Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 603: Crusade against the Ratmen

The season has quietly entered winter. I wonder if it is because the climate of the two worlds has affected each other after the two world fragments were completely spliced ​​together.

This winter, although the temperature difference between day and night on the grassland is still large, it seems not as cold as before.

Zhou Xu originally planned to go to the temple in the past two days, but now it was just in time. With the idea of ​​​​clarifying this matter, Zhou Xu directly rode his horse to the plain farm.

As Zhou Xu rode his horse from the grassland area to the plain area, he could clearly feel the increase in temperature.

"Zhao Geng, during this period, has the temperature here on the farm changed compared to before?"

Faced with this question, Zhao Geng nodded.

"Yes, after nightfall, it's cooler than before."

In the past, at their Pingyuan farm, even in autumn and winter, they would basically just wear a single coat, but now after nightfall, many people add another coat.

But compared to the other side of the grassland, this was already traveling lightly.

"Is there any impact on crops?"

"There is definitely an impact, but it is not obvious at the moment. We need to observe the specifics, extend the time, and wait until next year to see the situation."

Regarding Zhao Geng's words, Zhou Xu nodded to express his understanding. Some problems can only be seen through time, especially for crops that take time to grow.

Although some time has passed since the two world fragments merged, it is undoubtedly not enough time to see the problem.

At the same time, on the southern border, Li Ce led two thousand lizardmen troops and advanced in an orderly manner outside the ratman's border stronghold.

After taking a short rest, he directly ordered a group of speed dragon cavalry to test.

As soon as there was any movement on their side, a small wave of rats quickly emerged from the rat man's lair to take the move.

Li Ce took advantage of the situation and sent more troops. The scale of the rat tide was so small that it was not enough to see. They were rushed to pieces by the dragon cavalry in a few seconds.

Later, when the Velociraptor Cavalry went to invite a fight, there was no movement at the Rat Man's lair.

At this point, it is not difficult to see that the Rat Man is no longer able to continue.

"Damn it! Why do those stinky lizards still have so many troops?!"

Deep in the rat tide, Sharp Claw, who had just suffered a huge defeat, looked extremely ugly.

There was a big battle, but he couldn't withstand it in the end and escaped early.

He originally thought that even if the lizardmen could destroy their rat army, they would suffer heavy casualties and would not be able to launch an offensive in a short period of time. This would give him some breathing space. At worst, he would have to hide in his lair for a few years and wait for him. Start all over again after recovering.

Who can imagine how long it has been? On the opposite side, another large force was assembled to attack.

However, what Sharp Claw didn't know was that the number of southern garrison troops that had fought with them before was actually not that large, and their scale could not be compared with the earlier battles with their rat-man army.

The key factor why he felt that the Lizardmen had more troops was the border fortress in the south.

Throughout the entire cold weapon era, as a defender, the importance of city walls is unquestionable.

There is an old saying that goes like this: 'If you are ten, you will surround it; if you are five, you will attack it; if you have doubled it, you will fight it!' ’

Taking the border fortress as an example, if the strength of the rat men is ten times that of the lizard men, then siege tactics will be adopted to surround the fortress.

If the Ratmen are rich in resources, they can directly encircle it without attacking. Over time, supplies from outside will not be able to come in, and the Lizardmen inside will not be able to get out. The inside of the fortress will run out of ammunition and food, and it will collapse if it is not attacked.

And if the strength of the rat men is five times that of the lizard men, then they will have a chance of winning if they find a city wall to launch an offensive.

In the end, if the number of troops is only twice that of the enemy, then you have to work harder.

It is not difficult to see from this how great an advantage city walls can bring to the defenders in this era.

With only a small number of troops, there is a chance that it can withstand an enemy attack that is several times larger than your own.

And it was precisely because in the previous battles that the rat men were unable to attack the fortress for a long time that the claws gave the illusion that the lizard men were strong.

As for the question of whether the Ratmen should choose to besiege the city and launch an offensive from all sides at the same time, or should concentrate their forces to attack one side, it can only be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Now it is meaningless to judge the results as hindsight.

The ratmen's ability to produce troops is indeed very strong, but how long has it been since the previous group was destroyed? No matter how strong their troop production capacity is, they can't hold back much force at this moment.

Originally, Sharp Claw had guessed that the opponent was at the end of its battle and was deliberately showing off, so he forced out a wave of rats and went to explore the bottom.

With the free supply of the rat tide, the hope in Sharp Claw's heart was completely shattered.

What else can be done now?

Of course he ran away!

I ran away before, but there is no reason not to run now.

At the same time, in the Lizardmen's position, Li Ce didn't know that the claws were within this border stronghold. Even if he knew, he basically couldn't stop the opponent when he wanted to escape. live.

But Li Ce didn't mind. He just ran away. Anyway, they pushed up step by step, destroying the rat men's lairs one after another and killing all the rat men inside.

It would be useless no matter how sharp the claws were to escape. By then the opponent would be a mere commander. How much threat could it bring to them, Dazhou?

Unlike ordinary camp strongholds, the rat men's lair is underground, so it is very secretive. However, the lizard men and rat men have been at war with each other for so many years. Naturally, they have their own methods for this.

I saw that after Li Ce listened to Soros's suggestion, he directly sent the armored dragon to launch a heavy push.

If there is a tide of rats down here, the ground must be hollowed out.

Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to collapse the ratman's lair from the surface, but it cannot hold a group of armored dragons jumping back and forth on it and stepping on it for exercise.

Li Ce didn't let Li Ce wait for too long. He only heard a "rumbling" sound, and along with the dust rising all over the sky, the ground directly collapsed and collapsed, revealing the intricate underground lair underground!

When it comes to demolishing the Rat Man's lair, the Lizard Man is still very professional. Li Ce doesn't need to worry about it at all. He can just leave it to Soros to arrange it.

After completely destroying the ratman lair and killing all the ratmen hiding inside, Li Ce quickly issued an order.

"Captain Tash, take the three hundred speed dragon cavalry one step ahead to explore the way forward. If you encounter rat troops, give priority to ensuring the safety of the troops and focus on dealing with them."


In response, Tash ordered three hundred speed dragon cavalry and set off immediately without saying a word.

The large force headed by Li Ce slowly followed up after taking a short rest on the spot.

The crusade against the Ratmen has just begun!

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