Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 583 Take your time

According to Shi Lei's report, after the energy channel was opened, no living thing came through the energy channel.

It may be that the other party has not noticed the existence of this energy channel, or it may be that the other party has discovered it, but out of caution, did not act rashly.

Put yourself in the opponent's shoes, and if he were the ruler on the opposite side, would he see an energy channel and immediately send troops to drill into it?

It's too dangerous no matter how you think about it.

Not to mention the energy channel that was just opened, with a gap of up to a month.

The dispatched troops are isolated and helpless in a strange world. For a full month, or even a month later, the support may not be able to be arranged, so it will most likely be in vain.

Therefore, it is wise to remain vigilant at this stage and not to enter energy channels rashly.

Zhou Xu estimated that he would have to wait until the opening period of the energy channel was shortened to half a month before he would consider going deeper.

And that obviously still has to wait.

You know, according to the latest statistics, the opening frequency of the energy channel on the grassland has only been reduced to seven days.

It is estimated that the merger of the two world fragments will have to wait until next year, no matter how soon.

It's autumn again, and logically speaking of this season, it's time for the rat people to take action.

However, this year is different from the past. From last winter to now, under the command of Li Ce, the southern border troops have been pressed outside the border of the rat people throughout the whole process, and the harassment against them has basically never stopped.

As the commander-in-chief of the Skaven Border, Jikumu wanted to take some actions, but he was unable to do so.

Long ago, their clan leader, Sharp Claw, had given an order to take a break this year and then start action next year.

Under this premise, due to the almost non-stop consumption of the Lizardmen throughout the year, the slave soldiers on the Ratmen side have been continuously depleted. At this point in time, there is no need to deliberately send several waves of rats to the opponent. to reduce their food pressure for the winter.

At the same time, inside the temple, Zhou Xuzheng was immersed in processing the work documents that had been sent to him. This day was peaceful and busy, but there was also a slight sense of tension.

After all, even if the Ratman who had appeared and the potential enemies on the other side connected to the energy channel on the mountain border could not threaten him for the time being, he could not really ignore them.

The most urgent thing is to seize the time and carry out internal development to enhance their overall strength.

As long as they are strong enough, they don't need to be afraid of any monsters or monsters that come.

After approving the last document at hand, Zhou Xu stretched out and stretched his muscles a little, then opened the rank panel of his 'Dragon Lord'.

During this period, in addition to official duties and physical exercise, Zhou Xu was mainly studying the "Dragon Lord" class panel and the existence of this class itself in his spare time.

Because of this rank, he has the highest authority, so when Zhou Xu senses it, he will not suffer backlash, but this does not mean that he will not consume it.

The more complex something is, the more expensive it is for him to perceive.

There is no doubt about the complexity of this 'Dragon Lord'. Even at his peak, it is enough for him to perceive it for more than ten minutes.

And the perception of these ten minutes is probably just the tip of the iceberg for this 'Dragon Lord'.

This also made Zhou Xu temporarily give up the idea of ​​studying 'programming'.

Judging from the current situation, it is more reliable for him to invest his strength in upgrading and strengthening various projects first. As for 'programming', it is better to wait until he becomes stronger and then slowly study it. .

Anyway, the 'Dragon Lord' is now in his possession, so there is no rush for this moment.

With this mentality, Zhou Xu now naturally focuses on upgrade projects.

Just a week ago, he casually clicked on the 'Lizard Man Speed ​​Enhancement' item to a level, and it hasn't been upgraded since.

This is because upgrading to the second level consumes more money. At the same time, after upgrading to the second level, there is a high probability that new items can be unlocked or connected, so he wants to leave as many mantras as possible after completing the upgrade operation. Strength, carry out subsequent upgrades, so as not to have to wait patiently when the time comes.

With the injection of mantra power, the 'Lizard Man Speed ​​Enhancement' project was quickly upgraded to level two.

Just as Zhou Xu had expected, the line extending from it finally connected to the "Green Lizard Short Spear Soldier" unit item.

But what he didn't expect was that almost at the same time that he connected to the "Green Lizard Spear Soldier" unit item, in the area next to him that was still shrouded in thick fog, a thick fog slowly dissipated, bright and clear. There is an icon that has not yet been unlocked and upgraded.

Obviously, his operation just now was invisible and fulfilled the prerequisites of this icon.

Seeing this, Zhou Xu couldn't wait to click on the icon to confirm the content.

"Boiling blood..."

Zhou Xu, who saw the name and glanced at the content, quickly knew what kind of project it was.

When they fought the lizard man before, the other party had used it! It's the opponent's method that can increase combat power!

It is different from other items that were only 'slightly' improved at the first level.

As long as this 'boiling blood' is unlocked at one level, you can get a 'small' amount of improvement.

In other words, you can directly get a 'significant' improvement by upgrading to level two!

This improvement is quite attractive, but of course, the price is painful.

Just as they had speculated before, after this ability is triggered, it will continue to burn its own blood, thereby in exchange for a comprehensive enhancement of physical fitness. At the same time, if a lizard man in a boiling blood state dies in battle, the remaining boiling blood in his body will It will evaporate into blood and be absorbed by the living lizard people, turning it into the opponent's power, thus extending the duration of the opponent's boiling blood state in disguise.

This is a skill that once activated, there is no way out and there will be no end!

At the same time, according to the project description, what the lizard people kept shouting when they launched the 'Boiling Blood' was actually dragon language, which can be understood as the mantra of the dragon clan.

And that sentence means ‘Dragon God’s protection! ’

After looking at the suicide skill of Boiling Blood, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on the two arms items of 'Blue Lizard Sword and Shield Soldier' ​​and 'Green Lizard Short Spear Soldier', and then he glanced back and forth between these items. Seems quite confused.

‘Boiling Blood’ is a skill that cannot be used easily unless it is a life-or-death situation. As long as it is used, there is a probability that the situation can be reversed, but the cost is also painful. In essence, it means dying with the enemy.

Compared with the extreme effect of 'Boiling Blood', other simple military items have much milder effects.

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