Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 571 To give birth to a child

The granting of ‘Elementary Weapon Blessing’ is simple.

Because this is different from the mantras on Zhou Xu's body, it is equivalent to a complete program, and it is also a program that is 'replicable' and can even automatically copy itself.

Under this premise, the only thing Zhou Xu needs to do if he wants others to obtain the 'primary weapon blessing' is to constantly take out the copies from his body and give them to the other party.

This process is actually quite simple.

In comparison, the subsequent process of mastering the mantra may be more difficult.

Wang Dong, who took on the teaching job and wanted to get rid of this enchanting job as soon as possible, naturally taught with all his heart.

It has to be said that the prairie elves have quite good qualifications in this area. Each one of them, although their recitation is not yet smooth, has quickly reached a level where they can effectively trigger the mantra.

At this point, the Enchanting Department that was established later became operational faster than the Census Bureau that was established earlier.

Of course, the efficiency at this stage is not high.

Even if the prairie elves are born with stronger spiritual power than ordinary humans, under normal circumstances, it will not exceed it too much. More of it exists in their potential and needs to be developed through continuous exercise.

At this stage, they usually use it two or three times, no more than four or five times at most, and then stop.

For the first time, they felt the power of the mantra being seriously depleted. The prairie elves who were now members of the enchantment department all felt dizzy.

There is no doubt that this is a high-paying job, but the money is obviously not that easy to earn.

As for the enchanting work here, I'm not so anxious at the moment. Let the prairie elves take their time.

Anyway, the salary at the end of the month is calculated based on the number of weapons each of them has enchanted.

After that, Zhou Xu spent a while and gave the 'Eye of Insight' to the five grassland elves one by one. He didn't need to worry about the next thing for the time being.

Counting the time, he has been in Black Moon Village for nearly a month.

During this month, along with the new dishes introduced in the canteen, the spices he found from the New World became completely popular.

At the same time, it also emptied many people's wallets, making everyone's urge to make money unprecedentedly high!

The smooth promotion in Black Moon Village allowed Zhou Xu to promote the spice to other villages.

After a month, they had already heard about the spices in Black Moon Village. Once they promoted them, they became a huge success and Zhou Xu made a lot of money.

Zhou Xu didn't keep much of the collected funds, so he invested them as construction funds for a brick-burning factory.

Needless to say, the brick-burning technology has been studied and understood by them now, and the next step is to build a factory.

Normally speaking, the best location for building this brick-making factory is definitely in Salt Lake Village. Not only is the environment suitable, but also suitable raw materials can be collected nearby, which can be used for firing after processing.

In fact, Zhou Xu originally thought so too.

But while waiting, he had other thoughts in his mind.

After the brick-burning factory is built, his first batch of bricks will be used to build the city wall on the southern border of the New World.

Based on this premise, the distance from the lizard tribe to the southern border is already quite far. If it is burned and transported from Salt Lake Village, it will be even further, and it will also greatly increase their internal transportation pressure.

The simplest way to solve this problem is to open a brick-burning factory directly in the New World.

After making up his mind, Zhou Xu didn't plan to stay any longer in Black Moon Village. Anyway, he had already arranged all the things to be arranged here.

The most important thing right now is to quickly open up the brick-burning factory so that the southern border can build a city wall to better resist the daily harassment from the rat people and the large-scale invasion that may break out at any time.

Zhou Xu, who had determined his idea, came to the New World again with all the people and resources he wanted to bring when the next energy channel opened.

Waiting here to pick him up are still the elf knights headed by Silk.

Looking at Silk, Zhou Xu suddenly remembered something and spoke quickly...

"Oh, by the way, Silk, I plan to transfer the elf knights headed by you to serve as my personal guards. What do you think?"

Hilke was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect such a thing to happen.

In fact, it didn't matter to him. They prairie elves were not war mad, but in order to protect their compatriots and homeland, they didn't mind killing the enemy on the front line.

However, Hilke, who felt a little strange in his heart, couldn't help but ask.

"Your Majesty, can I ask the reason?"

From Silk's point of view, the internal peace of their great Zhou Dynasty is very peaceful, and the people are also loyal. Why does their king need any personal guards?

And on the battlefield, every soldier of their great Zhou Dynasty was a guard to protect him! Even their king himself can directly raise a skeleton army. It doesn't make much sense to have such a personal guard.

At this moment, Zhou Xu showed a meaningful smile in response to Hilke's doubts.

"Of course this is to give you some time to have a baby. You guys stay in the army every day. Do you want to have this baby?"

"Ah this. This."

As soon as he said these words, Silk's elf ears turned red instantly, and his mouth even faltered, and he was speechless for a while.

"Your Majesty, please stop joking."

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious. This is a major event related to the survival of your prairie elves."

I have to say that Zhou Xu is indeed serious.

This time when he went back to Black Moon Village, he saw many women holding babies in their arms. Leaving aside those who were stillborn, there were also many newborns who were successfully born in their country.

Looking at these newborns, Zhou Xu couldn't help but think of the grassland elves with the smallest population in their country.

Silk and the others have been in the army all year round and stay in the military camp, so they definitely have no time to have children.

In the past, he had no choice. He didn't have enough troops on hand. In addition, the elf knights were highly functional and could fight together. In order to ensure his side's combat power, he could only keep them participating in the war.

But it was different now. After recruiting the lizardmen, he suddenly had more troops.

In this way, there is no need to cling to the elf knights in terms of military strength.

But he felt it would be too wasteful to let Silk and the others retire like this.

Especially Silke, this is his first five-star general! You haven't even grown up yet, so you're retiring and going home to have a baby?

In this way, Zhou Xu thought for a moment, is there a way that allows them to have enough time to have children without having to retire.

The conclusion reached was the SS.

Even Silk himself could see that he didn't really need the Guards, and this job was destined to be leisurely.

As long as they plan properly and adopt a shift system, they can ensure that they not only have time to train, but also have time to fall in love and have a baby.

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