Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 600 I am willing to die for the king!

Zhou Xu never expected that the rat army would suddenly fight them to the death at this time.

But think about it from another angle, this is just like fighting in a group in a MOBA game. This kind of thing is inherently random. A second ago, you might just want to throw two skills to disgust the opponent, but suddenly you find an opportunity, so don’t just do it directly Jump on and start a group?

It is impossible to say that in a game with a high degree of randomness, all the steps of the whole process have been arranged in advance, and then the timing is determined, and the steps are followed and shouted, '321, start the group! 'Bar? Isn’t that nonsense?

The most typical example is when Zhou Xu commanded his troops to attack the rainforest area.

He originally just wanted to consume the lizardmen on the opposite side and explore the details of the opposite side, and then he was ready to return to the Old Continent.

In the end, the blow went quite smoothly, so why not try it out and just hit it in! Then there is the victory behind.

This is roughly what happened when the Rat Man suddenly broke out.

Of course, the difference is that the Skaven took the opportunity to actively join a group, but were destroyed by the group instead...

Looking at the report Li Ce sent back in his hand, Zhou Xu's face darkened. For a moment, he really didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

I was happy that the rat army on the front line was basically wiped out, but I was worried that this wave of casualties on their side were also quite heavy.

Among the thousand reinforcements sent to the front line to support, there were 300 dragon cavalry. They launched a "bloody" bloody battle until the last moment, and all of them died!

At the same time, in that war, of course they were not the only lizardmen who launched the 'boiling blood'.

To be honest, without the blessing of the powerful BUFF "Boiling Blood", facing the huge army of ratmen, they might not be able to win the battle.

But on the other hand, the presence of 'Boiling Blood' also significantly increased the casualties of their southern garrison. According to frontline statistics, out of the original two thousand garrison troops, one thousand and seventy-two soldiers died in battle alone, including the pterosaurs. Both riders lost their lives.

There is no way of knowing how many of them died due to 'boiling blood'.

As for the remaining ones, there is no doubt that basically all of them were injured.

Among them, of the 300 cavalry led by Zhou Chongshan, after the first battle, after deducting those who died in the battle and those who were determined to be seriously injured and retired, there were only 81 cavalry left.

This result made Zhou Xu's face uncontrollably show a hint of physical pain, and he took several deep breaths to suppress his emotions.

Not to mention the equipment of those three hundred iron cavalry, they were definitely the best in their Great Zhou Dynasty.

Under this premise, every soldier was selected at all levels. Those who could not keep up with the training were all transferred to the ordinary troops. Those who could stay were all trained by him who invested a lot of time, energy and money. Elite!

As a result, he almost lost everything in this battle, and Zhou Xu couldn't even think about it without feeling heartbroken.

The only thing worth celebrating during this period is probably that although Zhou Zhongshan and Tash were both injured, they were all fine.

After all, unlike Li Ce and Soros who stayed behind to command the battle, Zhou Chongshan and Tashi were responsible for charging into the battle. The battlefield where these two armies charged could be said to be full of dangers. If you were not careful, your life would be at stake. .

There is a saying that 'a thousand armies are easy to get, but a general is hard to find! ’ If the two of them die in battle this time, or are seriously injured and retire, then Zhou Xu will really vomit blood.

After understanding the casualties and calming down his emotions, Zhou Xu began to focus on the content behind this report.

"Take the initiative?"

While muttering to himself, a slight wrinkle appeared between Zhou Xu's eyebrows.

In this wave, the rat army was wiped out on the front line, and the opponent's vitality would definitely be severely damaged. Normally speaking, if you take advantage of this moment to pursue the victory, you will definitely achieve good results. There is even a guarantee that the rat people will be killed directly in this wave. .

But the problem now is on their own side, and the situation is not optimistic either.

This makes this choice a risk that cannot be ignored.

Regarding this issue, Zhou Xu obviously still needed to struggle for a while. Before he could come up with a result, he devoted some of his energy to pondering the issue of rewards.

Like the payment of post-war pensions and the arrangements for retired soldiers, they already have a complete set of procedures internally. He basically doesn't need to worry about it. He can just send the report back, he will look at it, then sign and seal it, and approve it. .

