Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 580 Winter passes and spring comes

This winter, in the war with the rat people in the southern border, under the premise that the rat people had no intention of launching a further attack, Li Ce had the entire initiative firmly in his hands.

Their border troops took the initiative and launched constant harassment and attacks directly outside the rat men's frontline lairs, disturbing the rat men's border garrison troops.

As the commander-in-chief of the Skaven border, Jicumu could not take the initiative to attack, and could not retreat and run away. He could only stay there silently, and his mentality was very bad recently.

On the Zhou side, Li Ce's move directly pushed the battle beyond the opposite border, stabilized his own border area, and added a lot of convenience to the subsequent construction of the border wall.

The construction of the southern city wall can be said to be the most important project in the New World at this stage. With the masonry already in place, other work of the construction engineering department here must be put aside first, and all the labor force can be concentrated on this project. Engineering.

It was said that a city wall was to be built on the border, but Zhou Xu obviously did not intend to enclose the entire border. Everyone knew that this was unrealistic at this stage.

At this stage, the city wall is mainly used to enclose the garrison camps on their border and enhance the defensive capabilities of the garrison camps, so that they can appear more calm when facing the attack of the rat tide.

Under the premise that two thousand lizardmen can be stationed all year round, and if necessary, the border defense force can even be increased to four to five thousand, the scale of the garrison camp here is naturally not small.

Taking into account the subsequent development, according to Zhou Xu's wishes, they expanded the scope of the city wall by two circles to reserve space for the subsequent internal development.

After all, once the city wall is built, it will be very troublesome to expand it later.

In the busyness, time passed quietly. Winter passed and spring came. The Old Continent basically rested for the whole winter and began to be busy with spring plowing work. But here in the New Continent, there was basically no idle time.

Regarding this situation, Zhou Xu can only say that each has its own advantages.

Here in the Old Continent, adequate rest in winter will allow people to be in a better working condition after spring.

But here in the New World, there is basically no such long vacation. You can just work non-stop all year round. The advantage is that you have more time for development.

In the southern region, this winter is a wonderful experience for the lizard garrison here.

Although they often go to war with the rat men in winter, there has never been a year like this year when they took the initiative and harassed the rat men.

The harassment tactic itself does not require too much troops, and with proper rotation arrangements, they can maintain a very good condition even after working hard all winter.

If the rat men launched an offensive at this time, they would be able to respond without fear at all.

However, the ratmen, who had been harassed by the lizardmen's troops all winter, how could they be in such a state to launch an attack immediately?

Their work all winter was not in vain. As soon as the lizard men's harassing troops appeared, even if the rat men were unwilling, they would have to send troops to attack them. Otherwise, the lizard men's troops would go directly to their frontline lairs. , destroying their rat nests.

And as soon as the Ratmen attack, the damage has already been done.

If it continues to be consumed like this for a winter, even the Rat Man will not be in good condition.

At this moment, inside the frontline lair, and hearing the news that the lizard men's harassing troops had appeared nearby again, Jikumu's expression suddenly dropped.

[If I had known about those early winter games, I shouldn’t have sent out a wave of rats! Then I can fight more comfortably later! 】

In the previous winter, the ratmen first sent out rat waves to fight a war of attrition, and it was also to reduce the internal food pressure for the winter.

Who would have expected that after those rounds of rat tides were consumed, the offensive and defensive forces on the border were reversed.

In the original plan, there was no plan to launch a large-scale attack, and Jikumu used the rat tide to consume his troops in advance. How could he still have enough troops at hand for him to dispatch later?

The fact that we have been able to hold on until now is the result of applying for troop support from the rear.

At the moment, the lizardmen are firmly in control. They can only passively accept attacks throughout the whole process, and they are constantly being consumed by the opponent. This situation is terrible no matter how you look at it.

From Jicumu's perspective, they now need to gather enough troops to directly launch a strong attack on the lizardmen on the opposite side, forcing both sides to change their offensive and defensive positions.

But unfortunately, according to the current state of their front lines, they may not be able to do this at all.

According to Jikum's opinion, they might not have to spend this year recuperating.

It's a bit incredible when you think about it.

After all, everyone knows that with the huge rat tide, they rat people are the best at fighting a war of attrition. Who would have thought that one day they would also be wasted?

The root cause...

[Sure enough, it’s still because of that tactic. 】

At this moment, Jikum's mind subconsciously recalled the spear array that defeated their rat tide many times.

Needless to say, this was one of the key factors that led to their frustration and the current situation.

In the past winter, even if they only sent out a few waves of rats to consume them, even if the lizardmen could resolve them, they would never be able to resolve them so easily.

It is often the lizardmen who invest their troops and spend a lot of time to clean up the rat tide.

During this period, the lizardmen will be unable to immediately carry out follow-up actions due to the consumption of their state, and will be forced to take a rest, thereby being dragged into a vicious cycle.

But that tactic broke the situation all of a sudden.

[In that tight formation, the rat tide was unable to disperse them from the front. 】

[Attack from both sides. Speed ​​dragon cavalry were also arranged on both sides to resist the attack, and there were even green lizard infantry to cover the outside. 】

Thinking of this, Jicumu really had a headache.

From the current point of view, this formation is like an iron barrel, leaving him unable to find a breakthrough.

The only time they destroyed the opponent's formation was on the battlefield the winter of the year before last. At that time, the clan leader Sharp Claw personally led the rat army to the front line, and used the rat tide to cooperate with the giant rat knights to contain the opposing speed dragon cavalry, and took the opportunity to overwhelm the opponent. formation.

[You still have to use giant rat knights and use cavalry to deal with cavalry! 】

Jicumu frowned even more when he came to this conclusion.

The giant rat knights belong to the regular army. Unlike the rat tide composed of slave soldiers, they rat men will not easily use the regular army unless they want to launch a serious attack.

Under this premise, most of the regular army's troops are held in the hands of the clan leader's claws, and he only has a small part in his hands, which is simply not enough.

In other words, this matter has to be consulted with Talon, and he cannot have the final say, so in many cases, he, the border commander, actually has nothing to do.

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