Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 567 Development Restarts

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. On the plain, with the opening of the energy channel, Zhou Xu embarked on the return journey with the carriage transporting supplies.

Counting the days, it didn't take long for him to leave. Prairie Village is still the same, with no changes.

He didn't plan to stay longer, but after a brief inspection here and a short rest, Zhou Xu led the team to Black Moon Village.

This season, the scene in Black Moon Village is much more spectacular.

On the large farmland outside the village, cattle and farmers are busy there.

Following the dirt road in the middle and passing through the farmland, Zhou Xu arrived at the entrance of the village. After receiving the news in advance, the village chief Zhang Xiaoshan, who had been waiting there, naturally welcomed him in quickly.

It was getting dark now, so Zhou Xu returned to his residence and went to bed early after dinner.

Early the next morning, key ministers from surrounding departments gathered in the meeting hall and held a court meeting.

Different from the previous time when they were debating whether to take the initiative or to temporarily cease fighting and recuperate, now thanks to the strength of the lizard people, the pressure within the Zhou people has been greatly reduced, and they can be considered to have spent the winter peacefully. .

At this time, the topic in the court meeting has shifted to various aspects of their internal development in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The internal development that has been stagnant for such a long time is finally running again, making everyone very energetic at the moment.

However, there are actually not many new projects launched at this stage. Most of them are old projects that were forced to stop due to the outbreak of the war and insufficient labor and resources. Now they are being restarted one after another.

Of course, there are also new projects, that is, the research on brick-burning technology and the establishment of brick-burning factories.

As for the content of baking bricks, Zhou Xu had already sorted out his ideas when chatting with Wang Pengfei. From the current point of view, there should be no technical difficulties. The focus is still on the proportion of ingredients.

After things are arranged, if you spend more time on research and testing, you should be able to get the results.

As long as the brick-burning technology is researched and a brick-burning factory is established, with the advent of stone bricks, their architectural level in the Great Zhou Dynasty will also be raised to a new level.

This affects not only civilian buildings, but also military facilities and even defense facilities including city walls!

When two armies are at war, as the defender, the strength of defense facilities is crucial.

In the age of cold weapons, a sufficiently powerful defense facility could even withstand an attack that exceeded ten times the strength of the defenders!

While the city wall is the main component of defense facilities, it is also the core carrier of most defense facilities, and they all rely on the city wall to function.

Therefore, the strength and height of the city wall will greatly affect the strength of the defense.

Under this premise, what affects the strength and height of the city wall?

In addition to construction technology, it is also important to look at building materials, and bricks, which form the main body, are naturally the top priority.

If nothing else goes wrong, after the bricks are successfully developed, the first thing Zhou Xu will do is to build a wall on the southern border of the lizard people.

On the premise that their 'neighbors' will exist for a long time, this can further alleviate the threat posed by the Ratmen to them, making their southern border more stable and their internal development more comfortable.

In Zhou Xu's simple explanation, all the key ministers undoubtedly clearly understood the importance of the brick-burning factory. Therefore, the project surrounding the bricks successfully gained the support of all employees and was smoothly arranged. Go down.

And among the many projects they discussed during this trip, most of them will involve one department, and that is the Construction Engineering Department!

If they want to develop internally, the contribution of the construction and engineering department is indispensable.

Now, if the lizard people in the New World want to carry out construction, they will undoubtedly need to dispatch manpower from the Construction Engineering Department.

As soon as Zhou Xu's intention came out, the meeting hall suddenly fell into a strange calm.

A group of people were standing in the hall. Now you looked at me and I looked at you, but there was no sound.

In the end, Zhang Xiaoshan was more responsible and stood up bravely.

"Your Majesty, according to the current workload of the Construction Engineering Department, it may be difficult to redeploy manpower to the New World."

While talking, Zhang Xiaoshan gave an overview of the current situation of the Construction Engineering Department.

If you think about it carefully, ever since Zhou Xu established the construction engineering department, this department has been in a state of constant rotation, with basically no serious rest time.

At the same time, it is precisely because the workload that this department needs to bear is too huge, so many of the hard laborers that will be recruited by Shi Lei will be given priority to them.

According to the latest statistics, the total number of members of the Construction Engineering Department has reached 279!

Of course, not all of the two hundred or so people were gathered in one place.

Instead, branches of various construction engineering departments were established in each village, each responsible for the projects in each village.

However, many times, when the tasks are heavy, each branch will often be asked to borrow people. The mobility of employees between various branches is still very high.

For example, right now, there are nearly a hundred people, led by the original minister Wang Dashi, who are busy inside the mountains.

The fundamental reason is that while Shi Lei was collecting the population, he occupied one mountain after another. They couldn't just throw away the people after collecting them, right?

In this way, if they want these mountains to become their territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, they have to build villages on those mountains.

At that time, this report was sent to Zhou Xu. It is estimated that there are still two mountain villages under construction at this time.

After all, there is still a camp stronghold on the lizard people side. On the other side of the mountains, the latest occupied areas are only simpler primitive tribes. There is no need to say which side is more anxious.

At the same time, even if the construction of those mountain villages is completed, the mountain villages in the mountains tend to be crude, and there is still work to be done in the later stages of construction. Wang Dashi and the others simply cannot leave.

As for the other branch members scattered in various villages, none of them are idle.

After the restoration of development in Da Zhou, the projects they were currently busy with were all the projects that had been stopped due to the war.

These projects have been suspended for a long time due to the war. Will they be interrupted again this time because of the lizard people? This cannot be justified.

Zhou Xude admitted that what they said was very reasonable.

Fortunately, Zhou Xu had some plans in advance before raising this matter.

"Otherwise, the lizard people themselves also have certain technical capabilities. You must have seen the green lizard craftsmen working in the polishing department now. Although their technology is backward, their craftsmanship is exquisite. In terms of construction projects, the lizard people also have similar craftsmen."

After hearing this, many people at the scene had already reacted.

"I can exchange these lizardman craftsmen with the existing craftsmen from the construction engineering department. I just need to replace a few experienced old craftsmen to lead the team there. How about that?"

In the Construction Engineering Department, there is no doubt about the value of an experienced craftsman, but they have been working on projects for a long time, and they have now accumulated a group of experienced craftsmen.

Under this premise, it would not be impossible if the lizard people could provide a sufficient amount of labor force for exchange.

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