Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 586 It’s as fun as you want

Although Talon did not send out regular troops, the rat tide offensive launched was stronger than before. Coupled with the continuous consumption, the pressure on the lizardman army along the way was not small.

Among them, Tash, who was on the front line and personally led the troops in the battle, even felt a little bit lucky in his heart after a series of fierce battles.

[Fortunately, the king has given us more gifts, otherwise this wave of fighting would have been even more difficult. 】

There were no dangers along the way, and they successfully retreated to their own border.

In the process, Talon, who commanded the rat tide to chase the lizardmen all the way here, saw the lizardmen's garrison camp on the border from a distance. His expression was startled, and he immediately immediately He rubbed his eyes, then opened his eyes wide again and looked into the distance.

"Ah, this, this..."

Looking at the huge building that came into view, Sharp Claw was unable to do anything for a moment.

The other ratmen on the side, including Jikumu, all looked dumbfounded at this moment, obviously shocked by the scene in front of them.

Their eyesight was indeed not that good, but they were not so blind that they couldn't see such a big thing clearly.

At this moment, where the lizardman border garrison camp was originally located, a tall wall was erected, directly surrounding the entire camp, forming a border fortress!

They have been fighting lizardmen for many years and have never seen this thing before.

But looking at the tall wall, with the vague claws, I already realized something.

"No, we can't let them withdraw!"

Amidst the screams, Talon hurriedly gave orders, trying to intercept the large lizardman army that was still retreating with all its strength.

However, at this point in time, the lizardmen's large forces had already withdrawn outside the border fortress, and it was already too late to intercept them with all their strength.

As early as the retreat, Li Ce immediately sent messengers back to report.

Now that their large forces have just withdrawn here, the gate of the fortress has already been opened. The garrison troops inside the gate quickly rushed out. The large troops who covered the retreat retreated into the fortress as quickly as possible. Immediately after the gate was closed, the generals who followed would rush in. All the incoming rat tides were blocked outside the gate.

Facing the thick gate covered with iron sheets, the crazy rat tide directly launched an offensive, trying to completely destroy the fortress gate.

Li Ce and the others, who were behind the door, naturally would not let the rat tide do whatever they wanted.

The next second, along with a burst of sound, although the fortress door did not open, a densely arranged array of crystal iron war spears stabbed out from behind the door! They stabbed the rat slave soldiers who were furiously biting and scratching at the door one after another!

It turned out that when the craftsmen were making the fortress gate, they opened a series of small windows on it. The soldiers standing behind the gate could just open the small window and pass directly through the small window to use the crystal iron war spear. Stab out from the door and kill the enemies blocking the door.

At the same time, from the top of the wall, heavy wooden pegs covered with iron nails were smashed down from the top of the ten-meter-high wall.

The wooden tree fell to the ground and was directly hit by the rat tide, blooming into a bloody flower! The lizard soldiers on the wall who were responsible for throwing down the wood cheered.

The effect caused by the smashing of the wood fell into their eyes, and they could only say that it was so exciting!

"Quick! Move quickly! Hit me to death! Smash these stinky rats to death!!"

On the top of the wall, the lizardman general responsible for commanding this area of ​​work was as excited as if he had been shot.

The soldiers listened to the bursts of cheers and shouts, and each one became more energetic.

In order to deal with the threat of the rat tide, according to their king's wishes, a lot of wood was stored inside the fortress, and now they are smashing it one after another towards the rat tide below, and one hit can directly kill a large area!

This lethality is really so exciting for the lizard people!

During this period, as their enemy, this scene made the eyes twitch at the sharp claws in the distance.

Although he didn't care about the life and death of the rat slave soldiers, it was not difficult for him to see how difficult it would be to attack this border fortress.

He didn't know there was such a thing at the beginning. He just thought it was still the same garrison camp. It didn't have much defensive advantages, so it didn't matter to him whether the opponent retreated or not.

Who could have imagined that things would turn out like this...

As his thoughts whirled, Sharp Claw turned his head to look at Jikum who was standing aside.

"Did you know that the lizard people had come up with this thing?!"

Jicumu was shocked when he heard this question, and immediately shook his head.

"My subordinates didn't know about this matter before!"

Although he wanted to say arrogantly, 'Yes, I knew it a long time ago. You didn't listen to me before I called you a fool, but now it's okay! Stupid | Are you crazy? ’

But considering that saying this would probably end badly, Jicumu decided to feel good in his heart.

Not to mention that he really didn't know about this matter, so there was no need to take the blame just to feel good.

At the same time, looking at the lizardmen's border fortress in the distance again, the shock in Jikumu's eyes became more intense.

This can be said to be completely beyond their imagination!

After being surprised, Jicumu calmed down a little, but he couldn't help but feel a little angry again.

[Wouldn’t it be better if you just listened to me earlier? What a fool! 】

Although he was unaware of the existence of this border fortress, this did not prevent him from making the right decision.

In this process, the city defense troops who had stayed inside the border fortress as a response were now responsible for the main city defense work behind the city gate and above the city wall.

The large force of lizardmen led by Li Ce, who withdrew, took a short rest internally to recover the physical strength consumed by the previous continuous fighting.

Needless to say, this is the benefit of having a city wall.

The previous garrison camps could not provide them with a resting environment like now.

At this moment, within the city wall, although the lizard people were the party being attacked, their momentum was high because of their frequent successes.

If Li Ce hadn't given the order, all the lizard soldiers would have wanted to rush out and kill them.

Of course, Li Ce would definitely not issue this order in a short period of time.

Not to mention anything else, the lizardman army was severely exhausted, and it was true that they were in a bad state at the moment.

Right now, they have the upper hand. To put it bluntly, it's thanks to the defensive advantage this wall gives them.

If they really rushed out, it would probably be a different situation.

At this time, Li Ce's idea was very simple, that is, to defend the city wall and fight the rat people first, and then wait until they have had enough rest.

But reality obviously doesn't make it so easy for him.

Soon, accompanied by bursts of exclamations from the wall, the rat slave soldiers piled under the city wall were actually climbing up with bare hands along the outer wall of the city wall!

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