Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 570 New Department (2) (Additional update if monthly tickets accumulate 300)

Living in this era, they lack understanding of many vocabulary words.

The Census Bureau, from the perspective of the five prairie elves, is a department that you can’t quite figure out what it is going to do just by hearing its name.

Zhou Xu would naturally explain this to them.

"The main content of this job, to put it simply, is to conduct a survey and registration of every population in our country. On this basis, you also have a very important job, which is to discover talents and then report them to me. report."

If they can still understand the aforementioned population survey and registration, then they really don’t know what to do about the following matters.

Faced with this problem, one of the prairie elves could not help but express...

"Your Majesty, how should we judge whether he is a talent?"

"This is very simple. When the time comes, I will give you a pair of eyes that can see through everything. With these eyes, you can directly see through a person's essence and understand his talents and potential."

Listening to these words, the grassland elves below couldn't help but exclaim. Although they themselves are a race with extraordinary abilities, some of their king's methods are still beyond their imagination.

The ability to give one's own abilities to others at will, in their view, is a means only possessed by gods.

Invisibly, the reverence for Zhou Xu in the hearts of the five grassland elves also became stronger.

And when this matter came to this point, it was already very clear what Zhou Xu wanted to do.

In fact, Zhou Xu had already been considering this issue before. After all, the population was increasing. He and Wang Dong alone could no longer handle it now.

Under this premise, we have to look for talents, right?

To this end, the best way is to give the ‘Eye of Insight’ to the right people and let these people help him find it.

While these people need to be loyal enough, they also have requirements for talent, that is, their mental attributes must have at least three-star potential.

According to the strength of ordinary people, the mantra will stop using it only a few times. If you want to be able to use the mantra relatively frequently, the mental attributes of three stars are basic.

Under this premise, there are only a handful of three-star talents in the human race, and they really can't find this candidate.

On the other hand, the prairie elves probably have racial advantages. The spiritual attributes of those prairie elves basically have three-star potential.

It's just that Zhou Xu had just surrendered before, so he wasn't confident about them, so he didn't start to formally arrange this matter until now.

In addition to the requirements for mental attributes, since you want to register, you must also master the ability to read and write.

To be honest, none of these five prairie elves have it, but compared with talent and potential, these are minor problems, and they can all be learned anyway.

"Your Majesty, Teacher Wang is outside."

No, the teacher is here.

"Let him in."

Soon, Wang Dong walked in from outside.

When Zhou Xu sent someone to call him over, he told him that there were five students here who needed him to teach them how to read and write, so Wang Dong was in a very high mood at this time.

"Are they just the five of them?"

Wang Dong was stunned for a moment when he saw that these five were still prairie elves, but then he became more interested. He had not taught any prairie elves yet.

Obviously, he can't wait to start his teaching task.

Seeing Wang Dong like this, Zhou Xu smiled and told him not to get too excited, and then briefly explained the situation to Wang Dong.

In the process, the smile on Wang Dong's face gradually disappeared.

Almost as soon as Zhou Xu finished speaking, he turned into a disgusting face.

Because just now, Wang Dong discovered that he had another position on his head, that of the director of the Laoshizi Census Bureau.

In fact, if you think about it, you can see that for now, Wang Dong is indeed the most suitable candidate.

With full spiritual attributes, he also has the 'eye of insight'. While he can read himself, he can also teach others how to read. There is no better candidate than him.

Looking at Wang Dong's stinky face, Zhou Xu walked over with a smile without putting on any airs, hooked his arm on Wang Dong's shoulder and walked to the edge.

"In exchange, I will recruit a group of grassland elves later, form an enchanting department, and let them be responsible for the future enchanting work. As long as you teach them how to use the enchanting mantra, they will be responsible for the enchanting work under normal circumstances. "

Upon hearing this, Wang Dong's eyes suddenly lit up.

If you think about it carefully, while staying in the Census Bureau, you should also teach them how to read, hyphenate, and round words. This can be regarded as engaging in education.

The most important thing is that compared to the boring enchantment work, this job is much more interesting.

"That's okay!"

After Yu Wangdong reached an agreement, Zhou Xu didn't waste any time and immediately ordered a prairie elf to signal the other party to come forward.

"Let's start with you."

This time, his mantra power had been fully restored, but he did not expend any energy to upgrade the 'Dragon Lord' class project.

He did this in order to retain his power and give the mantra to these prairie elves.

Compared with the time when he gave Li Ce and others the mantra earlier, the power of his mantra at this time is much stronger, and he is naturally much more comfortable in operating it.

During this process, Zhou Xu was basically certain that the higher the level of mantra given to him, the greater his consumption would be. On the contrary, the lower level mantra would be easier to give.

Of course, even now that he was comfortable, Zhou Xu still took his time one by one and had no intention of finishing them all at once.

So what if it’s all given in one go?

These prairie elves still have to learn to read and write, and they can't start work right away.

So why doesn't he just relax and take his time?

On the other side, the work arrangements for the enchanting craftsmen need to be started quickly.

After all, in terms of military armament, Zhou Xu's goal in the next stage is to replace all the permanent troops in the southern border with enchanted weapons.

At the same time, considering that once the war with the Skaven begins, there will be a massive expansion of the army. For this reason, more enchanted weapons will be needed.

At this stage, due to the relatively small pressure of war, there is not much pressure on the efficiency of weapon forging.

But when it comes to enchantment, the pressure is great.

Because looking at the entire Zhou Dynasty, there are only two people with this ability at this stage, one is Zhou Xu and the other is Wang Dong.

When Teacher Wang stopped working and Zhou Xu had no time to do this, this piece of work naturally came to a halt.

At this time, in the enchanting room next to the polishing department, the entire room was completely filled with weapons waiting for enchantment.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu also quickly called over the confirmed candidates for enchantment craftsmen, and began to give them the mantra power of 'Elementary Weapon Blessing', and asked Wang Dong to teach them so that they could master it as soon as possible and start work as soon as possible.

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