Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 609 Four Dragon Generals

The soldiers who went to report the news had very fast legs and feet, and Zhou Xu and the others arrived quickly. One after another, it took less than thirty minutes for Shang Xijun to get off the execution chair.

The fear brought to him by the 'dropping punishment' did not subside so quickly. Even now, his forehead was still hurting, and his whole head was tingling with pain.

Zhou Xu mentioned this just now, almost scaring him to the point of losing control on the spot.

"How many troops are there?"

"It's about five thousand. I really don't know the exact number, but it's at least five thousand!"


Zhou Xu looked like he didn't believe it. During this period, the soldier next to him who was responsible for guarding Shang Xijun cooperated very well and lifted up the leather blindfold in his hand, threw it in the palm of his hand, and said There was a snapping sound.

Listening to the voice, waves of uncontrollable fear suddenly appeared on Shang Xijun's already pale face, and his body began to tremble.

"I, I'm just a junior official, I don't know very clearly! I didn't lie, I really didn't lie!!"

As he spoke, Shang Xijun burst into tears on the spot, looking like he was completely broken down.

On his way here, the soldier who was guarding him had briefly explained the situation to him, so Zhou Xu knew that the other party broke down and cried during the execution.

It is not difficult to see from the situation in front of him that the other party was indeed tortured and had a mental breakdown.

Seeing this, Zhou Xu raised his hand to signal the soldiers to stop, and then directly said...

"What else do you know? Tell me everything! If you dare to lie, you know the consequences."

"I said, I said everything!!"

Seeing the soldiers who were about to make another move in the blink of an eye, Shang Xijun quickly expressed his stance, but for a moment, he was confused and didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Zhou Xu simply said something.

"Just tell me what big things happened there and why you are sending troops here now."

After being clicked by Zhou Xu, Shang Xijun felt as if he had found a backbone, and he immediately started talking nonstop.

From Shang Xijun's narration, Zhou Xu learned that the other country had just annexed another country in the opposite world half a year ago and expanded its territory.

When he heard this, Zhou Xu couldn't help but think...

[If I had taken action half a year ago, no, a year ago, and the opponent happened to be fighting another country, wouldn't it be easier to fight? 】

He just thought about it now. He had missed this opportunity. In the final analysis, it was due to insufficient intelligence.

Thinking about it from another angle, a year ago, the rat army was still watching with eager eyes. Even if he knew that they were also fighting here, he probably wouldn't take the risk based on his temperament.

On the contrary, this idiot who calls himself the First Emperor and uses their name as "Huaxia" has already begun to have his own ideas after only half a year?

According to Shang Xijun, it was a war between the two countries, which was different from their casual annexation of primitive tribes.

It is not difficult to tell from the other party's words that the development scale of the other party's country is not small, so it can be said to be a tough battle.

In this case, as a victorious country, half a year is obviously not enough time for them to assimilate the annexed population.

In other words, the other party's "internal worries" haven't been resolved yet, and now it's starting to extend its claws outward?

Of course, it is also possible that the other party just sent a team to explore the path with the idea of ​​'exploring the path first', and did not plan to make any big moves in a short period of time.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu asked aloud.

"Have you ever encountered this kind of energy channel before?"

"No, no."

"In the opposite world, besides your country, are there any other countries now?"

Zhou Xu really didn’t want to call the one across from him ‘Huaxia’.

"Nothing has been found yet."

After that, Zhou Xu asked a lot of questions. Between the questions and answers, he had a rough understanding of the situation on the other side.

[From the current point of view, this is the first time that the opposite party has encountered an energy channel. He does not know the mechanism of this energy channel. The mechanism itself is not difficult to guess. With time, he can quickly figure out the rules. The point is that he should not know this energy. At the other end of the passage is another world. 】

[The other party may have some guesses, but they are definitely not sure. In addition, the exploration team will never return, so the other party does not dare to act rashly, but it can help me buy a lot of time. 】

This is undoubtedly a good thing for Zhou Xu.

As for the Rat Man, after all, there is no result yet. If possible, he definitely hopes to completely deal with the Rat Man first, and then turn around to deal with this bastard here.

"The five thousand troops you guessed refer to the strength of the whole country, or the strength of the military camp where you are?"


After saying these two words, Shang Xijun quickly added another sentence.

"During the previous war, His Majesty forced many soldiers to fight. After the battle, many of them died and were injured. After the battle, he dismissed them."

When Zhou Xu heard this, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

They have already recruited troops, which means that the other party has completely failed to take into account the internal development. At the same time, it can also be seen that the previous battle was indeed not easy.

After the war, it is basically a normal operation to demobilize the soldiers who were forcibly recruited. Otherwise, there will be insufficient internal labor force and the country will not be able to develop normally.

The soldiers must be dismissed and allowed to return to their jobs.

"How many troops have you arranged to garrison this side of the energy channel? Are there any powerful generals?"

"There are 1,500 garrison troops. After discovering this passage, His Majesty felt that there might be danger here, so he specially sent additional troops. Before, there were only 1,000 garrison troops."

Zhou Xu was not surprised by this result. Of course, it was impossible for a country to store all its troops in one place.

Not to mention the various borders, every city must also have garrison arrangements.

On the one hand, it is to prevent rebellion in the city, but on the other hand, in this era, the wild is also quite dangerous. There will be wild beasts and even extraordinary creatures. Troops are needed to provide the most basic security for the city.

Therefore, if a force has five thousand troops, it does not mean that it can use five thousand troops to fight in a battle, unless the other party does not even care about its hometown.

Many people don't understand this, it's amazing.

During this period, Shang Xijun continued to talk...

"As for the powerful generals, this side of the border is personally guarded by one of His Majesty's strongest Four Dragon generals."

"Four Dragon Generals? What is this?"

"It refers to the four generals personally ennobled by our Majesty. They are Long Aotian, Long Zhantian, Long Xiaotian and Long Potian. They are collectively called the Four Dragon Generals. The one who is sitting on this side of the border is Long General Zhan Tian.”

Having said this, Shang Xijun's face could not help but show a hint of reverence.

It can be seen that these four characters starting with the character "龙" and ending with the character "天" must be really smart.

Zhou Xu, on the other hand, fell into endless silence after hearing the string of names...

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