Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 598 Two into one

This battle lasted from night to day. Outside the border fortress, the enemy's corpses piled up like mountains. I don't know when, and the horses under Zhou Chongshan didn't know where they went. People stood in the piles of corpses, holding hands between them. On top of them, each wielding a crystal iron saber slashed and killed among the rats.

As he took steps, his raised feet continuously brought up sticky plasma. When he dropped his feet, the plasma soaked into his ankles, and the corpses of the rat men were piled up to his calves.

Raising the knife with his hand, he killed the last rat man within his sight. Zhou Zhongshan barely supported his body, looking up at the autumn sun that had risen above his head, and kept breathing heavily.

"It's over..."

Looking back, how many of his comrades-in-arms were left who were still fighting with him?

Looking at the battlefield filled with corpses, Zhou Chongshan couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness in his eyes.

At the same time, the mental states of Li Ce and Soros were also somewhat dazed.

Especially Li Ce, regardless of the rat-man corpses on the ground, was so tired that he sat down under the wall of the border fortress and collapsed together with the corpses.

In this battle, while commanding the battle, he activated his mantra and mobilized skeleton soldiers for support. The multiple consumption made him feel like he was about to faint at this time.

In comparison, Soros, who was responsible for the command alone, was in much better shape. This also made the subsequent post-war handling work mainly fall on Soros.

In order to deal with various problems that may arise from the rat tide, the facilities and personnel inside the border fortress are still quite complete, and now it is not a problem to handle the post-war work.

The living environment of rat people is generally messy, and their corpses are also at risk of carrying viruses. Zhou Xu does not want to have more contact with them, and naturally has no intention of making them into skeleton soldiers.

Therefore, he had issued an order long ago. After each battle, the corpses of the rat men were piled together and burned.

During this process, the soldiers responsible for cleaning up the battlefield also made a simple confirmation of the identity of the corpse.

"No Talon body found."

Within the fortress, after two days of rest, Li Ce, Zhou Chongshan, and Tash had basically breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, they gathered together to confirm the post-war situation.

At this moment, everyone who confirmed the news frowned.

"They probably took advantage of the chaos to escape."

In response to this news, Li Ce spoke slowly.

"But it doesn't matter. This time the rat army suffered heavy casualties and was almost completely destroyed. Even if the claws escaped, there are not many troops left. If we can send troops immediately..."

At this point, Li Ce paused and said no more.

Because he knew in his heart that their own side suffered heavy casualties in this battle, and it was really hard to say whether they could send troops.

"In short, let's report the situation here to the king first. After that, it will be up to the king to decide whether to send troops."

At the same time, here at the temple...

At that time, Zhou Xu received a request for help from the border fortress. Without saying a word, he immediately ordered a thousand troops that had been trained to rush to the border fortress for reinforcements.

At this time, although Zhou Xu knew that after a year of recuperation, the rat people would definitely launch a strong attack to compete for the dominance of the border, he never imagined that the battle would directly reach this point.

So after sending reinforcements, he stopped paying attention.

After all, he was quite busy during this period.

On the one hand, it was the autumn harvest on the plain farm, and on the other hand, after a long period of moving, the two fragments of the world were finally about to be spliced ​​together.

He came all the way from the temple to the garrison camp just to witness this moment with his own eyes. He was really curious about how these two fragments of the world would be put together.

With such doubts, Zhou Xu stood on the edge of the New Continent and looked towards the Old Continent.

At this moment, the old continent is already in front of you.

The gap between the two continents makes people feel like they can jump across it with just one leap.

Of course, this cannot be jumped.

As these two fragments of the world move closer, they will have traction on each other.

And this pulling force exists in the void. If you jump, you will be directly involved in the pulling force. No one knows what will happen next.

Of course, the two world fragments are so close to each other. Now the energy channel is opened every day. Passing through the energy channel is like walking through a door. With one step of your legs, you are in the opposite world in the blink of an eye. It is very convenient to go back and forth. Basically There is nothing to rush.

"Bolewen, do you think there will be danger in the edge areas when these two world fragments merge?"

While talking, Zhou Xu glanced sideways at Bo Levin next to him.

In the past two years, Bo Levin has changed a lot. He has successfully lost weight. Basically, the word "obesity" is no longer associated with him. He just means strong.

With a height of more than two meters, without the extra fat on his body, he looked like a burly man. Standing there, he looked like a fierce general, quite intimidating.

Without telling others, who would know that this is actually a mage unit?

Now facing Zhou Xu's question, Bo Levin really couldn't answer it.

"Reporting to your Majesty, my subordinates really don't know about this issue."

Compared to ordinary lizardmen, although he has lived longer and knows more, he does not know everything.

Many lizard people may not see something like this once in their lifetime.

Zhou Xu nodded after receiving this answer.

"For the sake of caution, please pass on the order and ask the garrison camp and surrounding personnel to move away first."

An order was given here and it was quickly implemented.

Although this garrison camp has been here for a long time, considering that the two world fragments will merge sooner or later, Zhou Xu has not carried out any major construction on it. It is essentially a camp that can be removed at any time.

As for the plain farm, in order to be close to the water source, this farm is still far away from the real edge area. For now, there is no need to worry.

He didn't have to wait too long. On the morning of the third day after he moved from the temple to the plain area, the two world fragments were almost touching each other.

Zhou Xu, who was worried about danger, did not dare to get closer and take a closer look.

There was no shock in the whole process. At that moment, he only felt a change of heaven and earth, and a gorgeous aurora appeared directly at the seam between the two fragments of the world.

Under the aurora, pieces of land continued to emerge from the void, filling the gap between the two world fragments.

The whole process was so fast that Zhou Xu, who was standing far away, didn't even notice it. He only felt a blur in front of his eyes. When he came back to his senses, he found that the two fragments of the world had been spliced ​​together.

This was undoubtedly a bit beyond Zhou Xu's expectations.

He originally thought that the collision of two such large pieces of the world would cause an earthquake of several magnitudes.

Who would have thought that it would be over without any movement.

But this can be considered a good thing.

At this point, the two world fragments have officially merged into one!

Update sent, thank you to the book friend "Xian can meet but cannot seek - Da" for the reward!

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