Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 607 Interrogation

His eyes fell on the equipment that was delivered. Zhou Xu picked up one of the swords and flicked the blade. He listened to the sound and felt the texture. Needless to say, it was a sword made of iron.

At the same time, like them, he also put up a round shield, which was also made of hardwood covered with iron.

Obviously, the other party didn't know what was going on here, so they sent more practical sword and shield soldiers to explore the way.

After that, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on the opponent's armor.

First impression is...

[It looks like a mahjong table. 】

He reached out and picked it up, it was surprisingly light. He had already suspected it when he saw it before, but now he reached out and touched it, and Zhou Xu was completely confirmed.

"This armor is strung together with wood."

"There are also ones made of iron sheets."

While speaking, Shi Lei respectfully handed a set of armor to Zhou Xu's eyes.

In terms of design, they are made the same as mahjong mats. The difference is that this set is made of iron sheets, which is much heavier and stronger.

"Is there only one set of this armor?"

"Yes, it should be the general on the opposite side who was captured by us, that is, the one with 10,000 troops."

Hearing this, Zhou Xu suddenly knew something.

When there is not enough iron, it is not a strange operation to invest the iron in making weapons and some generals' armors first, and let the soldiers below use cheap wooden armors.

In comparison, all of their members, Da Zhou, were made of iron scales, and their weapons were crystal iron weapons. From this point of view, they had an advantage in both weapons and armor.

Of course, this does not ensure that the other party is weaker than them.

Because there is still a very critical factor here, and that is military strength.

Do the Ratmen have enough equipment? Even those rat slave soldiers didn't even have weapons or armor, so why could they fight like that with the lizardmen?

Because there are so many of them!

If the lizardmen troops cannot get through, if there are really 10,000 troops on the other side, even if the soldiers underneath are all wearing wooden armor, it will still be a huge threat that cannot be ignored.

As his thoughts whirled, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on the equipment.

"Melt all this iron and use it to make crystal iron weapons."


After destroying the path-exploring troops on the opposite side, Shi Lei naturally did not dare to make any decisions on how to deal with the weapons and equipment on the opposite side, and had been waiting for their king's order.

Although the mining efficiency at Tieshan Mine has improved a lot compared to the beginning.

But considering that the mountain road is difficult to walk, transportation efficiency is still a big problem. It is also a good thing to pick up a batch of ready-made iron for free.

"Let's go and see those three prisoners."

In order to prevent the three prisoners from colluding with each other, they were isolated one by one and held in separate cells from the day they were captured.

Through the observation window, Zhou Xu glanced inside. Everyone looked sallow, thin, and unkempt.

Throw it on the roadside and put a broken bowl in front of them, basically no different than a beggar.

Unlike the prisoners who were taken back as hard labor after the primitive tribes were taken away, in order to prevent these prisoners from the enemy from causing trouble when they were full, they were only given one big cake and three bowls of water a day.

After more than two months of this, while my body became weak, my spirit also became trance-like.

In the simple eye contact with Shi Lei, Zhou Xu knew that the person in the pass was the enemy general who was said to have 10,000 troops.

[Eye of Insight. 】

As soon as the mantra was opened, the opponent's panel immediately unfolded in front of Zhou Xu's eyes.

After a scan, all the five-dimensional attributes were two stars. Looking at this alone, he was considered a very ordinary two-star character, but the opponent actually had the talent of being a "good hand with a knife".

Coupled with this talent, this guy's bravery level should be in the upper reaches of the two-star level.

Zhou Xu didn't think there was anything wrong with using such a character as a general in the path-exploring force.

Over the past two years, he has become more and more aware that he was simply lucky from the beginning. There are very few three-star roles in this world, let alone four-star or five-star roles.

With a good talent, even a character with two stars in five-dimensional attributes is enough to distance himself from ordinary two stars.

Obviously, even if they are both two stars, there is still a difference.

When he passed by before, he had seen the other two. They were very ordinary two-stars, and their talents were incomparable to this one.

The focus right now is how to pry open this guy's mouth, let the other party tell the truth, and let them obtain useful intelligence information.

Zhou Xu is really not very good at this matter.

Don't forget, he was originally a good citizen with comprehensive development of intelligence, body, art and work in a civilized society! What good citizen would be good at interrogating and torturing prisoners?

Of course, when he was watching TV and reading novels, he had tentatively learned about some interrogation and torture methods, but he had already taught them all to Shi Lei and the others. Now he really didn't know what to do.

Standing outside the cell, Zhou Xu thought about it carefully.

[Maybe, you can try that. 】

"Shi Lei, ask someone to get the dripper, then find a shelf and a chair..."

While his thoughts were whirling, Zhou Xu whispered to Shi Lei.

After Shi Lei agreed, he quickly gave instructions.

During this period, Zhou Xu also asked someone to open the cell and planned to question the prisoner again.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the man's eyes that were slumped in the straw of the cell were slightly focused.

The first thought that flashed through his mind was...

【Is it time for dinner? 】

There was no way, since he was imprisoned here, apart from the initial interrogation, for nearly two months, he could only eat or sleep in a daze, and he still didn't have enough to eat.

After being passed through the level like this, his will has been worn away for a long time. He didn't even notice that the other party actually called his real name, and what he said before was always a fake name.

"Shang Xijun."

When he heard someone calling his name, Shang Xijun subconsciously raised his head and looked at Zhou Xu standing there, with a confused look on his face.

"I'll give you one last chance. How many troops do you have in the country? Recruit them truthfully."

Having said this, Zhou Xu appropriately brought out some benefits.

"If you cooperate, I can promise to grant you the status of a citizen of Dazhou and a sum of money. While gaining freedom, I can also allow you to survive without worries about food and clothing in our territory."

"I've already said it, ten thousand troops."

"The other two are not talking about this number."

"Those two little soldiers know nothing."


【I am speechless. 】

Of course, thinking about it, Zhou Xu would not let him go just like that.

"But you said before that you didn't know, and that the strength of 10,000 troops was just a guess. How come you are so sure that it is 10,000 troops now?"

Hearing this, Shang Xijun's expression finally changed.

The long period of detention left him mentally tortured, and when people are weak-willed, they often lose their initial meticulousness and even make some low-level mistakes.

"I-I just guessed."

"No, your tone just now was very certain. You said it without thinking at all. It's not like you were guessing."

While talking, Shi Lei walked up.

"Your Majesty, everything is ready."

Zhou Xu nodded, and then his eyes fell on Shang Xijun's face again.

At this moment, there was obvious uneasiness on the other party's face.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Go and tie him to a chair, blindfold him and plug his ears."

Zhou Xu gave the order, and the two soldiers next to him immediately executed it. The weak Shang Xijun was unable to resist.

Then with the falling of the first drop of water, the interrogation officially began!

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