Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 611 Internal and external troubles

Early the next morning, after completing the basic warm-up exercises, Shi Lei spoke loudly...

"Let's not train today, let's play a game."

While speaking, Shi Lei told the rules of the ghost hunting game.

In fact, the rules of the game are quite simple. Everyone is bare-handed and cannot fight. When faced with ghosts, people can only hide and run away. Once caught, they will be counted as losing the ability to resist.

Obviously, Zhou Xu didn't want his soldiers to start fighting while playing games.

The soldiers don't need to be trained, and they all have very high qualities.

After simply completing the grouping by drawing lots, the game quickly started.

It was the first time for the soldiers to play. Although the rules were very simple and they could be understood as soon as they heard them, these guys were all very energetic. In the process of chasing and escaping, they still inevitably caused conflicts and started fighting if they were not careful.

Shi Lei stopped him immediately after discovering it. Looking at the soldiers involved in the fight, Shi Lei's face didn't look good.

Don't forget, their king is right here, and these little brats are causing trouble for him at this time.

At a small scale, this matter means that he can't keep his face, but at a big scale, it means that he is incompetent in running the army!

"You guys, all get out of here. Some of you don't want to play, and you have nowhere to use your strength, right? Then get out of here and do physical training and strength training. Do 50 sets of each item first!"

When several soldiers heard this, their expressions changed.

In daily training, there are physical training and strength training, but the intensity of each group is already high. How can there be fifty groups and fifty groups? ! This can literally kill them.

But there were so many orders in the army, and when their commander was clearly angry, how could they dare to say 'no'?

One by one, they can only grit their teeth and do it on the side. While being punished and training, they have to watch other comrades playing games there. Good guy, I feel even more uncomfortable.

And the soldiers who were playing the game, after seeing their miserable appearance, all of them felt a little more alert in their hearts.

Since it's a game, let's focus on it, relax and don't get too carried away, otherwise you'll have to keep company with those idiots next to you.

The soldiers who played the game for the first time were very excited. They were sweating profusely while running, and they didn't feel tired at all.

The three teams rotated, and after a day of playing, they were still not satisfied, and they almost shouted, "Let's fight again tomorrow!" ’.

They were indeed playing games the next day, but they were just playing games for the soldiers who had been on patrol yesterday and had no rest.

Now that the game has just been launched, soldiers are jumping on it, but after everyone has played it, the frequency will not be so high in the future.

Generally, when training for a week, just take half a day out, let them play a game and relax, and that's it.

During this period, Zhou Xu chatted with Shang Xijun for a while.

"You said before that your country annexed another country. Are the people who have been annexed from that country still compliant?"

Although Shang Xijun didn't know why Zhou Xu asked these questions, after experiencing the horror of drip punishment, he was now a man who answered every question without ambiguity.

"There were troubles earlier, but after His Majesty ordered to kill several groups of troublemakers, the situation became much better."

The moment he heard this, Zhou Xu felt more confident.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" says: Soldiers are a major event of the country, the place of life and death, and the way of survival, and must be investigated!

In layman's terms, this sentence means that war is a national matter, related to the life and death of the people of the country, and must be seriously thought and studied.

Some people always like to think of military art books such as "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and "Thirty-Six Strategies" as magical.

Although he had not read a few words in the entire book and had no idea what was written in it, it did not prevent him from making infinite myths about it in his mind. After blowing a few sentences, he felt that he was quite qualified. point.

But in fact, the things written in this book are not that mysterious. It can even be said that they are some easy-to-understand war experiences.

Broadly speaking, everyone may have a feeling of "that's it?" 'a feeling of.

As a person who was in kindergarten, his dream was to be the Generalissimo of the Armed Forces. Later, when he had nothing to do, he actually studied.

Take the initial chapter of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu as an example. It talks about various pre-war tasks.

To put it simply, it is nothing more than collecting intelligence and then comparing all aspects of the warring parties.

How many troops are there on the other side? Are the resources sufficient? Is the monarch virtuous or not? Are the people living well? These all need to be compared.

If the opponent has more troops than you, abundant resources, a wise and well-loved monarch, and a peaceful life for the people, then this war should not be fought.

Among them, whether the monarch is wise and whether the people live a happy life are very important criteria.

Because when the people are living in peace and contentment, if you start a war, it will be an unjust war!

In the eyes of the people opposite you, you are a shameless and hateful invader! They will fight you with everything they have! I wish I could eat your flesh and drink your blood!

If you want to win this kind of battle, you will most likely have to pay a heavy price.

And after winning the battle, you absorb the opponent's population and land. Those populations will hate you and will create hidden dangers for their own country. It will definitely be difficult to have peace in the future!

On the contrary, if the other party is a foolish and ignorant king, and the people's lives are difficult and the people are in dire straits, then you have occupied the great cause and you are going to liberate them, then this battle will be easy to fight.

And this is the harmony between people at the right time and place.

From the simple conversation with Shang Xijun, it was not difficult for Zhou Xu to guess that the idiot on the opposite side might have launched a typical unjust war before.

After winning the battle, they used killing methods to suppress it. It seemed that the unrest was suppressed, but in fact it further stimulated the annexed population, which will definitely bring greater trouble to them in the future.

Of course, these are all good things for Zhou Xu.

[That guy is now experiencing internal and external troubles, right? 】

The internal worries were the population that had been annexed through unjust wars, and the external worries were naturally the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Although at this point in time, the battle with the rat people in the southern border has not yet completely come to an end, and their situation in Dazhou does not seem to be that stable, but the opposite side is even worse.

Should we seize this opportunity and risk sending troops, or should we let this opportunity go and seek stability?

However, the idea had just arisen, and then Zhou Xu realized something was wrong and slapped his forehead hard.

"Steady! If the other side is steady, I won't be able to be steady!"

If you think about it carefully, there is a country opposite that has a permanent force of 5,000 troops. However, they have only 3,000 troops on weekdays despite wartime recruitment.

Under this premise, if the other party is given time to resolve its internal problems, then the other party will become his biggest external trouble!

From this point of view, now is the best time for them to take action!

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