Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 585 Li Ce’s decision

In an instant, the sound of killing was loud, and the sharp crystal iron war spears were thrust out in unison. The spearheads penetrated the body of the rat slave soldier as easily as piercing a piece of tissue paper.

Holding crystal iron war spears, the blue lizard spearmen's movements are crisp and neat, without any sloppiness. The thrusts and thrusts may seem simple, but they are skills honed through countless exercises and actual combat.

The influx of rat slave soldiers was stabbed to death in pieces, but the rat tide in front of them was still rushing toward their spearheads crazily, vowing to break the situation with their lives and pile up corpses to create a path of blood!

They had already experienced the madness of the rat tide. At this moment, maintaining a tight formation, the blue lizard spearmen holding crystal iron war spears were like emotionless killing machines.

On this battlefield, they don't need to think about any problems, nor do they need to have any emotions. The only thing they need to do is to follow the order and keep thrusting out the crystal iron war spears in their hands, piercing the flesh and blood of the rat slave soldiers in front of them. Body!

During this period, the rat tide surged, and more rat slave soldiers rushed to both sides of the formation. The speed dragon cavalry who had been waiting on both wings received the order and rushed out.

At the same time, on the outer battlefield, the green lizard short spear soldiers also stepped into the battlefield quickly.

In the past two years, they can clearly feel that the blessings on themselves have become stronger and stronger. Among them, the speed dragon cavalry and the green lizard short spearmen feel particularly strongly. This is undoubtedly the best time for them to regain the favor of the king. Good proof.

This made the lizard people more morale, and with awe of the king, they performed more bravely on the battlefield.

After killing two rounds in a row, the corpses of rat slave soldiers at their feet were piled up to the point that it would affect their actions. At this time, Li Ce quickly issued an order.

Instead of letting them advance, let them retreat!

The past two years of military training have already made the lizard soldiers regard obeying orders as their bounden duty. Now that they received the order, the soldiers did not doubt his presence and immediately executed it.

Maintaining their formation, they fought and retreated all the way, retreating towards their own border.

Li Ce ordered the retreat at this time, and naturally he had his own ideas.

After a year of recuperation, the Rat People must have gathered enough troops. Looking at this wave of actions, it is not difficult to see from it that the Rat People should want to launch a strong offensive and counterattack.

Once the Rat Man has this intention, the battle is destined to not be completed in a short time.

On the front line, although they also set up a simple camp, the only purpose of the camp was for them to sleep and eat. It did not have any defensive capabilities, and naturally there was no condition to defend it.

Currently, they only have 2,000 troops on the front line, and there are no defensive facilities in the rear to ensure their safety. Once their physical strength is severely exhausted, they will be overwhelmed by the rat tide and will be unable to leave even if they want to.

Therefore, in Li Ce's opinion, there is no need to fight head-on outside the Ratmen's stronghold at the moment. While they still have the physical strength, they should fight first and then retreat, retreating outside their own border defense line. When the time comes, they will be backed by At the border, they can advance, attack, retreat or defend. Wouldn't it be better?

"Second Lieutenant Thoros, you are responsible for commanding the velociraptor cavalry and the green lizard short spearmen on the outside. We will retreat steadily."

Retreating is also a technical job that needs to be taken seriously.

After all, the very act of retreating is equivalent to handing the dominance of the battlefield into the hands of the opponent.

The enemy on the opposite side will definitely not let them go easily. In this process, they need to retreat while defusing the offensive from the ratmen.

The rat people are powerful, and if they are not careful, they may fall here.

For this reason, as a commander, Li Ce must concentrate.

But in this state, he obviously couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't miss anything.

In order to avoid this situation from happening, the best way is to entrust part of the command pressure to other generals.

On this battlefield, Soros is undoubtedly a suitable choice.

After handing over all the flanking forces to the command of Soros, Li Ce himself can concentrate on the main force in the center and observe the overall situation.

The large army of lizardmen fought and retreated all the way. Although they were continuously chased by the rat tide along the way, they were basically unable to shake the opponent's formation.

Facing this formation that had frustrated him many times, at this moment, Jicumu's pressure doubled, and he immediately looked at the sharp claw in the center of the formation.

"Clan leader, my subordinates think that we might as well send out regular troops to fight, cooperate with the rat tide, and surround and kill the lizardmen on the opposite side here!"

Listening to Jikumu's proposal, Sharp Claw glanced at the large lizard man army in the distance that was maintaining its formation and retreating steadily, and then rejected Jikumu's proposal without hesitation.

Obviously, he and Jicumu didn't think alike.

The usual tactics of their rat people are based on the rat tide, and the rat tide is the key.

At the same time, they have always used this tactic, naturally because this tactic suits them best.

Compared with the lizardmen, for units of the same size, the individual combat power of the ratmen is actually not as good as the lizardmen. They have always relied on numbers to win, even the regular army is no exception. This is no secret in itself.

The current state of the lizardman army is obviously very good. As an old opponent for so many years, it is impossible for Sharp Claw to not know the opponent's strength.

If he joins the regular army in a bloody battle with the Lizardmen at this time, no matter whether he wins or loses, the regular army in his hands will suffer heavy casualties.

As the leader of the Claw Clan, this is obviously not what he wants to see.

After all, the strength of the regular army directly affects his dominance within the clan. This is the biggest reason why Talon will never easily use the strength of the regular army unless it is absolutely necessary.

[In the current situation, the lizard man's health has not been exhausted much. Do you want me to send regular troops at this time? What kind of peace does this guy Jikum have? 】

For Jicumu, Talon recognizes his abilities, otherwise he would not be allowed to serve as the frontline commander of his clan.

But as a ruler, facing Jikumu who holds military power, while Talon recognizes his opponent's abilities, he is inevitably suspicious of him.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, Talon glanced at Jikum calmly, but said nothing more.

Noticing the subtle change in the atmosphere, Jicumu stiffened slightly.

Talon is willing to delegate power to him and let him command the border troops. On the one hand, it recognizes his ability, but on the other hand, it is because Talon knows that he has nowhere to go. It is not worried about his betrayal, but it is worried about his rebellion and the Talon. The clan turned around and became the Jikum clan, and they had always been suspicious of him.

Regarding this, Jicumu was somewhat aware of this, and then he stopped talking and silently stepped aside.

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