Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 599 Two into one (2)

With curiosity in his heart, after confirming that the two world fragments had merged into one, Zhou Xu rode directly over and planned to confirm it himself.

However, as he ran, Zhou Xu gradually felt that something was not quite right.

[No, I've been riding my horse for at least twenty minutes. Why haven't I seen the garrison camp on the other side of the grassland? 】

Not every inch of land on the grassland is covered with grass. The area near the edge of the world is much barren. After autumn, the land becomes even bare, very similar to the environment in the plains here.

This made it impossible for Zhou Xu to judge where he had gone through the surrounding environment after the two world fragments were successfully spliced ​​together. He could only confirm his position through the garrison camp.

[According to the speed of today's war horses, when running normally without charging at full strength, the average speed is almost more than 30 kilometers per hour. I rode the horse all the way for almost 20 minutes, and I guess it should be 10 kilometers. We're on our way, why haven't we seen the garrison camp here on the grassland? 】

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu felt a little evil in his heart.

After a moment of hesitation, he found a direction and rode his horse for almost ten minutes before finally catching his sight of their garrison camp in the grassland in the distance.

[Hell, the distance between this can be twenty or thirty kilometers? 】

This is obviously not normal.

For safety reasons, the location of the garrison camp is kept at a certain safe distance from the edge of the world, but it is not too far apart. There is no way there is a distance of twenty or thirty kilometers.

With doubts in his heart, Zhou Xu turned his head and looked carefully at the land he was running behind.

In the process, he discovered that the land behind him was ordinary and had no characteristics, but at the same time it was strange.

During this period, the subordinates who were originally on the two world fragments have also gathered together.

"You are here just in time. Come and take a look at this large area. Is it not there before?"

Zhou Xu had asked the right person this question. The main job of the garrison troops on both sides every day was to patrol the border. It could be said that no one was more familiar with this area than them.

In fact, they had already discovered that something was wrong on the way here. Now that their king said this, the soldiers on patrol on both sides were naturally more confident.

"Reporting to your Majesty, this area did not exist before."

After getting this answer, Zhou Xu couldn't help but have a few more thoughts in his heart.

"An extra piece of land appeared out of thin air?"

Although the land is large or small, and it seems to have no resources, it has gained space. It would be good to use this area to build buildings or provide some construction facilities in the future. After all, the land itself is valuable. .

As for why there is such an extra piece of land...

Zhou Xu did have a few ideas.

For example, this was originally a complete world that collapsed with the destruction of the old civilization. In the process of collapse, it is obviously impossible for every piece to collapse completely. There is a high probability that a lot of land in these edge areas will be shattered. .

When the two world fragments merged, the originally shattered parts may have been repaired.

Now that the two world fragments have merged, Zhou Xu planned to go back and inspect the place to see how the internal development has been during this period.

Along the way, feeling the subtle changes in the climate, Zhou Xu suddenly thought of another possibility.

[Wait a minute, will this extra land be used to transition the environment on both sides? 】

Some people who have taken a long-distance bus will have this experience. The city where the bus departed was windy and rainy, but after the bus left the city, they found that the sky was clear.

Because different regions often have different climate environments.

Tropical rainforest, plains, and grasslands have different environments and climates.

Among them, the plain is close to the tropical rain forest, so the climate is close to that of the tropical rain forest, but not as humid and hot as the tropical rain forest.

The climate environment in the grassland area is different, and the temperature difference between day and night is large. Especially in winter, a person can freeze to death at night. This kind of thing is basically impossible to happen in the plain area here. It can also happen in the coldest time on the plain area. A dozen degrees.

If these two areas were directly spliced ​​together, the different climate environments on both sides would inevitably have a huge impact on each other.

But after there is a buffer area for buffering, the situation can be much better.

Of course, this was just a very casual guess that flashed through Zhou Xu's mind.

This world is not an ordinary world that can be judged with modern common sense. There are so many incredible things. If you insist on using your own limited knowledge to explain them, it will only highlight your ignorance.

Anyway, having an extra piece of land is only good for him, not bad, so there is no need to worry about it.

At this point, their territory in the Great Zhou Dynasty was finally successfully integrated into one piece, which greatly facilitated their internal development and construction.

After passing through the garrison camp in the grassland area, Zhou Xu first came to the clan land originally assigned to the Centaur clan.

After the Centaur clan surrendered, he naturally took back this clan land.

Now, a small prairie town called Wild Horse City has been built in this area.

Although they have taken back their clan land, the centaurs still live here. Under this premise, leaving aside those centaurs who went to serve as soldiers, the main job of the remaining centaurs is to capture wild horses on the grassland and conduct some Hunting-related activities gave Mustang City its name.

In the past two years, when stone bricks were produced in large quantities in the brick-burning factory, their internal construction development in the Great Zhou Dynasty was also progressing at a rapid pace. During this period, they did not just build border fortresses.

Many villages inside are also built with bricks and stones and have begun to develop towards the scale of towns.

During this period, taking into account the climate environment on the grassland, while Yema City and Prairie City completed comprehensive upgrades, they also built walls to protect them from wind and rain, allowing them to have a safe rest in some extremely harsh climates. environment.

Entering Mustang City, the construction work here was just completed two months ago, and he came back to take a look at it.

It's only been two months now, and not much has changed internally.

However, the number of little centaurs playing and playing in the inner town streets has obviously increased.

A centaur is not considered an adult until it is ten years old, but when a baby centaur is one or two months old, its legs and feet are already very agile.

Obviously, Drogo and the others have not been allowed to go to the front line in the past two years. These guys have not neglected their work of reproducing the tribe. The size of the centaur tribe has expanded invisibly.

But it's obviously still early for these little centaurs to be put to use.

Just as Zhou Xu was patrolling the internal development of Yema City and pondering this, a pterosaur rider from the southern border fortress rushed here as quickly as possible and sent the latest information from the front line. In front of him!

An update is here, thank you to book friends ‘Xian Ke En Yu Jiu Jiu-Da’ and ‘Zhou Zhou Sama’ for their rewards!

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