Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 605 Mountain Road

Considering the distance from the Qunshan border to here, even if the messenger worked hard all the way, it took almost a month to get the news to Zhou Xu.

There is no way. After the territorial area expands, in this era of inconvenient transportation, communication efficiency will inevitably decrease.

He had previously thought about transferring one or two velociraptor riders from the lizard people to shoulder the task of sending messages to both sides.

However, because the lizard people were not adapted to the environment there and were severely acclimatized, this matter did not go smoothly.

It is even more impossible now. After all, the southern border needs to use the aerial vision of the pterosaur rider to improve search efficiency.

Now that something like this happened, Zhou Xu felt that he needed to make a trip.

He undoubtedly had no choice but to rest this winter. After briefly arranging things here and calling Bo Levin to explain a few words, Zhou Xu set off on the road to the border of the mountains early the next morning.

It would take nearly a month for the messenger to ride on his horse. As a king, it was certainly impossible for Zhou Xu to go alone on such a long journey.

With a team of guards, the movement efficiency is probably slower than that of the messenger.

They rode horses all the way. After arriving at Prairie City, they did not enter the city. They directly had people replace them with new horses that were full of strength and continued on their way.

It already takes a lot of time to reach the border of Gunshan. If we delay some more time in the middle, it may not be the beginning of next spring by the time we get there.

Maintaining high efficiency, the team headed by Zhou Xu rode all the way to the station at the foot of the barren mountain.

Looking at the barren mountains in front of him, Zhou Xu exhaled a long breath. He knew that this difficult road had just begun. Riding a horse before was considered easy.

After taking a short rest, Zhou Xu raised his head and glanced at the sky.

"It's just past noon now. Don't linger here. Let's try to rest in Barren Mountain Village before dark."


While they were talking, the leader responsible for taking them up the mountain was already on standby outside.

"lets go."

On the other side of the mountains, Zhou Xu hasn't been here for a long time.

When he came here for the last time, there wasn't even a normal wild road here.

But now, everyone has stepped on it more, and coupled with the conscious expansion in the later period, they have really stepped on a path up the mountain.

At the same time, this road is now paved with some gravel. This is to reduce the slippery and muddy nature of wild mountain roads on rainy days, and at a low cost.

From Zhou Xu's perspective, when he was a child, some of the mountain roads in the countryside were just like this, and some were not even paved with gravel. They were not as good as this road.

These mountain roads were built little by little by the mountain people during their daily visits over the years.

With this road, their climbing efficiency can be said to have been clearly improved.

After crossing the top of the barren mountain, we rested at the barren mountain outpost on the other side of the mountain. The next way down the mountain was much easier than the way up the mountain.

Before it got dark, we successfully arrived at the barren mountain village in the mountains.

Under the setting sun in winter, the barren mountain village located not far away is really like a peach land far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, and it is actually covered with a layer of dreamy colors.

Outside the village is covered by large fields, and the sound of the waterwheel turning is heard in the distance.

Near the village, there was also a large chicken coop. Outside the chicken coop, a domestic wolf lay there and dozed. Its ears twitched from time to time, which proved that it did not sleep to death, but was always paying attention to the surroundings. movement.

Over the past few years, several generations of domestic wolves have been bred, and the wild nature in the domestic wolves has gone a lot, and now they can also perform some normal tasks of looking after homes and homes.

Wang Chuan, the head of Huangshan Village, came over and even praised the wolf.

"Your Majesty, thanks to this wolf, our chickens raised outside have never been lost again."

Wang Chuan couldn't hide the joy on his face when he told this.

After humans occupied the mountains, the wild beasts had nowhere to go and couldn't find food, so they naturally started to build human villages.

Animals such as foxes and weasels often sneak into villages at night to steal their chickens. At the same time, there are also many wild beasts that steal the fruits and vegetables in their fields.

At night, even if there are patrols and guards, it is difficult to completely eliminate it.

It's okay to just steal some food, but the most annoying thing is that when the wild beasts steal food, they often cause damage to their fences and fields, causing them much more damage than just a few bites.

But now that there are domestic wolves, the losses in this area can be said to have been greatly reduced.

Wang Chuan said as he led Zhou Xu towards the village.

It is inconvenient to develop in this big mountain, so it basically maintains the status of a village.

In addition to farming and raising livestock every day, the villagers of Huangshan Village rely on picking some mountain treasures or other resources in the mountains to survive.

Therefore, over the years, there has not been much change within Huangshan Village.

For now, Zhou Xu has no plans to upgrade these mountain villages. Doing this will be a huge drain on manpower and material resources.

Rather than spending time, manpower and material resources on upgrading mountain villages into mountain cities, Zhou Xu would rather invest all these resources in paving mountain roads.

At least once the mountain road is connected, it can greatly improve the transportation efficiency within these mountains, and at the same time lay a solid foundation for subsequent development and construction.

After resting one night in Huangshan Village, the next morning, the group headed by Zhou Xu set off again after eating breakfast and replenishing some dry food.

Just like there is a simple gravel road from the inn at the foot of Huangshan Mountain to Huangshan Village, the same is true for the road from Huangshan Village to Tieshan Village.

After all, Tieshan Village is nearby the Tieshan Mine, which produces iron ore that is very important to them. Even if it is to facilitate the transportation of iron ore, the priority of this mountain road is very high.

Relatively speaking, Huangshan Village, which pays more attention to development, has not developed much in recent years. Tieshan Village, which is more functional, is naturally unlikely to have much development.

The original purpose of Tieshan Village was to store troops inside the mountains, and later to facilitate their mining.

Nowadays, with the expansion of the Great Zhou territory, Tieshan Village, like Prairie City, has lost the characteristics of a military camp and turned into an ordinary mountain village focusing on mining.

And their Zhou army camp in the mountains was pushed deeper into the mountains with Shi Lei's expansion!

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