Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 612 The fight can’t be finished, the fight can’t be finished at all!

At this moment, although the 'opportunity' is before us, some problems still need to be faced.

For example, military strength.

Although the other side has only a thousand troops stationed at the border, once the war starts, the other side starts to recruit troops. It should not be a problem to gather 3,000 troops at the border in a short period of time.

And when the lizard men couldn't move, what should he do to deal with the three thousand troops?

Regarding this issue, Zhou Xu fell into deep thought.

In the past two years, they have been recuperating internally. While they are recovering and developing, new babies are also being born internally.

Now the total population has quickly climbed to more than 17,000 people.

And before summer comes next year, Zhou Xu is confident that the population of their great Zhou Dynasty will completely exceed 20,000.

Here, although their human race can give birth, the lizard people with a larger population base are undoubtedly the main force in the reproductive population at this stage.

Among them, the existence of the ‘Sacred Incubation Pool’ also played a decisive role.

But even so, it cannot change the reality that the population, which has grown significantly, is now all children, and there is no way to provide them with combat power or even labor force.

During this period, Shi Lei received a summons and came over to discuss the matter with Zhou Xu.

After all, if nothing unexpected happens, if Zhou Xu launches an offensive, then Shi Lei will most likely be the commander-in-chief of this expeditionary force, and his ideas are also very important.

Shi Lei already understood the internal and external troubles.

I have to say that judging from their king's analysis of the situation, it is indeed the best time to attack while the opponent's internal worries are still lingering.

But even so, this battle doesn't seem to be easy to fight.

"Your Majesty, according to what you said, the opponent has a city and has the most basic city defense capabilities. With a thousand soldiers defending the city, we need at least 3,000 soldiers to attack the city to have any chance of winning. Not to mention that once the war starts, the opponent will be short-term. We should be able to urgently recruit one to two thousand troops to support the city defense."

Sitting opposite, Shi Lei analyzed the situation in front of him very calmly and objectively.

"Indeed, our soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty have advantages in terms of armor and weapons against the soldiers on the opposite side. At the same time, we can also feel from the previous simple battles that the individual strength of our soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty is better than that of the opposite side. This Thanks to the strategy of elite troops that you have been implementing, Your Majesty.”

"But even so, if the opponent has a city wall to rely on, it may be extremely difficult for us to capture it."

At the end of the sentence, Shi Lei reluctantly laid down his hands.

If you want to ask about the strength of the soldiers on the opposite side, Shi Lei must know better than him.

At this moment, after listening to Shi Lei's words, Zhou Xu also had some new ideas.

"If quantity is not enough, quality will win. In other words, without the city wall to rely on, our soldiers are capable of fighting, right?"

"As of now, that's the case."

After Shi Lei thought about it for a moment, he nodded.

"Then what if we can break through the city wall?"

When Shi Lei heard this, his expression was immediately stunned.

Before Shi Lei could think about it, Zhou Xu announced the answer first.

"Three-bow bed crossbow!"

Shi Lei really didn't know much about this three-bow bed crossbow.

He probably knew there was such a thing, and then it disappeared.

There is nothing that can be done about this, because the three-bow bed crossbow was originally manufactured to deal with the armored dragons of the lizard people.

The three-bow bed crossbows that were later built were all sent to the plain battlefield to fight the lizardmen, and then sent to the southern border.

In addition, because ordnance is of vital importance, information cannot be leaked casually.

Therefore, the three-bow bed crossbow has never been seen in the mountains area, and it is not surprising that Shi Lei has no understanding of it.

Zhou Xu also knew about this, so he talked to Shi Lei.

After hearing this, Shi Lei was also surprised.

"Is this three-bow bed crossbow really so powerful?"

Zhou Xu nodded in affirmation.

"I'm not sure whether the city wall opposite can be breached, but it's certainly not a problem to breach the city gate. Once the city gate is breached, how can they defend it?"

While talking, the two of them summed it up and immediately decided to send troops to the opposite world after the beginning of spring!

Although this is an opportunity, Zhou Xu is not in a hurry.

The previous unjust war on the opposite side has already laid hidden dangers. If they slow down their actions appropriately, they can ferment it better and further increase the internal strife on the opposite side. If they can form a scale and start an uprising, it will be even more serious. alright.

Of course, it's best not to wait too long.

After all, the people are the people, and they have no weapons or armor, and at the same time they have not received any training. Once the opponent becomes ruthless and sends troops to suppress it, the annexed rebels have basically no chance of winning.

It is not difficult to see from the previous intelligence that Yan Sheng, who calls himself the First Emperor, is also a murderous master. If the annexed rebels dare to cause trouble, he will kill him without any ambiguity.

If he is killed cleanly, or killed too hard, and the opponent dares not take the lead in a short time, then Zhou Xu's goal of simultaneously suppressing the opponent through internal and external troubles will not be achieved.

After the order is issued, the troops are mobilized, and the needed materials are also mobilized immediately.

When the order came to the Black Moon Village Ordnance Forging Department, Wang Dachui was forging an iron scale on the forging platform with the hammer in his hand.

The pressure of the war was high at the beginning. In order to achieve efficiency, after the iron scales were cast and formed, they were simply polished and handed over to the armor-making department to make the scales.

There is no way, time is tight and the task is heavy, so you have to make a choice.

In the past two years, the war with the Skaven has stabilized, and the work pressure in the Ordnance Forging Department has also decreased, so naturally there is time to strengthen the scale armor.

Different from the iron scales that had been polished casually a few times before, this batch of iron scales that had been carefully polished were stronger. The scales made from them were internally referred to as second-generation scales.

Nowadays, the armor on their soldiers serving in the Great Zhou Dynasty has basically completed the replacement from the first generation to the second generation.

At this moment, the Ordnance Forging Department is still polishing iron scales to make spare scale armor.

Not only to allow the frontline soldiers to have spare ones to replace after their scale armor is damaged, but also to consider that if they encounter war during the Great Week, they will start to recruit troops on a large scale, and the new recruits recruited by then will also have to have Wearing scale armor, we can’t wait until then to start forging it, right? Then where is the time?

In this way, according to their king's wishes, there must be two thousand sets of spare scale armor stored in the arsenal.

This makes the Ordnance Forging Department completely inactive during this relatively peaceful period.

I have been so busy now that I have finally finished this ‘big list’.

As a result, before the hammer was put down in his hand, the order from their king came over.

Along with the conscription order and troop deployment order, there was also a list from their Ordnance Forging Department.

Good guy, I can't finish the fight, I can't finish it at all!

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