Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 604 Retreat Tactics

As for the location of the Skaven's second underground lair, the Lizardmen had already locked the location during the pursuit battle when they had repelled the Skaven and successfully breached the Skaven border. However, they could not defeat it at that time. Moved.

But this time it was different. Facing the large force of lizardmen, the ratmen didn't even resist, so they sent the armored dragon to flatten the nest.

Faced with this result, Li Ce knew what was going on.

[It seems that this sharp claw still has some ideas in mind. He knows that the limited troops cannot resist the offensive of our large army, so he simply gave up the resistance and chose to retreat while preserving his troops. 】

From Li Ce's point of view, it is best for the opponent to resist with limited troops.

Because in this way, he can continuously reduce the strength of the opponent's troops without much pressure at the same time.

The other party's move made him feel a little bit troublesome.

Of course, it's just a trace.

After the Ratmen fell in the border lair, they didn't even defend the second lair and just gave up. This in itself was a proof that the opponent's energy was severely damaged and they were unable to resist.

Although the opponent chooses this response method, it can maximize the preservation of the troops on hand, but on the other hand, every time a nest is lost, it will be a blow to the rat people's resource output and even their ability to produce troops.

In other words, unless the force accumulated by Talon can help him reverse the situation under the offensive of the lizardman army, counterattack in one go and regain the lost ground.

If not, then the Ratmen, who have lost a lot of territory and have greatly reduced resource output, will have no chance of fighting later.

Thinking of this, Li Ce immediately continued to command the troops to advance without saying a word.

Originally, the main force was too deep. Considering the supply and rear security issues, even if the main force was in perfect condition, Li Ce would definitely have to slow down at this position to avoid stretching the front too long.

It is best to wait until the frontline camps are set up and the rear supply troops can catch up to provide them with clear rear support before launching operations.

But things are different now.

The current battle with the rat men depends on how the last wave goes.

The faster he moves, the greater the chance of winning. If he fights like this, if he wins, there will be no room for the Ratman to stand up! There’s value in taking the risk!

But after that, the biggest problem became how to find the location of the Rat Man's lair.

This rat man's lair is hidden underground and is difficult to find.

The ability to attack two nests with such high efficiency was due to the intelligence that the lizardmen already had.

However, going forward, the lizardmen have no information to use, and they can only rely on them to use their strength to actively search.

No matter what, Li Ce wrote a report to their king first, reporting the latest situation on the front line.

When Zhou Xu received this report, he was in the factory area outside the rain forest, where the brick-burning factory was located.

In the past two years, due to the full schedule of projects in the construction engineering department, Zhou Xu has not been able to spare any effort to carry out construction in this factory area. Until now, there is only a lonely brick-burning factory busy here.

In fact, even now, the schedule of the Construction Engineering Department is full.

Take the branch here as an example. After building the post-war border fortress, they have to prepare to build camps and even fortresses in the original rat territory.

After all, they had conquered these territories and had no intention of returning them.

Under this premise, if you want to occupy it for a long time, you must at least have a decent garrison camp.

However, the situation is still uncertain and the project is still in the preparation stage, so Zhou Xu plans to transfer a team of people from the branch here to work on the construction of the factory here.

And the factory he wants to build here is a forge! To put it more bluntly, it is the Ordnance and Forging Department!

With the development of the Great Zhou Dynasty, many departments have established branches in various places and expanded their manpower, but the Ordnance Forging Department is the only exception.

The reason had already been mentioned when he opened up the mountainous area before. He was worried that his subordinates outside would be disobedient.

But as long as there is no ability to forge and repair ordnance there, even if he betrays him, he can still use ordnance supplies to restrain him.

But the lizard people are different here.

In the past two years, Zhou Xu has deeply realized how loyal the lizard people are to him.

He even couldn't help but sigh, this belief is really a terrifying thing.

In an ordinary country, if such sectarian beliefs appeared, it would definitely endanger the monarchy. Examples like this abound in the history of their original world.

But if the source of this religious belief is the monarch himself, then this problem does not exist at all.

Today's Zhou Xu is basically in this situation.

Therefore, although the lizardmen joined later, because they were all his "brainless fans", Zhou Xu really trusted them.

This was the core reason why he made up his mind to build an ordnance forging department here.

In addition, another equally important reason is that the territory here is larger.

To put it simply, the original territory of the Old World, excluding the mountains, and all the other territories put together, are probably only as big as the original territory of the lizard people. The area of ​​​​this tropical rain forest is really exaggerated, otherwise the lizards would People didn't need to build so many camps to gather resources before.

In fact, even after reducing the number of camps, Zhou Xu had established four villages in this tropical rainforest, including the lizard people's clan, to basically ensure his control over this territory.

This doesn't even count the plain farms and the border fortress in the south.

Now, Li Ce led a large force of lizardmen to fight out. Judging from the latest report sent over, two ratman lairs have been destroyed.

As a force that has been entangled with the Lizardmen for so many years, the Ratmen's territory is not small.

This can also be seen from their size. The territory is small, where can so many ratmen fit in.

Now that the rat people's territory is occupied, their territory here can be said to have expanded significantly, and their borders will be pushed farther and farther.

Under this premise, if weapons supplies still need to be transported from Black Moon City, the efficiency will be too low.

In this way, it is still necessary to build a forge here and set up a branch of the Ordnance Forging Department.

The land planning for the factory area has already been completed. Once the land is used to build the forging plant, he basically doesn't need to worry about the rest.

However, after arranging things here, before he could return to the temple, news from Shi Lei came over from the border of the mountains.

Zhou Xu's face darkened after reading the report.

Over the past two years, the generation frequency of energy channels on the border of the mountains has basically been reduced to eleven or twelve days.

As the frequency of generation increased, the guys in the opposite world seemed to be unable to sit still, and took the initiative to send troops through the energy channels and invaded their territory...

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