After some weighing, Zhou Xu decided to focus on military units that could show value immediately.

As for 'Blood Boiling', this is a desperate skill that may be needed when fighting a tough battle.

At present, the rat army has not attacked in a large scale. When there is no tough battle to fight, clicking this item is a pure waste of his limited mantra power.

Zhou Xu made this decision fairly straightforwardly, but he struggled for a while with the military project.

In the end, the project of upgrading the 'Green Lizard Spear Soldier' ​​was chosen first.

The reason why he chose the 'Green Lizard Short Spear Soldier' ​​instead of the 'Blue Lizard Sword Shield Soldier' ​​was because Zhou Xu thought about it in his mind.

On the southern battlefield, his core force is actually spearmen, but as mentioned before, this unit is not available in the class panel.

Under this premise, the Blue Lizard Sword and Shield Soldiers are indeed the core unit of the Lizardmen, but according to the current situation, if they want to exert their combat power, they will have to wait until it becomes a melee later.

And according to their current tactical thinking, how could the Ratmen on the opposite side easily break into a melee?

In other words, there is less room to play.

On the other hand, the 'Green Lizard Short Spear Soldiers', when the spear array is stable, they can provide support and cover on the outside. After the melee breaks out, they can also exert their combat power in the melee.

After all, the 'Green Lizard Spearmen' are the infantry unit with the largest number of lizardmen.

This time, Zhou Xu had settled the score clearly in his mind.

Having successfully triggered and unlocked the first-level item before, Zhou Xu now injected the power of the mantra to directly upgrade it to the second level, slightly improving the green lizard short spearman's overall physical fitness.

The consumption during this period was actually the same as when he upgraded the 'Lizardman Endurance Strengthening' to the third level.

Sure enough, the further you unlock it, the more expensive it will be to upgrade the project.

Afterwards, when his mantra power recovered, the first thing Zhou Xu did was not to upgrade the unit item 'Green Lizard Short Spear Soldier' ​​to level three, but to change hands and upgrade the item item 'Blue Lizard Sword and Shield Soldier' ​​to level 3 as well. Level 2.

When he upgraded those enhanced items before, he gained experience and realized that if he wanted to unlock new items, he couldn't just upgrade one item at a time. He had to have both rain and dew.

Sure enough, after the two unit projects of 'Blue Lizard Sword and Shield Soldier' ​​and 'Green Lizard Short Spear Soldier' ​​were upgraded to the second level, the extended line directly unlocked the building project in the next column, 'Athlon Taming Ground' '.

There was already a ready-made Velociraptor Taming Ground in the lizard people's clan, and Zhou Xu successfully triggered and unlocked it, achieving first-level effects.

After this line is connected, it is as if the eight extraordinary meridians have been opened.

There is no need for Zhou Xu to upgrade the 'Athlon Training Ground', a line is directly derived from the building icon, connecting to the unit above the troop line, the Velociraptor Cavalry!

At this stage of the battle with the Ratmen of the Southern Territory, apart from the green lizard short spear soldiers, which other unit can play a full role?

There is no doubt that it is the Dragon Cavalry!

And considering the force configuration of the Skaven, the Dragon Cavalry can be said to be a very critical and powerful unit, and it deserves a key upgrade.

It's just that this unit project has too many prerequisites, and it really took him a lot of effort to connect this line.

The unit item of 'Speed ​​Dragon Cavalry' is also triggered and unlocked, and has obtained a first-level effect.

At present, according to the situation where he has just consumed the power of the mantra to upgrade the 'Blue Lizard Sword Shield Soldier' ​​to the second level, it is probably impossible to immediately upgrade the 'Speed ​​Dragon Cavalry' to the second level.

System prompt: This operation is very risky for you. Do you want to continue?

Listening to the system prompts in his ears, Zhou Xu immediately reined in his horse.

According to Zhou Xu’s current experience summary after many tests, risk reminders are divided into four levels, namely ‘slightly greater risk’, ‘excessive risk’, ‘huge risk’ and ‘extreme risk’.

In the case of 'slightly higher risk', he usually takes two or three days' rest, and can finish it in no more than a week at most.

If the risk is too great, it can be as fast as ten days and a half month, or as slow as one month.

'The risk is huge' It's best to let yourself return to your prime before trying again. You may need to improve your strength.

And the last word 'very risky' means that this project is beyond his reach at this stage.

At this moment, Zhou Xu, who confirmed the system prompts, knew that he would no longer have to look at the class panel in a short time.

By the time he successfully upgraded the 'Speed ​​Dragon Cavalry' unit item to the second level, the season had already reached the depths of winter.

This winter has been peaceful. The energy channel at the border of the mountains has been opened and closed, closed and opened again, but no one has come along the energy channel.

On the battlefield in the southern part of the New World, the rat people basically did not move. They were still passively responding to Li Ce's harassment and attacks. By the time they officially launched their counterattack, it was already the early autumn of the next year...

Li Ce actually guessed the opponent's thoughts, so in winter, he specifically strengthened the offensive momentum, just to consume more of the opponent's troops.

However, the Rat Man has been able to fight the Lizard Man for so many years, so he is quite capable.

At least their ability to restore their troops was extraordinary. Li Ce's intention to step up the offensive was to drag the Ratmen into a vicious cycle so that the other side would be unable to organize a decent offensive.

Then it is like boiling a frog in warm water, slowly dragging the opponent down.

But it turns out that Li Ce's move failed.

Looking at the rat tide sweeping toward them in the distance, Li Ce took a deep breath and quickly ordered the speed dragon cavalry tasked with the harassment task to retreat and lead the rat tide to the plain area not far away.

Of course the rat men on the opposite side knew what was going to happen next. After all, they had done the same thing many times before.

But they have nothing to do. If they want to launch a counterattack and reverse the situation, they can only launch a strong attack, and there is no room for retreat!

The sound of the horn came from afar, and the Blue Lizard Spearmen standing on the plain battlefield tensed up their nerves.

It has been more than two years since Li Ce took charge of the Southern Border troops. Ever since Li Ce took over, the soldiers in the Southern Border have been receiving militarized training, and now the results of the training have already been shown on them.

Facing the approaching rat tide, the soldiers stood still, as if they had not seen the enemy at all, until Li Ce's order came.

"Form up! Prepare to attack!"


In response, row after row of crystal iron war spears were quickly set up.

At the same time, the speed dragon cavalry on both sides, and even the green lizard short spearmen further out, were all in position.

Just waiting for the moment when the rat tide rushes in front of them...



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