knights are undoubtedly high-quality elites.

It is no exaggeration to say that at the same scale, the elf knights in perfect condition should be the most powerful unit under his command.

This time, taking the initiative to attack the opposite continent will undoubtedly require their efforts.

Also in need of help during this period were the centaur clan headed by Drogo and Diak. After receiving Zhou Xu's order, they also brought fifty horses to help.

Under the premise of confirming that the opponents are all humans, although the centaurs and prairie elves do not have many troops, they cannot withstand their strong individual combat power.

The two tribes combined could at least be able to withstand the opposing force of 300 cavalry.

On this basis, plus the mountain troops and crossbow troops under Shi Lei's command, as well as the troops recruited later, excluding the logistics troops responsible for various logistics support and auxiliary work, Zhou Xu planned to gather 500 troops first. , go to the other side to explore the way.

After making all preparations and counting the time, the energy channel was quickly opened.

At the same time, on the other side of the world...

After discovering the existence of the energy channel, although it was still unclear what was connected to the other end of the channel, Yan Sheng still issued an order, dispatched border guards to station at the edge, and arranged patrols 24/7 Patrolling back and forth for hours to ensure the safety of the border.

However, nothing happened for such a long time, and the soldiers responsible for stationing and patrolling could not help but slack off.

Although there has been no news about the exploratory troops sent out last winter, their mission is only to stay here and not go over, which makes it difficult for the soldiers here to have any sense of crisis.

At this time, all the soldiers were yawning and had only one thought in their minds.

【What time is it now? It's almost time to change shifts, right? 】

Just as the soldiers were thinking and moving, an energy channel that had been opened at some point came into their sight.

"Look over there, a passage has opened, let's go there quickly!"

The soldier who first discovered the energy channel in the distance subconsciously rushed over.

The other soldiers who were patrolling together were speechless when they saw this.

[It’s annoying to bring in new recruits. 】

While he was complaining in his mind, a soldier who seemed to be the captain said something impatiently.

"Are you the captain or am I the captain? Why are you so anxious? That broken passage has been opened countless times over the years. It's nothing! What's the rush?"

Although the new recruits are very motivated, they are still a little afraid of these veterans, not to mention that the scolding one is still the captain, who is his immediate boss.

After being shouted like this, the recruits suddenly stopped making any noise.

Originally, they wouldn't be so stubborn, but I don't know if it's because what the recruit did just now aroused the patrol leader's rebellious psychology, and at the same time, it was also to reflect his status in this team. He is now It's going to come slowly.

Although the recruit was anxious during this period, after being scolded just now, he did not dare to rush him now.

Until the next second, a scream came from the recruit's mouth.

The veterans, including the captain, were startled. Just as they were about to curse, they heard the recruits shouting anxiously...

"Enemy, enemy attack! Enemy attack!! An enemy came out of the passage!!"

Hearing this hasty shouting, the veterans trembled one after another and looked intently.

Good guy, a troop really came out of that passage. It was led by a cavalry troop. The charging speed was quite fierce. In the blink of an eye, they rushed a long distance away.

"Damn it, it's really an enemy attack! Blow the signal, blow the signal quickly!!"

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