Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 608 Drop Punishment

The dripping device is also a new gadget that Zhou Xu has developed in the past two years. Of course, this is not a torture device, but a timer.

Their Great Zhou Dynasty used the corona to measure time at the beginning, but the timing of the solar corona was ultimately limited and lacked accuracy. With the development of civilization, the people of their Great Zhou Dynasty had increasing requirements for time accuracy.

So Zhou Xu provided an idea and a rough design, and ordered people to study the drip.

In conjunction with the corona, time can be calculated more accurately.

At this moment, the soldiers, including Shi Lei, were looking at being fixed to the chairs, with their eyes covered, their ears blocked, their heads fixed there unable to move, and they were enduring the constant drops of water. Shang Xijun had a drop of water falling on his forehead. They never thought that this drop of water could also be used as a torture instrument.

At the same time, they also expressed doubts about this instrument of torture.

【Just, that’s it? Can this really work? If I were to sit there, even if the water dripped for days and nights, what would it do to me? 】

This was the thought of one of the soldiers, but it also reflected the actual thoughts of everyone present.

To be honest, Zhou Xu himself didn't know what to do.

This was just something he had seen when he was watching videos before. At that time, he was also wondering if this could really be useful?

Of course, as a netizen at that time, he could just type on the keyboard and say a few words, and he would not be bored enough to try it himself.

Before that, he didn't even think that the video he saw at that time would come in handy at this time.

He didn't know if it was of any use. Anyway, he was treating a dead horse as a living horse.

This process is expected to take a lot of time. Zhou Xu has no intention of staying here all the time. He just happens to be doing some patrol work at this time. As for this, he can just send a soldier to keep an eye on it just in case.

After briefly making this arrangement, Zhou Xu quickly left with Shi Lei.

In the blink of an eye, apart from Shang Xijun, who was fastened to a recliner and being tortured, there was only one soldier left in the execution room who was responsible for keeping an eye on this place.

During this period, Shang Xijun, who was the one who was being tortured, was suddenly blindfolded, his ears blocked, and then his body was tightly fixed, and his heart was full of uneasiness.

[What exactly do they want to do? 】

He had no idea what these people wanted to do to him. Being in the darkness, he was slowly being eaten away by a fear called 'unknown', and his heart was full of panic.

It was in this state that a drop of water suddenly fell on his eyebrows. The harsh winter climate made the water drop bitingly cold, and it suddenly fell, scaring Shang Xijun's heart from twitching violently.

[What, what’s going on? have water? 】

At the same time, his body struggled subconsciously, and after some struggle, he soon realized that what he was doing now was useless.

During this process, the cold water droplets had a specific frequency and kept dripping on his eyebrows. Every time it dripped, his body and mind tensed up unconsciously.

The long period of detention made Shang Xijun's mental state already bad, but the dripping water made his spirit constantly tense. This state made him very tormented, and his body began to instinctively He struggled, but was unable to move due to the restraints. This situation also made him irritable.

But so far, he just feels uncomfortable and anxious, not knowing what the other person is going to do to him. Other than that, he doesn't think it's a big deal.

Just like that, some time passed...

As another drop of water fell, Shang Xijun, who was firmly fixed there, seemed to hear a muffled sound, like a heavy hammer hitting his forehead directly.

He started to struggle, but couldn't break free, and then another drop of water fell...

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

At that moment, he felt that his head was about to burst, and the fear that filled his heart had long since swallowed him up completely. His spirit, which was already on the verge of collapse, completely collapsed at this moment, and the emotions that had been suppressed exploded at this moment!

He was yelling like crazy, startling the soldiers on guard, and subconsciously put their hands on the saber at his waist.

"What do you want to do? I'm warning you to be honest!"

Shang Xijun, who suffered a mental breakdown and had his ears blocked, couldn't hear what the soldiers said at this moment. He was still shouting crazily...

"I say! I say anything! Let me go, let me go! Wuwuwuwu!!"

This battle stunned the soldiers guarding them.

[This guy actually cried? 】

This was something the guarding soldiers never expected.

In other words, he just couldn't understand. They didn't do anything except tie people up and drip water on each other's foreheads. Why was it like this?

[A drop of water on the forehead, is it really that powerful? 】

The guarding soldier couldn't understand, but he knew by looking at the other person's look that it was obviously not going to work anymore, so he quickly went up to remove the drip and untied the other person.

When Shang Xijun was tied up, the shackles on his hands and feet were not untied, and the whole condition was so weak that the guarding soldiers were not afraid of his tricks.

"Quickly, go and inform the king that the prisoner is willing to recruit."

As the guarding soldier spoke, he escorted the prisoner back to the cell first.

Zhou Xu and Shi Lei arrived soon after receiving the news.

Along the way, Shi Lei was very surprised. Just like the guarding soldier, he couldn't figure out what was going on here.

In this state, although Zhou Xu was not at peace in his heart, he still maintained the calm appearance of being in control of the overall situation on the surface, bathing in the admiring glances of the surrounding soldiers towards him.

Quickening their pace slightly, the group soon arrived at the cell where Shang Xijun was held.

Pushing the door open and going in, I saw Shang Xijun slumped on the straw, as if dead. His forehead was especially obvious, and it was already a little red and purple.

The cold water droplets in this severe winter are not so easy to bear.

"Are you willing to say it now?"

Hearing the sound and looking at the man standing in front of him, Shang Xijun opened his mouth a few times.

"Soldiers, military strength..."

After a few words, Zhou Xu could clearly hear that the other party hesitated again, so he added fuel to the fire.

"It seems that you haven't thought it through yet? Then tie it back and think about it again. I'll ask you again tomorrow morning."

"No! Don't tie me back! I'll tell you everything I know!!"

After hearing this, Shang Xijun shivered uncontrollably, and with the panic on his face, he screamed on the spot.

This scream startled Zhou Xu. The two elf guards standing behind him stepped out in front of him almost at the same time, looking at the man who didn't know what happened with a wary look on their faces. Exciting guy.

At this moment, Zhou Xu was really shocked when he saw Shang Xijun's appearance.

[Is this ‘dropping punishment’ so powerful? 】

Fortunately, he kept a tight face throughout and did not lose face.

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