Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 582 Population exceeds 10,000

During this period of time, on the southern battlefield, due to Li Ce's tactical arrangements, although there were constant minor frictions with the Ratmen in the border area, their internal life in the Great Zhou Dynasty was relatively stable.

Zhou Xu liked this kind of life, stable and busy, and his internal development also steadily improved.

After spending a hot summer and entering autumn, their population in the Great Zhou Dynasty officially exceeded 10,000!

Of course, this increased population is not considered a labor force at all in Zhou Xu's eyes at this stage. They are all newborns within their empire.

And these newborns are mainly lizardmen.

There is no way, the population base of the lizard people is there, plus they lay several eggs in each nest, they are indeed better than them in laying eggs.

"Your Majesty, the files of newborn babies are basically all here. Currently, this is the only one with three-star potential."

In the temple, Wang Dong, holding a thick stack of reports, was reporting to Zhou Xu.

Compared with the adult population, those newborns are concentrated in one place, and it is undoubtedly more troublesome to check the panel.

Therefore, the first job of the Census Bureau after its establishment was to confirm the attribute panel of newborns.

Except for Wang Dong, the other five members are all novices and their early work efficiency was not high. It is good to be able to complete this work now.

Among nearly two thousand newborns, only one with three stars was born, and Zhou Xu didn't know whether his luck was good or bad.

After all, according to his standards, two stars are within the scope of ordinary people. Once a certain attribute reaches three stars, it will inevitably perform significantly differently from ordinary people.

There are not many talents in the world who are obviously different from ordinary people like this.

At the beginning, Zhou Xu was the panel of each population. Even ordinary people of two stars had to confirm their talents one by one and arrange the most suitable jobs for them.

There was no way, the population was in short supply at that time, and in Zhou Xu's view, everyone had to maximize their value.

But everyone knows that this idea is limited to when the scale is still small, so they can still arrange it, but once the scale expands to a certain level, this idea is unrealistic.

Fortunately, there is now a Census Bureau headed by Wang Dong.

While they were conducting the investigation and registration, they also completed a rough classification of each other's talents and abilities, and marked out suitable areas for them. After that, they only needed to roughly arrange them.

Wang Dong's work has obviously just begun...

According to their current work efficiency, it will be good if they can finish it before the end of the year. This is still assuming that Wang Dong has shouldered most of the workload. Otherwise, the five census enumerators alone may not be able to investigate until next year. over.

However, Zhou Xu estimated in his heart that after the five of them had seen all the people in their great Zhou Dynasty, their spiritual attributes should be raised to three stars.

At that time, the abilities of the five of them will increase with the improvement of star levels, and their efficiency will naturally increase in the future.

At the same time, at the border of Gunshan...

Considering that the border area is of vital importance, members of the construction engineering department in the mountainous area have come to the border as a priority and set up garrison camps for the border garrison headed by Shi Lei.

And according to Zhou Xu's instructions, all the mountains and forests near the border area were cleared, so that when the energy channel opens, it will be blocked by the mountains and cannot be discovered in time.

Their next job, to put it bluntly, is to patrol and garrison here every day, paying attention to energy channels that may be opened at any time.

Calculating the time, it has been almost a year since they discovered this area. During this year, this side of the border can be summed up in four words, that is, 'nothing happened'.

From the current point of view, their side of the border should be safe. According to Shi Lei's temperament of seeking stability in everything, this is undoubtedly a good thing.

As a result, just as he was thinking this, a whistle with a special rhythm came from the distance.

Hearing the whistle, Shi Lei, who was in the camp, suddenly became pale.

This whistle was specially set by them, and blowing it can only mean one thing, that is, an energy channel is opening!

Damn it, I just said it was safe here, but in the blink of an eye it was no longer safe!

At this moment, although Shi Lei was in a bad mood, he did not stop for a moment and rushed to the location where the whistle came from as quickly as possible.

When he arrived, the patrol team that was closer to here had already arrived first, and now a battle array had been set up around the opened energy channel.

The mountain soldiers who came with Shi Lei naturally immediately joined the ranks of the alert.

During this process, Shi Lei stood behind, looking at the energy channel with alert and curious eyes.

Having been based in the mountains all year round, this was the first time for him to see this opened energy channel with his own eyes, and he felt magical in his heart.

Before Shi Lei could take a few more glances, the opened energy channel began to rotate, shrinking smaller and smaller as it continued to rotate, and finally closed completely and disappeared.

Judging from the results, although the energy channel was opened, nothing unexpected happened.

"Who discovered this energy channel first?"

"Report to Captain, a subordinate found it."

A mountain soldier quickly stood up.

"When you discovered this energy channel, was it already formed or was it in the process of forming?"

"It's already taking shape."

After receiving this answer, Shi Lei nodded.

[In other words, I don’t know exactly when it was formed]

[According to the patrol frequency of the patrol team, the interval was almost ten minutes. The previous patrol team did not find the energy channel. By the time the next patrol team came over, the energy channel had already taken shape. At the moment the whistle sounded, this It took at most ten minutes for the energy channel to take shape. 】

[And when we rushed here, we estimated that the mountain road lasted seventeen or eight minutes, and it lasted about thirty minutes? 】

While doing some simple reasoning and analysis in his mind, Shi Lei immediately rushed back to the garrison camp and wrote a report, ordering the messenger to send it to their king as quickly as possible.

It was more than a month later when Zhou Xu received the news.

After almost a year of stability, the energy channel at the border of the mountains was finally opened.

Under this premise, the time interval for opening the energy channel is crucial.

In order to confirm this question, Zhou Xu called Bo Levin over again and successfully got the answer, one month!

Considering the distance between the two world fragments, the first appearance of the energy channel basically means that the two world fragments have reached a distance that attracts each other.

The time interval between this distance and the formation of the energy channel is basically one month.

After that, as the distance continues to get closer, the time interval will become shorter and shorter.

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