Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 572 Development and Implementation

Silke finally agreed to Zhou Xu's arrangement.

Although he is still young, what their king said makes sense. If they want their grassland elves to continue better, they themselves must work harder.

"Then the matter is settled. Later I will ask Li Ce to dispatch a team to take over your shift. You have also worked hard during this period. After completing the handover of work, I will give you two months' leave, two Come and report to me again in a few months."


After simply arranging things for Hilke and the others, Zhou Xu expertly rode the Velociraptor and returned to the temple.

"Subordinates, please see your Majesty!"

After not seeing each other for a month, Bo Levin had not changed much.

"Did anything happen while I was away?"

"Reporting to your Majesty, nothing happened."

For now, the biggest trouble in the New World is the rat people. As long as nothing big happens to the rat people, basically nothing will happen here.

After briefly understanding the situation, Zhou Xu changed the subject and began to talk about some of the subsequent developments here.

In addition to the establishment of the brick-burning factory, of course it also included the upgrading and even reconstruction of many facilities.

In the past month, he has successfully transferred lizardman craftsmen from the New World and exchanged with the construction engineering department of the Old World for several masters who can lead teams to carry out projects here.

These old masters can just parachute down anyway. The lizard people obey his orders. As long as it is an order given by him, the lizard people will not have any objection.

The branch of the Construction Engineering Department in the New World was successfully established in a few words from Zhou Xu.

"There's no time for you guys to rest. Your first job here is to build a mining farm!"

There is a sharp crystal mine near the lizard tribe. When Zhou Xu brought the miners here, he temporarily reinforced the mine to facilitate mining.

But compared with their mining farm in Dazhou, both the scale and facilities here are obviously not good enough.

Now that the engineering team has arrived, Zhou Xu will naturally upgrade them to further improve the work efficiency of the miners.

After receiving the order, the attitude of the lizardman craftsmen was very clear, whatever you say, we will do it.

This indeed saved a lot of trouble for the masters who came down from the air.

After a simple run-in, a series of work has begun slowly.

During this period, Zhou Xu also circled around this mine.

He has only been to the mine two or three times. If he was to say how familiar he was with this area, he obviously wasn't.

Zhou Xu, who had come around in a circle, fell into a little entanglement.

As early as when he was in Black Moon Village, he had already been thinking about where the brick-burning factory would be built.

From a convenience point of view, it would definitely be the easiest to build it directly next to the mine.

But in this case, the vegetation here will have to be cleared on a large scale to free up space. At the same time, it is estimated that it will have a certain impact on the surrounding environment.

In addition, the mining field and the brick-burning factory, once these two sites are located here, they will probably restrict each other's expansion.

There was no choice but to locate the mining field here. The veins were here, but Zhou Xu had not thought about whether he should locate the brick-burning factory here. But now that it had come full circle, he had basically made up his mind.

"It's decided, the brick-burning factory will be established in the original centaur clan's territory!"

Ever since the centaur clan migrated to the prairie, that land has been empty.

Later, he incorporated the lizard people, and the land there was naturally included in his own territory, and he also went to inspect the environment.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is indeed a good and suitable place. Not only is the terrain flat, but there is water nearby, and there is a guarantee of survival. The only inconvenient place is that some of the raw materials for making bricks must come from the mines here. Ship it over.

But with monitor lizards transporting goods, this problem is actually not that difficult to solve.

From a long-term perspective, this choice is definitely the right one.

At this moment, Zhou Xu had already thought about how he wanted to develop the land where the Centaurs originally lived into an industrial factory like Salt Lake Village.

For similar places here, just gather them all over there.

After making up his mind, Zhou Xu was not ambiguous at all and immediately moved over there with part of his manpower.

It didn't take much time to get there when there was a horse for transportation.

"This is it. You put your things down first and take a look around. I also want to make some plans and think about it."

Now that he has made up his mind to develop this area into an industrial factory area like Salt Lake Village, before building the first factory, he must first plan the land and fully utilize the relatively limited space in the area. Take advantage of it.

For Zhou Xu, who had already had similar planning experience, this was not that difficult.

After basically confirming the circle, Zhou Xu spread out a piece of animal skin paper, picked up a charcoal pencil that was convenient for correction, and started drawing.

A sketch was drawn very quickly. After roughly demarcating the area, Zhou Xu called the accompanying old master over.

"Let's take a look. The open space here is roughly planned like this. The brick-burning factory will be built at this location."

Comparing the sketch of the plan drawn by their king and looking at the open space in front of him, the old master basically had an idea.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, your subordinates are well taken care of."

"Okay, then the construction of the brick-burning factory will be left to you."

After building the brick-burning factory, that is only the first step. Only after the brick-burning factory is built can they start burning bricks. With the bricks, they can go to the southern border to build the city wall. At this stage, they are undoubtedly still far away.

However, Zhou Xu also knew in his heart that he couldn't be anxious about this matter. At this time, what he had to do was to remain patient and do what he should do.

In the next two months, after the initial run-in, the construction engineering branch here completed the construction of the mining site and the brick-burning factory.

At this point, the two facilities here are finally officially operational.

Of course, the work of the construction engineering branch obviously does not end here.

Their next step is to follow Zhou Xu's wishes and reduce the number of lizard people's living areas in this tropical rain forest to four while upgrading each living area.

To put it simply, it can be understood that in addition to the clan area where the Lizardman Temple is located, they also need to build three villages in this tropical rain forest.

After that, they had to plan the movement routes between these villages and open up roads, which was undoubtedly quite busy.

If nothing else, there should be an update after 10:30 today

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