Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 581 Unlocking and Upgrading

In the temple of the lizard people, Zhou Xu was operating his 'Dragon Lord' class panel. Just now, he officially upgraded the 'Lizard People Endurance Enhancement' project to level three, which resulted in a significant increase in endurance. .

Compared with the small improvement at the second level, the upgrade of these third-level items consumes more money, and at the same time, the strengthening effect of the substantial improvement is also significant.

But the strange thing is that he has already upgraded this project to level three, but judging from the current situation, he has no intention of unlocking subsequent projects.

In response to this situation, Zhou Xu couldn't help but turn his attention to the other two projects that appeared at the same time.

[These three enhancement items strengthen strength, speed and endurance respectively. I am now specializing in upgrading endurance and cannot unlock subsequent items. Does that mean that the unlocking of subsequent items also requires the levels of the other two items? 】

Feeling the remaining strength in his body, more than a year has passed since he obtained the rank of 'Dragon Lord'. During this time, his strength has also been continuously improving, and the strength in his body has already begun. It's not as tight as it was at the beginning.

[Well, under the premise of ensuring that I will not be seriously exhausted, the power in our body now is more than enough to unlock a first-level item, but it is obviously not enough to upgrade that first-level item to the second level. 】

Regarding this issue, Zhou Xu didn't dwell too much on it. Anyway, it was just a matter of waiting for another ten days and a half.

With this thought, his eyes have fallen on the other two enhancement projects side by side, namely 'Lizard Man Strength Enhancement' and 'Lizard Man Speed ​​Enhancement'.

Faced with these two options, Zhou Xu didn't even think about it and directly chose to unlock the 'Lizard Man Strength Enhancement' first.

The battle with the rat men is more of a frontal attack. Compared with speed, the enhancement of strength can obviously produce better results.

Listening to the system prompts in his ears, Zhou Xu poured his power into it and completely lit up the icon of the enhanced item in one breath.

The whole process was very smooth and there were no accidents.

Successfully unlocking the 'Lizard Man Strength Enhancement' project that had been upgraded to the first level, Zhou Xu obtained the effect of 'a slight increase in strength' as ​​expected.

This level of improvement can only be said to be too inconspicuous. If you want the effect to be more obvious, you still have to start at the second level.

Of course, Zhou Xu, who had upgraded the 'Lizardman Endurance Enhancement' from level one to level three, had already calculated the consumption of each level.

Even if he didn't try, he knew that the remaining strength in his body would definitely not be enough.

Calm down, ten days and a half are just a matter of time for him to turn around.

After recovering enough strength, Zhou Xu directly upgraded the 'Lizard Man Strength Strengthening' project to the second level without saying a word.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a line derived from the project icons of 'Lizard Man Strength Enhancement' and 'Lizard Man Endurance Enhancement'. The two lines met in the middle and merged into one, ultimately pointing to the same military unit project. Blue Lizard Sword and Shield Soldier!

Since the lizardmen originally had Blue Lizard Sword and Shield Soldiers, Zhou Xu triggered the unlocking of this unit project as early as the beginning and obtained a basic first-level effect, slightly improving the Blue Lizard Sword. The overall quality of the shield soldier.

Now in this wave, he has finally connected the projects before and after.

At the same time, taking this opportunity, Zhou Xu also figured out one thing, that is, these three strengthening projects should only need to be upgraded to the second level to unlock subsequent projects. However, there are requirements for the number of projects, and they cannot be unlocked. Just upgrade one.

[Looking at this situation, I have to take some time to unlock and upgrade my speed to level two later. 】

Although the bonus for level 3 items is high, the cost of upgrading a level 3 item alone is higher than unlocking and upgrading level 1 items and level 2 items combined.

Previously, Zhou Xu focused on upgrading endurance because this attribute was the most useful in the battle with the Ratmen.

But now that his endurance has been strengthened, he obviously can't rise. From a cost-effective perspective, it's better to have both rain and dew.

Following those items, Zhou Xu's eyes swept across the panel.

Since a large number of items have been triggered and unlocked before, it is not difficult for Zhou Xu to guess where he will connect to after upgrading the 'Lizard Man Speed ​​Enhancement' to the second level.

This is most likely the Green Lizard Infantry.

What will happen next depends on how he upgrades these military units.

At first, there were too many items in this unit and he couldn't decide which one to upgrade.

And later he discovered that if there is no connection between projects, just triggering the unlocking, you can only get a basic bonus that triggers the unlocking, but there is no way to upgrade the project later.

In other words, if you want to upgrade, you still have to unlock and upgrade the prerequisite items.

At the same time, during this process, Zhou Xu realized that the ones he had unlocked and upgraded before were, to put it bluntly, basic projects. The real highlight was probably still in these military projects.

Thinking about it, this large-scale enhancement that covers the entire clan is definitely not as good as the targeted and exclusive enhancement of the troops.

[Unfortunately, as of now, in my class project, I am afraid there is no unit project such as lizardman spearman. 】

You know, the core unit he uses to fight against the Ratmen now is the spearman.

If there was a spearman unit item for him to unlock and upgrade, it would definitely be very effective.

But alas no.

Zhou Xu was not surprised at all by this result.

Lizardmen living in an environment like a tropical rain forest have no room to use spears under normal circumstances.

Don't forget, the class of 'Dragon Lord' is equivalent to a complete program. When a programmer writes a program, he must follow the ideas he has set, and those things that don't exist at the beginning How could it be possible to write something into it?

[Maybe one day I will figure out the 'programming' aspect, and I can add a 'lizard spearman' project into it. 】

Of course, don't think about it now.

Zhou Xu currently has no skills and no qualifications. This rank of 'Dragon Lord' was created by Dragon God Ceylan.

If we compare him to a programmer, he must be at the top level in the world. He is a newbie who has just started, maybe not even a beginner, and wants to stuff something into this program? Isn't that a foolish dream?

But in contrast, he has absolute authority over this 'Dragon Lord'. In other words, he can study it at will.

Unlike the previous 'elf' sample, as soon as he tried to peek deeply, he would suffer the backlash of the protective mechanism, making him dare not act rashly at all.

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