Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 601 Prepare to go to war

The eight big characters on the paper were written with a brush, not to mention the paper. Their papermaking workshop in Dazhou has long been operating smoothly, producing paper stably, and has also been put into the market, and can be bought and sold normally. However, Now basically not many people buy it.

After all, few ordinary people are literate and have little need for paper.

Things like writing brushes were made by Wang Dong when he had nothing to do.

After all, he is a Chinese teacher, so it is normal for him to have a little interest in writing.

Zhou Xu himself still prefers to use charcoal pens and quill pens, not because of anything else, but simply because it is simple and efficient to write. Especially charcoal pens are more convenient to use on some documents or drawings that need to be corrected.

At the end of the day, he has a lot of documents and even more words to write. If he uses a writing brush, he will not be able to improve his efficiency at all.

Now that Wang Dong has developed calligraphy, at most it will give Da Zhou another hobby, and Zhou Xu will not stop him. After all, the things he arranged for him before are not what he wants to do, so he has to give it to Teacher Wang. Some opportunity to relax.

Originally, Teacher Wang wanted to get Zhou Xu to practice calligraphy, saying that as a king, he should do some chess, calligraphy and painting to cultivate his sentiment and cultivate his character.

When Zhou Xu heard this, he rolled his eyes, and then he picked up his pen and showed him the calligraphy skills he could do with his hand, which completely confused Teacher Wang.

When he was in school, he took a calligraphy class. At that time, he even participated in the city's student group's calligraphy competition and won two small prizes. However, he really didn't have much interest in this. Later, he became That was settled.

Now that I have picked up the pen again, my writing is quite passable.

In his lounge, Zhou Chongshan stared at the eight characters on the paper in a daze.

Under Wang Dong's teaching, Zhou Chongshan had already learned to read, but he never thought that the word could be written like this.

After looking at it for a while, he carefully rolled up the paper and put it into the bamboo tube.

According to their king's wishes, he was asked to take the remaining trapped camp back to the rear to recruit soldiers to make up for the three hundred troops in the trapped camp.

Zhou Chongshan had no objection to this order.

Now that they are trapped in the camp, there are only 81 cavalry left, and they will not be of much use if they stay on the front line. It is better to go back early to select soldiers and conduct training.

Without Moji, early the next morning, Zhou Chongshan took the remaining eighty-one people in the camp and embarked on the return journey.

After that, a thousand lizardmen troops sent by Zhou Xu had arrived at the southern fortress with supplies.

Along with them came the rewards given by their king to the soldiers in the southern border. To put it simply, they were a lot of wine and meat!

Wine is also a fruit wine developed in the past two years. It tastes basically like alcoholic beverages. Once it was launched, it was loved by a large number of people. In addition, the price is relatively expensive, and it emptied many people's wallets.

On this day, the southern fortress brought wine and meat, and naturally held a grand celebration banquet. By the way, they also helped the newly arrived reinforcements to cleanse themselves from the wind and dust, so that the soldiers could eat and drink freely.

He took a big bite of the boiled mutton in his hand, and then took a sip of fruit wine. He felt so refreshed just by looking at it.

But after the soldier touched his lips, he couldn't help but sigh.

"My dear, if you can fry it in some oil, it will be delicious. The meat is good, but how long have I been eating this boiled meat? I can't even swallow it now."

"You're still picky when there's wine and meat?"

Passing by, the gang leader who had just finished his work saw him and was speechless.

"If you don't eat it, give it to me, and I'll eat it!"

"No, no, no, I'm just saying casually."

As he spoke, the soldier quickly stuffed the meat into his mouth.

During this period, the soldiers sat there and chatted casually.

And the foreman who had finished his work started chatting with them again.

"In order to resist the rat attack, all the oil was fed to those stinky rats. Don't expect it in the short term."

"But the sheep itself also has a lot of oil, right? It can be squeezed out."

The leader of the army rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"When cooking in our army, in addition to taking into account the actual situation, we must also consider convenience and distribution."

While talking, the leader of the group started talking slowly to the laymen in front of him who didn't care about cooking.

"What about setting up a celebration banquet and frying the meat on the spot? Besides, is that little oil enough for so many brothers in the fortress to share? This is also the reason why we don't cook barbecue. Boiling in water is the most convenient and best to share. That's it. Simple."

Although the soldiers in the southern border almost rolled their eyes at the boiled meat and vegetables, at the celebration banquet, they ate no less and ate up all the rewards sent by Zhou Xu.

The next two days passed. During this time, their soldiers on the southern border and the reinforcements arriving later were almost rested.

After getting permission from their king to send troops, Li Ce didn't want to wait for even a second, he just wanted to send troops immediately. After all, the faster they send troops, the greater their advantage.

In turn, the further time goes by, the more the Rat Man recovers.

After this period of time, Li Ce had already gathered all the troops to go out for the expedition.

Although all 300 speed dragon cavalry of the 1,000 troops previously supported were killed, the 700 infantry behind them could not catch up due to their movement speed. It can be said that they are in perfect condition now.

These 700 troops, plus the 1,000 troops that just arrived, will be transferred from the original strength of their southern fortress to form a force of 300 in good condition, and they will gather 2,000 troops to set off directly in two days.

Before the war started, Li Ce commanded two thousand troops to deal with the rat men. Now he has the same two thousand troops. Even though there is still a lot of gap in combat experience, he is not weak at all at this time.

Don't forget, they just won a big victory. At this time, it's the other side that they should be afraid of!

Before the expedition force set off, Li Ce wrote another report and asked the pterosaur rider to take it back and report the matter to Zhou Xu.

When the report was delivered, Zhou Xu had just arrived in Prairie City.

There was nothing much to say in the report. Li Ce briefly reported the work to him and informed him that the troops had already set off for the expedition.

Long before, when he confirmed that the southern garrison had suffered heavy losses and made up his mind to take the initiative, he had already arranged the supply troops and issued another recruitment order.

Now that he has received the report, there are no new measures he needs to take.

The main purpose of this report, to put it bluntly, is to let him know that there is such a thing and have an idea.

After reading the report, it was getting late, so Zhou Xu went to bed early.

Early the next morning, after having breakfast, Zhou Xu started his inspection work.

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