But so far, the reward matter still needs to be arranged by him personally.

Spreading out a piece of parchment, Zhou Xu picked up a quill and started writing slowly.

This reward based on merit essentially has a set of mechanisms in it. They, the Zhou Dynasty, have not yet reached the point where they can't be sealed, so Zhou Xu can easily come up with the reward. He is mainly thinking about what to do. Don't send troops.

While finishing writing about this reward, I also made a decision in my heart.

"Pass my order to the thousand lizardmen troops who are training to bring supplies and rush to the south."

After briefly giving instructions on this matter, Zhou Xu immersed himself in writing a letter to Li Ce.

There is no doubt that his decision was to send troops!

Even if he couldn't completely eliminate the rat people, he would completely cripple the rat people in this wave to buy them more time to develop.

The pterosaur rider took the letter and set off immediately, rushing back to the southern fortress as quickly as possible.

A week has passed since the end of the war, and the post-war work has basically been completed.

After receiving the bamboo tube containing the sheepskin letter, Li Ce did not rush to open it. Instead, he ordered people to call Soros, Zhou Chongshan, Tash and other generals. Unpack it next.

Opening up the parchment letter, Li Ce quickly scanned the contents and then announced it in public.

"A thousand reinforcements and supplies are on the way. Your Majesty's decision is to send troops!"

As soon as these words were spoken, all the generals responded one after another. Among them, the lizard generals headed by Tash had the highest fighting spirit.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"At this time, it's time to kill those damn stinky rats completely!"

"When the time comes, my subordinates are willing to take the lead in the charge!"

While shouting, all the generals also asked for battle.

Although the lizard people were saddened by the death of their clan members in battle, in their eyes, this was also a glorious sacrifice. They, who were led by Zhou Xu, would never shrink back because of the sacrifice!

Looking at the generals who were full of fighting spirit, Li Ce made a gesture of pressing his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Next is the reward."

In terms of rewards, in addition to giving money and individual promotions to military ranks, all generals are given a set of armor, which not only provides a reward, but also increases their survival rate in subsequent battles.

In addition, there is no use in rewarding the annihilated dragon cavalry troops. Therefore, while mourning them, Zhou Xu gave them the honorary title of 'Great Zhou Warriors'.

There was basically nothing to say about this reward, but there was a rather special reward written on the parchment letter. When he saw it at first, Li Ce was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes fell on Zhou Chongshan.

"Major Zhou, your Majesty has another reward for you."

Zhou Chongshan was stunned when he heard this.

"Are there any rewards? Us?"

From Zhou Chongshan's perspective, his rewards have just been read out. Like Li Ce, he was promoted to major and received a series of rewards. Why are they still there now?

"Yes, you guys, go and gather all the soldiers under your command into the open space."

Zhou Chongshan did not doubt that he was there and hurriedly ran to summon his subordinates.

The soldiers were quickly assembled. Led by Zhou Chongshan, they quickly formed a square formation and waited intently for Li Ce to read out their king's reward.

When Li Ce saw this, he didn't hesitate. He spread out the parchment in his hand and started reading loudly.

"In this battle, the first troops of the Great Zhou Dynasty charged forward and fought bravely to kill the enemy. They showed their spirit of not being afraid of sacrifices and strong enemies, and never fearing death. They made great contributions and can be called our heroes of the Great Zhou Dynasty! Their ambitions are commendable. You should keep it in mind! Therefore, I gave you a name and fell into the camp!"

While saying this, with a look from Li Ce, the two soldiers who had been waiting for a long time slowly unfolded the paper in their hands.

I saw eight big characters written on it: dragons and phoenixes.

The ambition to be trapped will lead to death but not life!

Looking at these eight big characters, Zhou Chongshan, who was extremely calm when he heard his reward before, recalled the sacrifices of his comrades and brothers before, and couldn't help but feel a sore nose. Then he punched his heart twice with his right fist and moved towards that Eight characters knelt down on one knee.

At the same time, all the soldiers behind him also followed suit.

Staring at those eight big characters, at this moment, they seemed to have found their souls!

"I am trapped in the camp, and I am willing to die for the king!"

"I am trapped in the camp and I am willing to die for the king!!!"

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